Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1219 See if I dare!

Chapter 1219 Look how dare I dare!

After glancing at Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa, the young man went straight to the clerk, handed a low-grade fairy ring in his hand to Wang Yuan, "Brother Wang, I have rented this shop!"

"There are 1.2 million low-grade immortal stones in it, and the extra 200,000 is my kindness."

Hearing this, there was a slight hesitation in Wang Yuan's eyes, and then he returned to normal, "Wang Yuan appreciates Young Master Xia's kindness."

"But everything comes first, first served. If they can't afford it, you can rent it again."

Hearing this, Xia Houshuo smiled, looked sideways at Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa, and said calmly, "Are you deaf?"

"My young master has rented this shop, so please leave quickly for me."

After hearing this, Tan Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Houshuo.

"Poor ghost, this is my reward for you." Xia Houshuo flipped his right hand, and another fairy ring appeared in his hand, like throwing food to a dog or a beggar, and threw it at Tan Yun's feet. "There are ten thousand low-grade immortal stones in it, take them and quickly disappear in front of me."

Tan Yun lowered his head and glanced at the fairy ring on the ground, then slowly raised his head and glanced sideways at Chu Xiaosa who was restraining his anger, and said lightly: "Such a shame, can you bear it?"

"I can't bear it!" Chu Xiaosa clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"Then why are you still standing there?" Tan Yun suddenly said sharply, "Fuck you!"

As soon as Tan Yun finished speaking, Chu Xiaosa, who was at the fourth level of the Punishment Wonderland, suddenly took a step like lightning, and slapped Xia Houshuo on the face with a wave of his hand!


When the crisp sound sounded, Xia Houshuo was slapped and sent flying in the air, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out of the hall backwards!

"Bang!" With a loud sound, it hit the street on all fours!

Faced with this scene, Wang Yuan was startled, secretly thinking who are Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa in front of him?

He didn't even ask about Xia Houshuo's identity, and beat him up when he said he would hit him!

At the same time, Wang Yuan couldn't help being puzzled. In his opinion, Tan Yun couldn't even get a million low-grade immortal stones, so it stands to reason that he should have no background?

But without any background, he just did what he said. Could it be that he is a fool?

Wang Yuan didn't step forward to intervene in the dispute between Tan Yun and Xia Houshuo. After all, he was just a buddy and didn't want to get involved in this muddy water!

On the street, Xia Houshuo covered his face with his left hand, got up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with two teeth, and suddenly roared hoarsely: "You dare to hit me!"

"Do you know who this young master is!"

Facing the scolding, Tan Yun said indifferently: "You live in the outer city like me, how noble can you be? You bastard!"

"Yeah! I'm so angry!" Xia Houshuo roared at the immortals who were watching in the street, "Get out of here!"

Among the onlookers, there were many immortals of the seventh and eighth ranks of Punishment Immortal Realm, but when they faced Xia Houshuo's insults, not only did they not fight back, they even scattered!

While avoiding, everyone whispered:

"Who are these two people? They even dare to beat the third young master in Xiahou's mansion!"

"That's right! That's right! Xia Houshuo's eldest brother, and his father both serve in the army..."


At this time, Xia Houshuo said sharply: "Where are you? My young master has been beaten, what about you!"

In the next moment, the afterimages of the six paths descended from the sky in front of Xia Houshuo, turning into six gray-robed middle-aged men of the sixth level of the Immortal Punishment Realm.

"Third young masters..." As soon as one of them opened his mouth, Xia Houshuo slapped him across the face, "What are you doing? You guys came here after I was beaten!"

"This subordinate knows his mistake!" The six immediately knelt on one knee.

Xia Houshuo stretched out a finger and pointed angrily at Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa in the store's head office, "Go and destroy them both!"

"Your subordinates obey!" When the six guards of the Xiahou Mansion were about to rush into the head office of the shop, a white-haired old man in his seventies came out of the main hall on the first floor of the head office.

"I have seen the steward!" Wang Yuan hastily bowed to the old man.

The old man's name is Zhang Yihan, and he is the manager of the store's head office.

Zhang Yihan nodded, then glanced at Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa, then fixed his eyes on Chu Xiaosa, and said indifferently: "Young man, my head office is not the place for you to settle your grievances."

"You two are making loud noises in my head office, especially when you fight. This is disrespect to my head office."

"Are you two going out by yourself, or is this old man throwing you out?"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful aura emanated from Zhang Yihan's body and enveloped Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa!

"Creak creak!"

Chu Xiaosa's complexion changed drastically immediately, and there were bead-sized beads of sweat on his forehead. He felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, and the bones all over his body creaked, as if they would break at any moment!

"This person is worthy of being a first-level powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, so powerful!" Tan Yun's heart trembled, his body shook, and he bowed to Zhang Yihan without changing his expression: "Guard Zhang calm down, this junior has no intention of offending your bank. "

"Don't bother you to take action, the two juniors will go out by themselves."

As he said that, Tan Yun took a step sideways, holding Chu Xiaosa, who was trembling and unable to move, with his left hand, and stepped out of the head office of the store!

"It's not easy!" Zhang Yihan looked at Tan Yun, his back was walking steadily, and his cloudy eyes revealed an unconcealable shock and admiration!

He is conceited, the aura coercion he exerted just now is enough to easily suppress the third-level immortal of the Punishment Immortal Realm!

But what he never expected was that Chu Xiaosa, who was at the fourth level of the Immortal Punishment Realm, could hardly take a step under the pressure of his own breath, but Tan Yun, who was at the first level of the Immortal Punishment Realm, carried Chu Xiaosa and was unscathed. Stepped out of the palace gate!

With uncontrollable shock, Zhang Yihan looked sideways at Wang Yuan, and asked, "What is the origin of the boy who is the first-level boy in Punishment Immortal Realm? Also, how did he conflict with the third young master of Xiahou Mansion?"

Immediately, while listening to Wang Yuan's narration, Zhang Yihan looked outside the hall with great interest...

After Tan Yun stepped out of the hall, he put Chu Xiaosa on the ground.

Chu Xiaosa took a deep breath of fresh air in shock, and said via voice transmission: "Boss, that old man's strength is really too strong!"

"Well, it's really strong." When Tan Yun sent the voice transmission, the six guards of Xiahou's Mansion looked fiercely at Tan Yun and the two, pressing on every step of the way!

One of them pointed at Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa angrily, "Blind your dog eyes, and even us..."

Without waiting for this person to say anything, Xia Houshuo in the rear roared again and again: "What are you talking about with them, break their two arms!"

"Your subordinates obey!" The six guards exuded the aura of the sixth level of Punishment Wonderland, and rushed towards Tan Yun and the two of them with lightning!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

"Bang bang bang—"

"Kacha Kacha—"

Suddenly Tan Yun's figure flickered at a high speed, accompanied by six muffled chiseling sounds and the clear sound of bones snapping, the six guards who rushed towards Tan Yun flew upside down hundreds of feet at twice the speed, and fell heavily on the street. opposite!

"Whoa whoa—"

The six guards spurted blood, their faces were pale, they covered their collapsed chests, and wailed in panic on the ground!

"You are only the first level of Punishment Immortal Realm, and you are even stronger than us!"

"Boy, you wait for this young master!"

After Xia Houshuo left a sentence viciously, he jumped into the air, trying to escape!

"Come back to me!" Tan Yun in the low sky, his body like a sharp arrow, flashed across the void in an instant, and held Xia Houshuo's ankle with his right hand!

"What do you want to do!" Xia Houshuo was terrified.

"Of course I'm crippling you!" Tan Yun's indifferent voice was outrageous!

"I am the third young master of Xiahou Mansion, how dare you!" Xiahoushuo roared.

"Look if I dare!" Tan Yun swooped down from the sky while Tan Yun was speaking, swung Xia Houshuo with his right hand, and smashed him hard on the ground!

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