Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1297: Massacre!

Chapter 1297: Massacre!

One of the immortal soldiers was the first to slow down, and shouted in horror, "Go into the city quickly, and report to the deputy city lord about the daring lunatic killing the guarding immortal general!"



Thousands of immortal soldiers soared into the air, trying to fly into the city through the city gate.

"Hongmeng Killing God Sword!"

"Hongmeng Excalibur!"

In Tan Yun's thought, the Hongmeng Killing God Sword flew out of his mind and shot into his right hand.

At the same time, Jin Ni, Mu Xin, Qing Ying and other eleven Hongmeng swords flew out from the depths of their minds, hovering over Tan Yun's head!


Holding the sword in the sky, Tan Yun charged towards thousands of immortal soldiers. The eleven Hongmeng swords hovering above his head rushed into thousands of immortal soldiers with the power of tearing the void!

"Puchi Puchi—"

Every time Tan Yun swung his sword, dozens of immortal soldiers were decapitated in the splash of blood!


"Forgive me!"


Turning a deaf ear to the pleas of thousands of immortal soldiers, Tan Yun started a massacre!

Jin Ni and the other eleven Hongmeng Divine Swords pierced through the eyebrows of a famous immortal soldier and pierced through the back of his head with gushing streams of blood!


"Plop plop—"

The air was stained with blood, and the pungent smell of blood was disgusting. Corpses, sprayed with blood, fell outside the city gate and piled up like mountains!

In just three breaths, none of the thousands of immortal soldiers survived!

After putting away the eleven Hongmeng Excalibur with a cold expression, Tan Yun stepped into the abandoned city with the sword in his right hand!

At this moment, dozens of immortals who witnessed the scene of Tan Yun massacring the immortal soldiers in the city gate just now, seeing them approaching step by step, the god-killing Tan Yun wanted to run away.

"Stop for me!" Tan Yun flashed in the air, crossed a distance of several thousand feet, grabbed an immortal's neck with his left hand, cast the Primordial Eye, and asked, "Tell me, do you want to kill the inferior immortal?" people?"

The fairy nodded with a dull expression.

"Death is more than a crime!" As soon as Tan Yun finished speaking, he let go of the fairy's neck with his left hand, and patted the fairy's forehead with his palm.


Immediately, the immortal's headless corpse, gushing blood, fell hundreds of feet away!

"What about you! Do you want to kill the lower class of immortals?" Tan Yun, who was so vicious, caught another immortal, and asked with his primordial pupils as before.

"Think." The fairy said truthfully.

Tan Yun's bewitching red pupils were filled with monstrous anger, and he pierced the fairy's skull with his sword!

Afterwards, every time Tan Yun caught a fairy, he asked him once.

After Tan Yun finished questioning the three hundred and fifty immortals one by one, three hundred and fifty corpses were left behind!

Everyone's answer was exactly the same, they all wanted to kill the inferior immortals to please the superior immortals!

During the questioning, Tan Yun also learned that the four billion immortals in the Abandoned City are running dogs of the highest immortals!

In other words, all the immortals in the Abandoned City are people who have lost their dignity and are slaves to tigers!

Holding the sword in his right hand, Tan Yun revealed a bloodthirsty light in his starry eyes. He smiled angrily, "Sure enough, as Admiral Xuanyuan said, all the immortals in the abandoned city should be killed!"

"Damn it all!"

"Forget it, then I, Tan Yun, will kill and wash the abandoned city with blood!"

After laughing, Tan Yun's hair fluttered, and holding the Hongmeng Slaying God Sword, he turned into an afterimage, passed the street at the exit of the city gate, and appeared in another street.


Holding the sword, Tan Yun let out a sharp roar, and charged at the immortals on the street.

Immediately, stumps flew, blood spattered, and howls arose everywhere!

"Ah! Who are you, why did you kill us!"

"No! Please forgive me..."


Thousands of immortals in a street were all killed, and their bodies were lying in disorder in the street!

Suddenly, figures flew out of the pavilions on both sides of the street. They screamed in horror and wanted to inform the deputy city lord of this matter!

Tan Yun did not hunt down these immortals, he had already appeared on another street, holding a sword against an immortal, and said coldly: "Do you know that General Sima's Mansion and General Zhuge's Mansion are waiting for thirty-one Where is the residence of the general?"

"Know...know." The fairy tremblingly said.

"Draw the map on the jade slips for me!" Undoubtedly speaking, Tan Yun cast his primordial pupils and ordered, "Draw the location of the deputy city lord's mansion and the city lord's mansion!"

The immortal immediately took out a blank jade slip from the fairy ring, and drew a map on it according to Tan Yun's request.

After Tan Yun manipulated the immortal consciousness into the jade slip, he kept in mind the geographical locations of the residence of the city lord, the deputy city lord, and the residence of the thirty-one generals.

Then, Tan Yun asked a little bit unwillingly: "Do you want to kill the inferior immortal?"


"Which lowly immortal do you most want to kill?"

"Of course the immortals from Xuanyuan Immortal City, all the immortals in our Abandoned City want to enter Xuanyuan Immortal City."

Tan Yun gritted his teeth, "Why?"

The immortal said truthfully: "Because Xuanyuan Immortal City has gathered hundreds of millions of inferior immortals, and it happens to be able to catch them all in one go."

"Kill your old mother!" Tan Yun sternly blasted the man's head with a punch.

At this time, thousands of immortals in this street scolded Tan Yun one after another:

"You kid is finished, killing people in the abandoned city is a capital offense!"

"You kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will be punished!"


Facing everyone's scolding, Tan Yun's expression was terribly indifferent, and he let out a stern voice that shook the sky, "Listen clearly, the one who killed you is Tan Yun!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun went on a killing spree and slaughtered all the way. After leaving more than a thousand corpses in this street, he disappeared at the end of the street...

Later, Tan Yun massacred more than 20,000 enemies in nine criss-crossing streets!

Then he didn't slaughter again, but turned into a purple beam of light, shuttled over the abandoned city at top speed, and shot towards the General Sima's mansion in the south of the city...

Two days later.

The news that a person named Tan Yun slaughtered the immortals of the abandoned city gradually spread in the vast abandoned city!

At this moment, the Abandoned City, the Deputy City Lord's Mansion.

In a magnificent hall, Linghu Yunfei, the deputy city lord, summoned eleven generals!

Linghu Yunfei was trembling with anger, and roared at the eleven generals: "Just now I got the news that a middle-aged man named Tan Yun killed the guard of our city and took his head Nailed to the city gate!"

"Afterwards, he massacred thousands of immortal soldiers guarding the city gate, and bloodbathed several streets at the city gate!"

"I'm so angry! This insane thing, after we catch him, we will definitely shave him alive!"

At this time, an admiral named Feng Tiantu frowned and said: "The deputy city lord, this Tan Yun, has not caused another bloody case in the past two days."

"The subordinates don't understand, why did he suddenly go crazy two days ago?"

The other ten immortals were also puzzled.

"It's useless to think so much!" Linghu Yunfei said furiously: "You immediately mobilize 110 million soldiers from the general camp, and search and kill this person for the deputy city lord!"

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