Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1576 Stand still!

Chapter 1576 Unmoved!

Hearing the reward, Tan Yun was quite excited, and said via voice transmission: "Thank you for your kindness, Commander-in-Chief. Tomorrow, my subordinates will do their best to compete for the three-star soldier god!"


The next day, Chen Shi.

The battle of the three-star soldiers and gods kicked off on the three-star battlefield!

A total of 50,000 three-star warriors participated in the first knockout round.

Among them, hundreds of people were killed, more than 20,000 were injured, and more than 25,000 people got the magical soldiers who entered the second stage of the two-two duel!

More than 25,000 three-star warriors, after seven hours of confrontation, the three-star warrior god was finally born!

This divine soldier is the Black Flame Wild Lion!

It controls the black flame lion fire, invincible, no one is his opponent!

On the high platform, after the Xuanyan Wild Lion defeated his opponent, his body shrank suddenly and turned into a simple and honest middle-aged man.

On the fifth floor, Commander Fang Sheng stood up and announced, "Great God Xuanyan will lead his subordinate soldier Han Ting to win the three-star soldier god!"

Immediately, the magic soldiers of the Xuanyan Wild Lion Clan burst into cheers!

Master Xuanyan is an old man with golden brows. He stood up with a smile on his face, looked down at Han Ting, and smiled dotingly, "As expected of my son! My son, you have performed very well. My father saw you have achieved so much. , so happy for you!"

Han Ting looked up at the great general Xuanyan, and said with sincerity: "All of this is due to my father's cultivation."

"Hahahaha, Ting'er, you're being modest." Master Xuanyan laughed from ear to ear.

At this time, Commander Fang Sheng looked at Tan Yun, and the voice of old age echoed through the huge mustard time and space, "Jing Yun, according to the rules, you are qualified to challenge the three-star soldier god, do you want to give up or continue to challenge?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent and looked at Tan Yun one after another.

Most people think that Tan Yun will definitely give up.

Because the Xuanyan Wild Lion Clan is born with supernatural power and hard bones, the Xuanyan Lion Fire contained in their bodies is powerful enough to burn a fourth-order top-grade artifact into nothingness!

And this is not the most powerful part of the Xuanyan Lion Fire, the truly terrifying thing about the Xuanyan Lion Fire is that it has the unique ability to devour blood!

In Han Ting's duel with his opponent today, although he released the Black Flame and Lion Fire, he did not use the supernatural power of devouring blood, so the opponents conceded defeat one after another and fled off the high platform.

Therefore, most people think that Tan Yun will give up.

Only a few people guessed that Tan Yun would challenge, because they believed that Tan Yun still retained his strength!

Under everyone's gaze, Tan Yunang looked at Commander Fang Sheng, and respectfully said: "Report to Commander, my subordinates challenge!"

Hearing this, the audience erupted:

"Hahaha, Jing Yun is too powerful, I didn't expect him to challenge!"

"That's right! However, Han Ting is the only son of the great general Xuan Yan. His strength is obvious to all. This time it seems to be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

"That's right, that's right! Hehehe, I haven't seen Jing Yun perform his exercises until now. I really want to see how strong he is!"

"Me too... Me too!"


At this time, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at Tan Yun approvingly, "This Commander announces that Jing Yun will challenge Han Ting next!"

"Once he wins, Jing Yun will be honored with triple glory!"

"I think that as the great general of Jingyun, the great general Bai Feng must be very excited. Hahahaha, welcome to the speech of the great general Bai Feng."

Master Bai Feng straightened his robes, got up from his seat, looked down at Tan Yun approvingly, and said, "Jing Yun, you have proved your strength to everyone present with your practical actions."

"Even if you can't challenge successfully, you are still the best king of soldiers in the heart of this great general!"

"Remember, do what you can!"

Tan Yun soared into the sky, landed steadily on the high platform, looked up at the great general Bai Feng on the tower, and said, "My subordinates will remember the words of the great general."

"Yes." The great general Baifeng looked back at the great general Xuanyan, and said via voice transmission: "If Jingyun loses to Han Ting, I hope Han Ting can show mercy."

"No problem." Master Xuanyan said via voice transmission: "Master Six has spoken, and my subordinates will naturally follow suit. This subordinate will tell Ting'er via voice transmission."

Afterwards, God Xuanyan will send a voice transmission to Han Ting, telling Han Ting not to hurt Tan Yun's life.

After hearing the words, Han Ting looked at Tan Yun, who was thousands of feet away, and said via voice transmission, "My father told me not to kill you."

"So don't worry, I won't kill you."

After hearing this, Tan Yun smiled slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Thank you, and don't worry, I won't kill you either."

Hearing Tan Yun's words, Han Ting was obviously taken aback. He thought Tan Yun would appreciate him, but he never thought that Tan Yun would say such a thing.

At this time, the voice of Commander Fang Sheng came to everyone's ears, "Now this commander announces that Jing Yun's challenge to the three-star warrior competition will officially begin!"

On the high platform, Han Ting stared at Tan Yun, cupped his fists and said, "I'm conceited. Few races in the same level are stronger than me. I'm curious about how powerful you are. Why don't we compete in strength first?"

"Yes." Tan Yun stopped and stood like a master of a generation. He put his left hand on his back, stretched out his right palm, and said loudly: "Please enlighten me!"

Tan Yun's appearance immediately caused an uproar, and the 30 billion magic soldiers talked one after another:

"Damn it, did I read it wrong? Jing Yun clearly has one hand, competing for strength with Han Ting! Isn't this clearly humiliating Han Ting!"

"That's right, Jing Yun doesn't take Han Ting seriously!"

"In my opinion, Jing Yun is too arrogant! I heard that two years ago, Han Ting severely injured a nine-star soldier with just one punch!"

"Well, I heard that too..."


With everyone's discussion lingering in his ears, Han Ting frowned, stared at Tan Yun displeased, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by only showing one hand? You look down on me!"

"Brother Han misunderstood." Tan Yun smiled freely, "I didn't mean that."

"Hmph, don't care if you have it or not, I'll beat you to the ground first!" Han Ting was obviously straightforward, he let out a deep sigh, and the power of the violent lion god burst out of his body!

His aura is completely different from his appearance, he looks simple and honest, but his aura is extremely fierce!

"Boom boom boom—"

As Han Ting was running, the huge high platform trembled, and his speed suddenly increased in a frenzy. In an instant, he rushed in front of Tan Yun, and punched Tan Yun's chest!

With a punch, in an instant, dense black space cracks appeared in the void within tens of thousands of feet!

It is enough to see how powerful a punch is!

However, Tan Yun remained indifferent. He still carried his left hand behind his back, and turned his right palm to meet Han Ting's fist!


With a dull bang, what was surprising was that the scene of Tan Yun being knocked into the air did not appear!

On the contrary, Han Ting was repelled by Tan Yun's palm, and his feet were on the table, and he slipped backwards before he could stand still!

But Tan Yun didn't move at all!

"What a powerful force!" Han Ting's heart trembled, and then, his eyes showed a crazy fighting spirit, and he laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, I was actually repelled by you, a first-class magic soldier!"

"However, just now I only used 80% of my strength, this time I will use 90% of my strength, and I will definitely knock you into the air!"

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