Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1402 Kill Mo Changsheng!

Chapter 1402 Kill Mo Changsheng!

"Tan Yun, go to hell!" Mo Changsheng thought of the death of his nephew Mozi's mansion. He was so angry that he shook his extremely dizzy head violently. Yun's chest stabbed!

Mo Changsheng was a powerhouse at the first level of the Great Emperor Realm. Although his Great Emperor Soul had been swallowed for more than seventy years, he still did not fall into a coma.

In addition, the celestial power in his spirit pool has been absorbed by the celestial power in the top grade celestial stone, so that his celestial power has been kept full.

In other words, Mo Changsheng can still display his full strength at this moment.



As Mo Changsheng thrust out his sword like lightning, the sword energy spread across the sky, and the void with a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed, leaving Tan Yun in an endless and pitch-black giant hole.

And Mo Changsheng's sword was particularly dazzling in the pitch-black void!

In his opinion, Tan Yun, who was at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, couldn't dodge his sword at all, and would be pierced through his chest by his own sword and die.

However, the result made him unbelievable!

"Crush me!"

Tan Yun didn't dodge or dodge, he carried his left hand on his back, turned his right hand into a palm, and pushed out suddenly towards the stabbing sword tip!

When Tan Yun slapped the broad sword's tip with his palm, suddenly, a huge impact rushed from the broad sword into Mo Changsheng's right arm.

"Ah! This is absolutely impossible! The old broad sword is a top-grade sub-sacred weapon, how could it be smashed by your bare hands!"

Amidst Mo Changsheng's horrifying scream, the broad sword began to crack from the tip of the sword, inch by inch like ceramics!

While breathing, Mo Changsheng was only holding the hilt of the sword in his hand funny!


Endless fear eroded Mo Changsheng's heart. He never imagined that Tan Yun's physical strength would be so terrifying!


At this moment, where does Mo Changsheng have the courage to fight Tan Yun?

He turned his head, wishing his parents would give him another pair of wings, so that he could shoot into the dark sky!

"If you can't kill me, you just want to escape? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

While Tan Yun sneered, he used his majestic step and took a light step. In an instant, he appeared behind Mo Changsheng in the air, and said with a sneer, "Go to hell!"


Tan Yun slapped Mo Changsheng on the back of the head.

Mo Changsheng's seven orifices were bleeding, and he felt his head spinning, and he fell into the void.

Before Mo Changsheng fell to the ground, Tan Yun swooped down, grabbed Mo Changsheng's ankle with one hand, swung his right arm, and swung Mo Changsheng hard to the ground!



The moment Mo Changsheng's right shoulder hit the ground, the blood burst into pieces.

Mo Changsheng sprayed blood from his mouth, and rolled on the ground crying in pain, begging for mercy:

"Tan Yun, I won't take revenge on you anymore, don't kill me... Please don't kill me!"

Tan Yun squatted in front of Mo Changsheng, and said with a sneer: "Kill you? Who are you? You are called Changsheng! Can I kill you? I don't believe it. I want to try. Is your life as long as your name?" Don't die!"

"Don't...don't!" Mo Changsheng said in horror, "Tan Yun, don't do anything, listen to me!"

"Now my second brother has laid a net at the exit of the Soul Devouring Abyss, you can take me as a hostage to threaten my second brother and let him let you go!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun laughed unscrupulously and said: "Hahahaha, I am not afraid of powerhouses at the fifth level of the Great Emperor Realm. Could it be that your second brother is my opponent?"

"If I remember correctly, your second brother Mo Changfeng is only at the first level of the Great Emperor Realm like you, right?"

"What? Or do you think Wanbaoshan is stronger than you and your second brother?"

"Let him stop me?"

After listening, Mo Changsheng nodded frequently, "Yes, yes, Tan Yun, you are right, Wanbaoshan is a powerhouse at the eighth level of the Great Emperor Realm!"

Tan Yun smiled, and stared at Mo Changsheng like an idiot, "Who do you think I am, Tan Yun? A three-year-old child?"

"Wanbaoshan is an eighth-level powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm?"


As Tan Yun said, he stepped on and broke Mo Changsheng's right leg.

"Ah!" Mo Changsheng screamed: "Tan Yun, I really didn't lie to you, Wanbaoshan is the powerhouse of Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion!"

"If you don't take me as a hostage, you won't be able to leave alive. I'm doing it for your own good. Really... don't kill me."

Hearing this, Tan Yun laughed, "Tsk tsk, if you can make it up, tell me, what was Wanbaoshan one hundred and thirty years ago?"

Mo Changsheng said without hesitation: "At that time, he was already at the eighth level of the Great Emperor Realm..."

Without waiting for a word, Tan Yun's eyes became more and more cold, and he said loudly: "Fuck you! One hundred and thirty years ago, when I ascended to the Hongmeng Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, he was just leading a few soldiers in Tongtian Immortal City Immortal general!"

"If he is a power at the eighth level of the Great Emperor Realm, he will be in Tongtian Immortal City? You don't make drafts for bragging, do you?"

"This is the price you pay for lying!" Tan Yun's indifferent kick broke Mo Changsheng's left leg!

"Let me tell you, I don't have to think about it, I know that Wanbaoshan is only in the emperor's realm now!"

Tan Yun said in a domineering tone: "If I want to leave, even if it is the great formation of the heavens and gods personally arranged by the two supreme beings, what can I do?"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun cast his primordial pupils, controlled Mo Changsheng, and asked, "Tell me, what's your elder brother's name? He is and strength, where is he now?"

"Also, can your second brother tell your eldest brother about the death of Mozi's mansion?"

Under Tan Yun's control, Mo Changsheng had already forgotten the pain, and said with a dull expression: "My elder brother is called Mo Changkong, and he has the strength of the eleventh level of the Great Emperor Realm. Now he is retreating at the City Lord's Mansion of Mo Zhan Xiancheng to reach the twelfth level of the Great Emperor Realm."

"So, my second brother won't disturb my elder brother's retreat. My elder brother probably didn't know about Zifu's death. Otherwise, my elder brother would have sent someone into the Soul Devouring Abyss long ago."

Hearing this, Tan Yun laughed and said, "That's very good!"


With a wave of Tan Yun's hand, a wave of immortal power pierced through Mo Changsheng's skull, and his soul flew away and died!

After killing Mo Changsheng, Tan Yun flew into the sky again...

Ten days later, Tan Yun, who was flying, suddenly remembered the delicate voice in his mind, "Tan Yun, wait a moment!"

Tan Yun stood in the air with confusion, and the next moment, Xianxian came out of nowhere in front of Tan Yun, and said to Tan Yun: "Tan Yun, wait for me here, the old man who flew over your head just now is someone I know, I will go Say hello to him."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Tan Yun said with a smile.

"No need, you can just wait here for me." Xianxian said with a smile.

"Okay then, go and come back quickly." Tan Yun said with a smile without thinking too much.

"Well, I'll be back soon." As soon as the slender woman in a blue dress finished speaking, she turned around and flew into the air, disappearing from Tan Yun's sight.

While breathing, Xianxian caught up with an old man in his nineties.

The old man noticed someone flying behind him, he turned around suddenly, and when he found out that it was a strange girl, when he was about to speak, a delicate voice came to mind, "Old housekeeper, keep quiet, I am Miss."

"Now my name is Xianxian, you just pretend to be an acquaintance and greet me!"

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