Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1303 The situation is critical!

Chapter 1303 The situation is critical!

Two days later.

A figure flew from the void and landed below the exit of the city gate, turning into Jia He, the steward of the deputy city lord's mansion.

At this moment, Jia He looked flustered, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Housekeeper, what's wrong with you?" Linghu Yunfei, who was sitting on the chair, asked with a frown.

Jia He said in a low voice: "Vice City Master, the second young master is dead, he was killed by Tan Yun!"

In private, Jia He always called Linghu Yunfei's illegitimate son Second Young Master.

Linghu Yunfei said in grief and indignation: "I'm really mad! Tan Yun killed my Dan'er, and now he killed Ping'er. He wants me to have no descendants!"

"Housekeeper, what's going on? Didn't I ask you to tell him and let him hide!"

However, Jia He's subsequent answer made Linghu Yunfei so angry that he couldn't breathe.

But Jia He said in a low voice: "Vice City Master, this old slave has indeed notified the Second Young Master."

"Second Young Master didn't dare to neglect, he hid in the manor, but he was still picked out by Tan Yun and killed!"

"Deputy City Lord, this Tan Yun is so cruel and merciless, he is simply not a human, he is a devil!"

Linghu Yunfei died two sons one after another, and in an instant, he seemed to have aged decades, he sighed, sat on the chair weakly, and waved to Jia He, "I'm tired, you should step back first. "

When Jia He turned around and just took two steps, Linghu Yunfei's voice came from behind him, "Stop."

"Vice City Master, what are your orders?" Jia He said.

Linghu Yunfei said: "Go, buy me some rock candy."

"Okay." Jia He responded, confused, the deputy city lord didn't have the habit of eating candy, why did he want candy?

With doubts, Jia He left, and turned back the next day, carrying a plate of lumpy rock sugar, and placed it on the table in front of Linghu Yunfei.

Linghu Yunfei picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, closed his eyes and lay down on the chair, waved to Jia He, motioning him to leave.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

"Report!" A fairy general descended from the sky and landed in front of Linghu Yunfei.

Without waiting for the fairy general to speak, Linghu Yunfei opened his eyes, stuck out a skinny finger, pointed at the plate on the table and said: "Don't talk, eat a piece of candy before talking."

"Your subordinate obeys." The fairy general was bewildered, timidly picked up a piece of candy, and put it in his mouth.

At this time, Linghu Yunfei said, "When I was a child, my grandfather loved to eat candy. He told me that eating a piece of candy is a good thing."

"Okay, you can talk now."

The immortal put a capitalized bitterness on his face, he bowed and said, "Reporting to the deputy city lord, in just one hour yesterday, Tan Yun slaughtered five million immortals and more than 300,000 immortal soldiers in the west of the city. "

Hearing this, Linghu Yunfei was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, "After you spit out the candy, get out!"

The fairy general spit out the sugar in a hurry, and fled away in fright...

In the next three months, Linghu Yunfei heard the news that Tan Yun slaughtered the immortals and soldiers from time to time.

A total of 230 million immortals have been slaughtered, and more than five million immortal soldiers have been slaughtered!

However, no trace of Tan Yun was found!

Linghu Yunfei was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

"Report!" At this moment, a fairy general flew down in front of Linghu Yunfei.

Before the fairy general could speak, Linghu Yunfei roared angrily: "What's wrong? Tell me again, how many people did Tan Yun kill again?"

"Are you all idiots? Tan Yun killed so many people, can't you even find his shadow!"

The immortal general said obsequiously: "The deputy city lord calm down, this time it's not bad news!"

"Hurry up!" Linghu Yunfei said impatiently.

The immortal general beamed with joy and said: "Tan Yun was in the south of the city yesterday, after slaughtering millions of immortal soldiers, he was finally named a general and locked down with his immortal consciousness!"

"Now Admiral Feng and Admiral Zhao are chasing after Tan Yun!"

Hearing this, Linghu Yunfei laughed loudly and said, "Good! Great, great!"

"Tell me, the deputy city lord, which direction Tan Yun fled to?"

The fairy general said respectfully: "Tan Yun fled all the way to the direction of Bibo Canyon in the south!"

"Okay, that's great!" Linghu Yunfei said with a smirk, "You immediately ask General Sheng Wenze and other generals to guard the city gate!"

"The deputy city chief is going to hunt down and kill Tan Yun himself!"

As soon as the words fell, Linghu Yunfei soared into the sky and shot towards the southern sky!

Thinking of the death of his son and illegitimate son, Linghu Yunfei wished he could eat Tan Yun's flesh, drink Tan Yun's blood, and gnaw Tan Yun's bones!


at the same time.

In the abandoned city, in the vast mountains in the south, three beams of light are chasing one after the other!

The white light beam at the front is Tan Yun in white robe.

Five hundred cents behind him, two black beams of light, it is Feng Tiantu and Zhao Nachuan who are wearing black armor!

Feng Tiantu and Zhao Nachuan are powerhouses at the eleventh level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm!

As the distance continued to get closer, Tan Yun continued to use the Grandmist God's Step, and his heart beat louder and louder.

Tan Yun, who is at the eighth level of the Emperor's Realm, can only see the cultivation of a strong man who is a big higher than him. He knows that he can't see it, which proves that the two are strong men above the eighth level of the Emperor's Holy Realm!

Tan Yun looked dignified, and thought to himself: "The flying speeds of the two are almost the same, even if I use the Grandmist God's Step, it will be a matter of time before they catch up to me."

"In the Immortal Saint Pagoda, although Su Bing has the highest realm, his strength is not as good as mine, so he can't help at all."

"The two of them didn't activate the flying magic weapon. Judging from the flying speed of the two, it's either the eleventh or the twelfth level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm!"

"If the two of you are at the eleventh level, it will be a fierce battle for me, but if the two are at the twelfth level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm, then I will definitely die."

Tan Yun knew that it would be useless for him to hide in the ultimate time-space fairy tower in the face of the two generals of the Emperor's Sacred Realm.

As we all know, the realms of immortals becoming gods are divided into: Punishment Immortal Realm, Refining Immortal Realm, Emperor Man Realm, Emperor Saint Realm, Emperor King Realm, Emperor Emperor Realm, and Great Emperor Realm.

And the classification of magic weapons in the fairy world is: Immortal Artifact, Immortal Venerable Artifact, Immortal Saint Artifact, Sub-Tao Artifact, Dao Artifact, Sub-Divine Artifact...

The powerhouses in the Emperor's Sacred Realm can fully arouse the power of sub-dao weapons, possessing the strength to destroy top-grade immortal holy weapons.

Hide in the best space-time fairy tower by yourself, at that time, the tower will definitely be destroyed!

Just as Tan Yun was thinking to himself, Feng Tiantu's old wrinkled face was filled with ferocity, "Tan Yun, you damn bastard, you kill my whole family, I want you to have a terrible death!"

Zhao Nachuan roared like thunder, and blasted the sky, causing the immortal beasts and immortal beasts in the forest below to crawl on the ground and tremble, "Little Tan Yun, you bloodbathed my General Zhao's mansion, this hatred is irreconcilable!"

"Let me tell you, you can't escape! After I catch up with you, I, Zhao Nachuan, will surely tear your bones apart and tear you apart!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun's eyes showed a bright light, and he said with a sneer without turning his head: "You two strong men of the eleventh level of the Emperor's Saint Realm joined forces to hunt down me, a weak man of the eighth level of the Emperor's Human Realm, and you still chase after me even now. No way!"

"If I were you, I would have been killed by a headshot!"

"I'm ashamed of you all!"

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