Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1575 Thunder strike kills!

Chapter 1575: Killed by Thunder!

Hearing this, Master Bai Yun laughed and said: "You are doing well, you are worthy of being my subordinate!"

Immediately, Great Master Bai Yun looked sideways at Great Master Bai Feng, and said with a half-hearted smile: "Sixth brother, it took three thousand years for your subordinates to come out with a one-star soldier god, brother, I'm doing it for your own good, let Jing Yun admit defeat as soon as possible. "

"A sword has no eyes. If Jing Yun makes a mistake, the morale of your subordinates will drop to freezing point!"

Bai Feng smiled lightly, "Thank you for your concern, Brother Six, but I believe that my subordinates will make the two-star soldier god you got disappear soon."

Obviously, the boss Bai Yun and the old Liu Baifeng are full of gunpowder.

The other generals also had a common look. Because as we all know, Master Bai Feng has always been at odds with the five brothers.


At this time, Zuo Jingyun soared into the sky and landed on the high platform gracefully, looking at Tan Yun with killing intent in his eyes, "Come up and fight!"

The corner of Tan Yun's mouth curled into an evil smile, which turned into a purple afterimage, swept up the high platform, and stood facing Zuo Jingyun.

Commander Fang Sheng looked down at the two of Tan Yun, his white eyebrows frowned slightly, "Both of you are geniuses among the geniuses of our Bai family army. This commander hopes that you will go to the end, and I don't want to see any of you die young."

"Of course, this is just the commander-in-chief's suggestion. Your life is yours, so cherish it yourself."

"Okay, this is the end of my commander-in-chief, and now I announce the official start of the two-star soldier god challenge!"

At this moment, the audience fell silent, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Tan Yun and Zuo Jingyun on the high platform.

At this moment, Bo Yun's indifferent voice sounded in Zuo Jingyun's mind, "Jing Yun, let me kill him!"

"Your subordinates obey!" After Zuo Jingyun passed the sound transmission, the power of the wind and thunder god surged out of his body immediately, and bright thunder and lightning spread all over his body, which was quite shocking!

He flipped his right hand, and a long spear with wind and thunder attributes came out of thin air from his hand, pointed at Tan Yun, and said in a deep voice, "Show your sword!"

"Hehe." Tan Yun suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, his tone full of arrogance and domineering, "You are not worthy of my sword!"

"Really? Jing Yun, I hope your strength is as powerful as your mouth!" Zuo Jingyun yelled: "Shock and kill!"


Zuo Jingyun soared into the sky like a god of thunder, with the power of the god of thunder surging out of his body, he danced a billow of guns, shattered the void, and swooped down to kill Tan Yun!

Once Zuo Jingyun made a move, it was a unique move! This is also the first time he has shown his true strength since he became a two-star soldier god!

"Brother Jing Xian, don't be careless! Quickly flash your sword!" Bai Xu, who was watching the battle, shouted worriedly: "Even if you don't flash your sword, it's okay to flash your axe!"

"The magic ax and sword you bought yesterday, if they don't show up now, wouldn't it be a waste of money!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "Brother Bai, my goal is not just the title of two-star soldier god, it's too early now."

"Uh uh uh." Bai Xu's whole body was shaken, and his heart was filled with turmoil. "Could it be that he still wants to challenge the three-star soldier god tomorrow?"

Just when Bai Xu was shocked, suddenly, there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd:

"Oh my god! Look, Jing Yun is really amazing!"

"That's right! It turns out that Jing Yun didn't show his strength at all in the battle for the one-star soldier god!"

"Strong...Jing Yun is too strong!"


At this moment, in everyone's eyes, Tan Yun, who was unarmed, faced Zuo Jingyun who swooped down to kill him with a sharp gun. He bent his knees and shot into the sky like a cannonball!

Tan Yun formed a huge arc from the void, and appeared behind Zuo Jingyun, who was pale with shock, and kicked Zuo Jingyun's back suddenly!

The speed is so fast, it's not at the same level as Zuo Jingyun!

"Ah! Impossible! Why are you so fast..."


Zuo Jingyun's hysterical screams suddenly stopped. Facing Tan Yun's kick, his body was as fragile as porcelain, and his whole body exploded and turned into a cloud of mist!


Pieces of corpses were scattered on the high platform, and with the crisp sound, the sharp gun also fell on the platform.


Zuo Jingyun, who was favored by everyone before, was killed by Tan Yunlei!


At this moment, the audience was deadly silent!

Everyone looked at Tan Yun, who was standing in the air, with deep shock in their eyes!

They never expected that Tan Yun's strength is hidden so deeply!

After a brief silence, various sounds erupted in the audience. In particular, the 100 million soldiers under General Baifeng screamed excitedly, and their morale had reached its peak!


On the seat of the sixth-floor shrine building, King Baicheng stood up suddenly, looked down at Tan Yun, his cloudy eyes revealed a deeply unbelievable look, and thought to himself: "This kid's ability to leapfrog the challenge is really strong!"

On the fifth floor of the God Tower, Commander Su Ben stared at Tan Yun, and secretly said: "It's not shameful for an old granddaughter to lose to this son!"

The other two commanders looked at Tan Yun, and their faces filled with time were filled with unconcealable admiration.

At this moment, the great master Bai Feng jumped up excitedly, "Hahaha, ahhahahaha! Jing Yun, you are doing well!"

On the other hand, the five elder brothers beside him all looked uglier than the other, especially General Bo Yun, his face was flushed with anger, and his face was bulging with veins!

Just now he was still mocking the great general Bai Feng in front of everyone, but Zuo Jingyun was so unlucky that he was instantly killed by Tan Yun!

If possible, he wished he could fly down from the divine tower and shoot Tan Yun to death with one palm!

"Silence, all of you!" Commander Fang Sheng ordered the audience to be quiet, and kindly looked down at Tan Yun who was standing in the air. The loud voice lingered in everyone's ears and lingered for a long time:

"Now, the commander-in-chief solemnly announces that Master Baifeng successfully challenged his subordinate soldier Jing Yun, and won the honor of one-star and two-star soldier gods at the same time!"

"He is the unshakable overlord among the one-star and two-star magic soldiers in our Bai family army!"

"His name will be remembered by everyone!"

Hearing this, all the generals under Bai Feng's subordinates laughed, but Tan Yun's immediate superior, the young general Guan Yong, laughed unnaturally!

"Damn it, the strength of this kid's leapfrog challenge is so tyrannical!" Guan Yong thought fiercely...

Commander Fang Sheng said again: "The battle of the two-star warrior gods is over today, and at tomorrow's hour, the three-star battlefield will open!"

"After the birth of the Three-Star Warrior God in the Three-Star Battlefield, Jing Yun can still challenge again to challenge the glory of the Three-Star Warrior God!"

After saying that, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at Tan Yun and smiled, "Little guy, do you have any plans to challenge the three-star soldier god tomorrow?"

In the midst of everyone's attention, Tan Yunang looked at Commander Fang Sheng, and said respectfully: "Report to Commander, I'm not sure yet, we'll see the situation tomorrow."

"En." Commander Fang Sheng nodded, and said in a sincere voice: "Jing Yun, this old man watched you General Baifeng grow up. For the past three thousand years, your life has been too depressing."

"This commander looks forward to your performance. If you can ascend to the throne of the three-star soldier god again, this commander will reward you!"

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