Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1220 Accompany you at any time!

Chapter 1220 Accompany anytime!

"Boom!" With a loud sound, Tan Yun smashed Xia Houshuo to the ground, and immediately, the ground was covered with cracks like spider webs.

"Ah...my right arm!" Xia Houshuo screamed, the bones of his right arm that hit the ground first broke, and the white bones pierced the skin, which was especially scary!

"Creak creak!"

Tan Yun took a step, stepped on Xia Houshuo's left arm with his right foot, and exerted strength slowly!

"Don't..." Xia Houshuo screamed in horror.

"Hehe." A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, "Don't you really want to break someone else's arms? Today I will let you feel what it feels like to have both arms broken!"


Tan Yun exerted a slight force on his right foot, and under the splash of blood, Xia Houshuo's left arm bone was broken!

"Ah!" Xia Houshuo roared heart-piercingly, "I will never let you go!"

"At any time!" Tan Yun said indifferently: "I forgot to tell you, the principle of my life, Tan Yun, is to give back twice as much!"

Hearing this, when Xia Houshuo was puzzled, he later realized what Tan Yun's so-called double bonus was!

"Bang bang!"

With a stern expression, Tan Yun stepped on and broke Xia Houshuo's knees one after another!

Then, Tan Yun kicked Xia Houshuo, whose limbs were crippled, and landed beside the six guards.

"Take this young master away quickly!" Xia Houshuo's eyes cracked in pain.

"It's the third young master." Enduring the severe pain, the six guards stood up staggeringly, and when one of them was about to bend down and hug Xia Houshuo, an indifferent voice came from behind, "Did I let you go?" !"

The guard paused and looked back at Tan Yun.

Xia Houshuo glared at Tan Yun with red eyes, "What else do you want!"

Tan Yun smiled, and as he waved, the fairy ring that fell on the ground in the main hall on the first floor of the store turned into a beam of light and was absorbed into Tan Yun's right hand.

Holding the fairy ring, Tan Yun took a light step, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of Xiahoushuo, stepped on Xiahoushuo's face with his foot, and sneered, "What are you? I need alms from you?"

Tan Yun crushed Xia Houshuo's cheeks with his feet, threw the fairy ring on the ground, and said without doubt: "I count to three, you eat the fairy ring for me!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun raised his toes, stepped on the fairy ring fiercely, and said indifferently: "One!"

"Don't deceive people too much!" Xia Houshuo roared hoarsely.

"Am I bullying too much? I'm just bullying a dog that bites people indiscriminately!" Tan Yun said in a deep voice, "Two!"

At this moment, Xia Houshuo collapsed!

Tan Yun deliberately did not say that if he did not swallow the consequences of the fairy ring, he would be destroying Xia Houshuo's heart!

Xia Houshuo looked at Tan Yun, with a fierce light in his eyes, he trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice: "Don't, don't count, I'll swallow!"

After saying that, like a dog, Xia Houshuo lay down on the ground and swallowed the fairy ring that Tan Yun had stepped on with his feet.

"Okay, get out!" Tan Yun sneered.

Afterwards, the guard hugged the humiliated Xia Houshuo, and flew away in the air with five other guards precariously...

At this time, Zhang Yihan stared at Tan Yun in the main hall on the first floor of the store's head office, and said in a shocked voice:

"This kid didn't hide his realm. He dared to use the first level of the Punishment Immortal Realm to abolish six immortals of the sixth level of the Punishment Immortal Realm without any effort. Such a powerful leapfrog challenge!"

"There is also this son who is decisive in his actions and somewhat reckless. Could it be that he is the apprentice of someone serving in the army?"

"Or a descendant of the person in charge?"

"But it shouldn't be! If so, why did Wang Yuan say that this son can't even get a million low-grade immortal stones?"

At this moment, Zhang Yihan's heart was full of doubts, and he praised Tan Yunna more and more!

"Come and talk, young people." Zhang Yihan's face changed into an amiable one, and he waved to Tan Yun outside the hall.

After Tan Yun and Chu Xiaosa entered the hall, Zhang Yihan smiled and said before he could speak: "Young man, Wang Yuan told the old man, and the old man knows that you want to rent a shop but you don't have a fairy stone."

"How about this, the old man is in charge, you can sign the contract first, and pay the rent slowly."

For Tan Yun, this was a surprise.

Tan Yun bowed and said, "Thank you, Manager Zhang, for your accommodating arrangements. You can rest assured that the younger generation will definitely pay the full amount of rent to your bank."

"Well, I believe you." Zhang Yihan stroked his beard and smiled, "What's your name?"

"Junior Tan Yun." Tan Yun said truthfully.

Zhang Yihan smiled kindly, "Xiaoyou Tan, the strength of leapfrog challenges really opened my eyes."

"I don't know which general Tan Xiaoyou is descended from in the army?"

Tan Yun said: "The younger generation just entered Xuanyuan Immortal City yesterday, and there is no family member of the younger generation in the army."

"Yesterday?" Zhang Yihan twitched his white eyebrows, and said in surprise: "That's not right! As far as I know, the selection of immortal soldiers in Xuanyuan Immortal City was over yesterday, and no one entered the city!"

Tan Yun said truthfully: "Guard Zhang, the junior met the nobleman yesterday, and it was the fairy city that the nobleman allowed the junior to enter."

"My lord? What kind of lord?" Zhang Yihan asked.

Tan Yun said: "The nobleman has something to say, and the younger generation is not allowed to act in his name. Therefore, I ask Manager Zhang to forgive me. The younger generation really can't say it."

"Hehehe, okay." Zhang Yihan smiled and said, "Since it's inconvenient, then I won't ask any more questions."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yihan ordered: "Wang Yuan, go and tell Tan Xiaoyou how to activate the restriction of rent shop formation."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Wang Yuan took the order, went up to the second-floor hall, returned after a while with a jade slip, and handed the jade slip to Tan Yun, "It contains instructions on how to open the ban on shops."

After Tan Yun accepted the jade slips with a smile, Wang Yuan asked, "What business do you plan to do?"

"It's just a small business. Pills, arrays, utensils, and talismans will all be sold." After Tan Yun responded, he took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Yihan.

"But it's okay to say." Zhang Yihan responded.

Tan Yun said truthfully: "Guan Zhang, I don't know if you have the magic weapon of mustard seed time and space, and I can borrow it from the younger generation for a few days."

"Hehe, yes, there is, but why should the old man lend it to you?" Zhang Yihan frowned, and when he found that Tan Yun was a little embarrassed, he smiled again: "Tan Xiaoyou, the old man is just kidding you."

As he said that, Zhang Yihan flipped his right hand, and a pocket version of a three-story palace appeared in his hand.

"Extreme Mustard Seed Time-Space Immortal Palace!" Tan Yun's eyes lit up immediately.

Zhang Yihan was stunned for a moment, "Tan Xiaoyou has good eyesight, do you know how to refine weapons?"

"The junior knows better." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he looked gratefully and said, "Thank you, senior."

"You're welcome. You can use it!" Zhang Yihan gave Tan Yun the Mustard Seed Time and Space Immortal Palace.

Afterwards, after chatting with Zhang Yihan for a while, Tan Yun and Zhang Yihan took their leave.

Looking at Tan Yun's disappearing back, Wang Yuan was puzzled and said, "My lord, why are you helping Tan Yun like this?"

"I have followed you for so many years, and I have never seen you so nice to outsiders."

Zhang Yihan's eyes flickered brightly, "Xiao Yuanzi, you should pay more attention to things."

"Tan Yun said about the city he entered yesterday, but yesterday it was General Xuanyuan who went to the city gate and told those who came outside the city who wanted to participate in the selection that our city temporarily cancels the selection of immortal soldiers."

"Think about it, how did this son of Tan Yun enter the city? Then who is the nobleman he talks about?"

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