Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1401 Just an ant?

Chapter 1401 Just an ant?

At this moment, Xianxian looked gloomy and worried, "Fifty years have passed since I escaped marriage, and I don't know what happened to my father."

"After leaving Soul Devouring Abyss, I will return to Tongtian Immortal City to visit my father."

Tan Yun frowned and asked, "Xianxian, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh nothing." Xianxian pursed her lips, looked at Tan Yun and said, "I grew up in Tongtian Immortal City since I was a child. This is the first time I have been away for so long. I miss Tongtian Immortal City."

Tan Yun smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, after we leave the Soul Eater Abyss, we will go to Tongtian Immortal City in disguise."

"En." Xianxian nodded her head, looked at Tan Yun, and said sincerely: "Tan Yun, thank you very much, without you, I would not have been able to advance to the seventh level of Emperor Realm in such a short time. "

"For me, it's really like a dream to be able to have the current realm."

Tan Yun smiled brightly, "Oh, by the way, since you can refine the magic weapon of time and space attributes, then you must have dual attributes of time and space?"

"Well, yes." Xianxian asked in confusion, "Why are you asking these questions?"

Tan Yun said with a smile: "You will know later. Let me ask you now, how strong is your ability to leapfrog the challenge?"

Xianxian thought for a while and said, "Should be able to defeat a powerhouse at the tenth level of the Emperor Realm."

"Your ability to leapfrog challenges is too weak." Tan Yun asked, "Do you have any jade slips? If so, I'll give you a set of exercises."

Hearing this, Xianxian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, wait a moment."

As she spoke, the fairy ring flashed between Xianxian's fingers, and immediately, a blank jade slip flew out, floating in front of Tan Yun.

Tan Yun closed his eyes, and after a while, the immortal consciousness entered the jade slip, then withdrew his immortal consciousness and said, "Okay, take a look, this exercise is a exercise that allows you to cultivate to the level of a god king. "

"Great, Tan Yun really thank you." Xianxian smiled like a flower, and eagerly released her immortal consciousness into the jade slip.

But seeing the first line on the jade slip reads "Space-Time Nerve!"

Then, she read it, and saw that it said "Space-time Nerve, divided into Nervous Mind Method, Time-Space Excalibur, and Time-Space Clone, three parts."

"Using the mental method of nerves can make one's own breath increase by six small realms..."

"Space-time sword, ever-changing, killing people invisible..."

"Space-time clones, when you reach the peak of cultivation, you can condense thirty-six clones. It's hard to tell the truth from the fake, and it makes the enemy terrified..."

After reading the exercises, Xianxian withdrew her immortal consciousness, stared at Tan Yun with her eyes wide open, and said in a trembling voice, "Okay... what a powerful exercise, much stronger than the ones I practiced before!"

"Tan Yun, you are worthy of being the Supreme Master of Primordial Origin..."

Without waiting for Xianxian to speak, Tan Yun shook his head and said, "Remember, don't reveal my identity at any time."

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Xianxian hurriedly said, "I remember."

"Okay, now you and Su Bing and the others can enter Lingxiaodao Hall." Tan Yun said with a smile: "And you, just during this period of time in the hall, comprehend this exercise."

"En." Xianxian looked at Tan Yun, her heart pounding, thinking of Tan Yun giving her such a precious exercise, her heart was as sweet as honey.

At this time, Zhen Ji suddenly said, "Xianxian, I have something to ask you."

"Sister Zhen, tell me." Xianxian smiled.

Zhen Ji's beautiful eyes showed a cold killing intent, "Do you know what realm Ouyang Duantian is, the current lord of Tongtian Immortal City?"

Xianxian said quietly: "It is said that more than 8,000 years ago, he was promoted to the twelfth level of the Great Emperor Realm."

Hearing this, Zhen Ji's eyes were full of sadness, and she whispered to herself: "It seems that if I want to kill him, I can't do it yet."

Xianxian said, "Sister Zhen, there is actually another theory about the death of your parents."

"What do you say?" Zhen Ji'e frowned.

At this time, Tan Yun answered: "Zhen Ji, Xianxian told me about this matter, she heard Ouyang Duantian say it with her own ears, and according to the information he found out, it was the former Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor who asked the Xiahou family to deal with it. your father's."

"Because your father was upright and offended the previous Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor."

Hearing this, Zhen Ji looked at Xianxian and questioned, "Are you sure you heard it with your own ears?"

"Yes." Xianxian said confidently: "At the beginning, I entered the City Lord's Mansion as a holy sub-artifact master, and I heard about it from Ouyang Duantian."

"Also, to be honest, City Lord Ouyang trusts me very much."

After hearing this, Zhen Ji took a deep breath, fell into a long silence and said: "Xianxian, knowing people and faces but not heart, even if Ouyang Duantian trusts you again, he may not be able to tell you the truth."

"This matter is over for now. When I have enough strength, I will ask Ouyang Duantian to clarify. If he is really wronged, I will naturally not seek revenge."

"On the contrary, if the culprit is really him, I will definitely bloodbath Ouyang City Lord's Mansion!"

At this time, Tan Yun said: "This matter is over for now, we should leave."

Afterwards, the people and beasts entered Lingxiao Dao Palace.


In a moment of Tan Yun's thought, the ten-thousand-foot-high Lingxiao Taoist Temple turned into a beam of light and penetrated into Tan Yun's ears.

After Tan Yun opened a gap in the array, he soared into the sky, disappeared in the chaotic blood sacrifice rebirth array, and headed towards the dark sky...

Time flies, and four years later, Tan Yun, dressed in a white robe, flew out of the Back to the Shore Canyon.

Suddenly, a familiar old voice came to Tan Yun's ears, "Young man, stop for the old man!"

Tan Yun paused in the air, and looked back following the sound, only to see an old man with a pale face flying towards him.

Looking at the old man flying over, Tan Yun smiled!

It was a sneer full of killing intent!

Although Tan Yun had never met Mo Changsheng, the third uncle of Mo Zi's mansion, he was still sure that the old man in front of him was none other than Mo Changsheng.

Because, Tan Yun remembered Mo Changsheng's voice!

And the reason why Mo Changsheng didn't do anything to Tan Yun was because he had only heard Tan Yun's voice, but never seen Tan Yun himself.

Before Tan Yun could speak, Mo Changsheng reported his family background: "This old man is Mo Zhan Xiancheng, the third master Mo Changsheng."

Hearing this, Tan Yun clasped his fists together, and a hoarse voice sounded, "I have looked up to you for a long time, and I don't know why the third master Mo is calling for this junior?"

Mo Changsheng's cloudy eyes revealed a murderous intent, "In the Soul Devouring Abyss, have you ever seen a young man named Tan Yun who was at the seventh level of the Emperor Realm? And a woman named Xianxian?"

"I've seen it before." Tan Yun said with a smile, his voice still hoarse.

"Tell me, where are they?" Mo Changsheng's eyes were full of excitement at this moment. After so many years, he finally had news of the murderer of his nephew.

Tan Yun smiled, his voice returned to normal, "They are far away in the sky and right in front of us!"

Hearing the familiar voice that could no longer be familiar, Mo Changsheng looked at the young man in white robe in front of him, and said in shock, "You...you are Tan Yun!"

"How is this possible! When you killed my nephew back then, I heard my nephew say that you were only at the seventh level of the Emperor Realm, but in a blink of an eye, you became the fifth level of the Emperor Realm!"

In astonishment, Mo Changsheng roared hoarsely: "You bastard, even if you are at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, you are just an ant in front of the old man!"

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