Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1304 Creepy!

Chapter 1304 Creepy!

Zhao Nachuan and Feng Tiantu suppressed their anger when they heard the words, and they looked at each other while flying.

There was a look of shock in each other's eyes!

"Tan Yun, you are not at the eighth level of the Emperor's Realm, are you?" Zhao Nachuan questioned, "You must be at the eleventh level of the Emperor's Holy Realm, but you just hid the level, otherwise, you would not be able to see the specific level of the two of us! "

Hearing this, Tan Yun felt fortunate that the two were at the eleventh level of the Emperor's Holy Realm, not the twelfth level.

"If I can sneak attack and injure one person first, then my chances of survival will be great."

After Tan Yun said secretly, there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"No, you are wrong." Tan Yun said with a chuckle, "I am not the eleventh level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm, but the twelfth level of the Emperor's Holy Realm."

"Bah!" Zhao Nachuan said with a sinister smile, "Blow, keep blowing!"

Feng Tiantu said viciously: "Brother Zhao, stop talking nonsense with him, we will be able to catch up to him in at most three hours!"


Two and a half hours later, Tan Yun flew out of the forest, and a majestic canyon came into view.

Immortal energy is lingering in the canyon, and through the thick immortal energy, one can vaguely see that there is a huge lake in the canyon.

The lake is deep, with sparkling blue waves, quite peaceful.

"Yes!" Tan Yun thought to himself, and glanced back to see the two people who had appeared a hundred miles away. Afterwards, he swooped down with the monstrous blue waves and rushed into the canyon. in the lake.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun sacrificed the ultimate space-time fairy tower in his ear, and after he penetrated into the sixty-sixth floor, the fairy tower turned into the size of dust in a single thought, and slowly sank towards the bottom of the lake.


Zhao Nachuan and Feng Tiantu followed closely and rushed into the emerald green lake.

"Huh? What about people?" Feng Tiantu was puzzled, "Why can't you see others in the blink of an eye?"

Zhao Nachuan also frowned, and said via voice transmission: "This lake is not big, let's search it carefully!"

The two released their immortal consciousness, covering the entire lake in an instant.

After the water fairy beast in the lake sensed the powerful aura of the two, it floated motionless in the water, afraid of angering the two.

At this time, the dusty Supreme Immortal Tower had already sunk into the jagged reef forest at the bottom of the lake.

The colorful reefs, some are like giant natural caves, and some are like hundreds of hills.

The immortal consciousness of the two can't peep through the reef to see the scene inside.

"This kid must be inside, let's search separately, beware of his sneak attack!" Feng Tiantu sent a voice transmission to Zhao Nachuan.

"Well, you should also be more careful, this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp." After Zhao Nachuan passed the sound transmission, he sacrificed a low-grade Yadao weapon spear, and swam into a huge reef at a very fast speed.

Feng Tiantu was holding a low-grade Asian Dao weapon broadsword, with the power of the Emperor of Wind surging in his body, and disappeared under a rock.

At this moment, in a huge hole inside a reef with a height of eighty feet, the ultimate space-time fairy tower fell on the uneven reef wall.

In the Time-Space Immortal Pagoda, Tan Yun entered the Tuoba Yingying Pagoda, which was already at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm.

"Master, why are you here?" Tuoba Yingying, who was sitting cross-legged, got up and smiled.

"Yingying, I was hunted down by two generals at the eleventh level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm." Tan Yun said solemnly, "I am hiding in the Immortal Tower, and I manipulated the Immortal Tower to sink to the rocks at the bottom of the lake."

"Soon, the two of you will find the Immortal Tower through your immortal consciousness. Once you find it, it will be very difficult for me to escape this disaster with the two of you working together."

"Now, I need your help to confuse one of them, and then I will attack!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Yingying said: "Okay, master, tell me, how can you be confused?"

Tan Yun sneered, "We're like this..."

A while later, in the reef forest, Feng Tiantu sent a voice transmission: "Brother Zhao, did you find it?"

"No..." In the dim reef, Zhao Nachuan's voice transmission paused, and then, excitedly, he said again: "I found him!"

"He is in the reef cave hundreds of meters behind me, and I can feel the breath of human beings!"

As soon as Zhao Nachuan's words fell, Tan Yun's roar suddenly sounded, "Go to hell!"

The next moment, a figure in a white robe quickly shuttled through the water with a sword, stabbing at the back of Zhao Nachuan's neck!

"Good job!" Zhao Nachuan let out a long and excited roar, and immediately, wisps of golden lightning power erupted from his body.

"Kill!" Holding a spear, Zhao Nachuan volleyed from the lake water, and the moment he appeared behind the white figure at lightning speed, a turning spear pierced the back of "Tan Yun" with a stream of blood!

"Hahahaha! Miscellaneous, you didn't think of it, did you?" Zhao Nachuan looked at the back of "Tan Yun" and laughed wildly: "You didn't think of it, your so-called sneak attack, in my eyes, is death!"

At this time, Feng Tiantu, who heard Zhao Nachuan's wild laughter, instantly appeared in the huge hole inside the reef, and said anxiously, "Brother Zhao, you can't kill him! Don't forget the words of the deputy city lord!"

"Tan Yun, a bastard, slaughtered the city lord's mansion. The deputy city lord said he would capture him alive, and wait for the city lord to come back and deal with it..."

Feng Tiantu's voice stopped abruptly, and then, he seemed to have discovered something extremely terrifying!

In his line of sight, the man in white robes who was pierced through the back of the neck by Zhao Nachuan was not Tan Yun!

It's a stunning woman disguised as a man!

At this moment, even though the neck of that stunning woman was pierced, and blood gushed out of her mouth, she was still smiling!

What a horrible scene!

That weird smile made Feng Tiantu's hair stand on end!

He couldn't understand at all why this woman was pierced through the neck, but she didn't die!

Also, where did this woman come from?

"Brother Zhao, be careful, she's not Tan Yun..." Amidst Feng Tiantu's hoarse shouts, suddenly, in the white light of the Immortal Tower on the rocky wall behind Zhao Nachuan, Tan Yun came out out of thin air with the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand!

"call out!"


The Hongmeng Killing God Sword shot out from Tan Yun's hand, piercing through Zhao Nachuan's back with spurts of blood!

Zhao Nachuan was worthy of being a powerhouse at the eleventh level of the Emperor's Sacred Realm. Just when the Hongmeng Killing God Sword was about to stab his heart, he quickly turned sideways and avoided the bad luck of dying from a broken heart.

Zhao Nachuan spurted a stream of blood from his mouth. He didn't care to observe who the woman was who was pierced through the back of the neck. He suddenly pulled the spear out of Tuoba Yingying's neck, turned around and stabbed Tan Yun's throat. ,"go to hell!"

At this moment, Feng Tiantu regained his composure and found that Tuoba Yingying was only at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, so he held a broad sword and killed Tuoba Yingying, "I don't care why you were pierced through the neck and survived!"

"I will kill you today!"

Now Tuoba Yingying only has the strength to leapfrog to challenge the eighth-level powerhouse of the Emperor's Holy Realm, and she can't dodge Feng Tiantu's sword at all!


Tuoba Yingying's head was chopped off by Feng Tiantu's sword!

When Feng Tiantu decided that Tuoba Yingying was dead, what happened next made him turn pale with fright!

But seeing Tuoba Yingying's head, still with a strange smile, he said: "You can't kill me."

As soon as the words fell, Tuoba Yingying's scorpion's head flew down on He's headless body at an extremely fast speed, and it healed like lightning!

"Ah... Brother Feng Xian, save me!"

At this time, Feng Tiantu heard Zhao Nachuan's extremely frightened voice!

He followed the reputation, and what happened next made Feng Tiantu feel the fear deep in his heart!

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