Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1296 The person who killed you!

Chapter 1296 The person who killed you!

Xuanyuan Rou said coldly: "Let go of me! If I don't go, what if something happens to him?"

"Sister!" Xuanyuan Changfeng said loudly: "You have always been a person who takes care of the overall situation in my heart. If you leave, what will happen to Xuanyuan Immortal City? You can't go!"

"You have to believe in Tan Yun. I believe that Tan Yun can turn bad luck into good fortune. We have to believe that he can force Long Xiaolin to retreat!"

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Rou bit her lower lip with her white teeth, and tears dripped from her beautiful eyes, "But... I'm really scared. When I think about losing him, I feel so panicked!"

Xuanyuan Changfeng hugged Xuanyuan Rou into his arms, and comforted him: "Sister, don't be afraid, I firmly believe that Tan Yun will definitely come back, and he will come back well!"

"Really?" Xuanyuan Rou left Xuanyuan Changfeng's embrace, feeling a little helpless.

"Of course it is true." Xuanyuan Changfeng said loudly, "I promise."

In fact, when Xuanyuan Changfeng said the words "I promise", he felt very uncomfortable. In his heart, Tan Yun had a narrow escape!

Xuanyuan Changfeng didn't show his worry on his face, he didn't want to increase Xuanyuanrou's worry about Tan Yun.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Changfeng looked at Xuanyuan Rou, hesitantly said: "Sister, do you like Tan Yun?"

There was a trace of hesitation in Xuanyuanrou's tearful eyes, and immediately said: "No."

"Sister, don't I understand you?" Xuanyuan Changfeng said, "Stop duplicity."

Xuanyuanrou shook her head, "Changfeng, actually, I don't know if I like it or not."

"When I can't see him, I miss him. Knowing that he is in danger, I panic. This feeling is amazing."

Xuanyuan Changfeng said: "Sister, this is a sign of liking someone. Let me ask you, do you have any feeling that you just want to be with him when you have nothing to do?"

"En." Xuanyuanrou nodded.

"That's right." Xuanyuan Changfeng said, "You just fell in love with Tan Yun. Your feeling is just like how I feel about Bingshan."

"Who is Bingshan?" Xuanyuanrou asked in confusion.

"Bingshan is Tan Yun's younger sister Yingying!" Xuanyuan Changfeng said.

"How can you give people a nickname like this?" Xuanyuan Rou gave Xuanyuan Changfeng a white look.

Xuanyuan Changfeng shrugged his shoulders, "That's what she is! How is her cold appearance different from that of an iceberg?"

"Hey! Sister, why are you saying Chu Xiaosa's life is so good?"

Xuanyuan Rou'e frowned faintly, "Who is Chu Xiaosa?"

"It's Tan Yun's younger brother!" Xuanyuan Changfeng said enviously, "This kid fell in love with Ling'er the first time he saw Ling'er, and in the past ten years, Ling'er has also fallen in love with him."

"You said Yingying, why didn't she talk to me? Your third brother, I'm not ugly!"

Xuanyuanrou, who was worried about Tan Yun, fell silent after hearing this.

At this time, Xuanyuan Changfeng said: "Sister, Tan Yunxin said that there is something between him and you, and it will come sooner or later... In short, he hopes to be a close friend with you in this life."

"What does this mean?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuanrou said confusedly: "I don't know... well, my mind is very confused, you go, I want to be quiet."

"Well, good." Xuanyuan Changfeng nodded, and swooped down from the peak...

Xuanyuanrou closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and prayed devoutly, "God bless him, he must be fine..."


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, one year and three months have passed.

During this period, the 200 million army led by Long Xiaolin never stopped attacking Xuanyuan Immortal City's defense formation!

Long Xiaolin sternly said: "The defense of the city defense array has dropped, let the city lord continue to attack!"

"After we break through, we will bloodbath Xuanyuan Immortal City to relieve the hatred in our hearts!"


At the same time, Tan Yun, who was in seclusion while driving the Immortal Holy Boat, had spent more than 4,500 years in the Immortal Holy Pagoda, and still hadn't touched the ninth-level barrier of the Emperor-Human Realm.

In the blink of an eye, three days later.

In the Abandoned Land, there is a huge canyon in the northwest. On the plain outside the canyon, there is a huge city covering an area of ​​600 million centimeters—the Abandoned City!

The Abandoned City was once the largest city built by the Immortals of the Abandoned Ground.

This city is equipped with a large protective array, which makes the city as solid as gold.

The sun was setting and it was almost dusk.

A fairy boat sailed into the sea of ​​clouds above the city, and then, Tan Yun, who was disguised as a middle-aged man with a beard, put away the boat, and flew from the sea of ​​clouds to the outside of the city gate.

"Who's coming?" Under the majestic city gate, a twelfth-order immortal general in the Emperor Human Realm stared at Tan Yun, and asked in a deep voice.

Thousands of immortal soldiers on both sides of the city gate also looked at Tan Yun with unkind eyes.

"Hello, general, this junior is here to buy cultivation resources in the Abandoned City." Tan Yun clasped his fists in a respectful manner.

"Get out!" The fairy general said coldly to Tan Yun: "Now my city does not allow anyone to enter, get out of here!"

As soon as the words fell, the fairy general seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his face turned grim, "Hahaha! You low-level fairy, it's bad luck for you to come today!"


The immortal will know that every time he kills a lower-level immortal, he will use the head of the lower-level immortal to record some contribution points in the city lord's mansion.

Therefore, he wants to take Tan Yun's life now!

"Hongmeng God Pupil!"

All of a sudden, Tan Yun's pupils were filled with a strange red light, and the fairy general was immediately stunned.

"Open the city gate to me!" Tan Yun's unquestionable voice rang in Zixian Jiang's mind.

"Yes." The fairy general looked dull, turned his right hand, and a token appeared, and then, a burst of immortal power was absorbed into the token.

A beam of light burst out from the token, and shot into the tightly closed city gate, which then rumbled open.

Tan Yun released the Primordial Eyes, stepped forward suddenly, grabbed the fairy general's neck with one hand, and said in a deep voice, "You helper of evil, let me die!"



As the fairy general screamed, Tan Yun crushed the spear-holding right hand of the fairy general with his left hand, and snatched the spear in his hand!

Then, Tan Yun held the spear in his left hand, and Tan Yun held the fairy general in his right hand, soaring into the air, hovering in front of the city gate!

"You... who are you..." The fairy general faltered in horror.

"Who?" Tan Yun sneered, "The one who killed you!"

As he said that, Tan Yun pinched the fairy general's neck with his right hand, and the blood spattered, and the headless corpse fell into the void.

With a wave of Tan Yun's right hand, the headless corpse slammed into the city gate.


Tan Yun threw the spear with his left hand. The sharp tip of the spear pierced through the head with streams of blood, and nailed the head to the city gate!

At this moment, thousands of immortal soldiers under the city gate, who had just recovered from their supernatural powers, looked up at Tan Yun in disbelief!

In their hearts, all the low-level immortals in the abandoned land are afraid that they will not be able to dodge the abandoned city that is now relying on the upper-level immortals. They never thought that someone would dare to kill the guarding immortal general!

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