Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1577 A narrow escape?

Chapter 1577 Narrow escape?


A thunderous lion's roar came from Han Ting's mouth, and he shot into the void aggressively, punching Tan Yun again!

Tan Yun looked calm, with his left hand behind his back, and when Han Ting's fist hit his chest, Tan Yun's right palm suddenly slapped out!



The moment the fist and the palm met, a storm of divine power exploded like a vast nebula. The powerful aftermath caused the void above the entire high platform to collapse, leaving Tan Yun and Han Ting in the turbulent flow of pitch-black space.

"Jing Yun, you are only a human race, why is your body so powerful!"

When the turbulent flow of the pitch-black space disappeared, Han Ting let out an exclamation, feeling an unrivaled force pouring into his fist.

The skin of his right fist exploded. This time, he was no longer repelled by Tan Yun for hundreds of feet like last time, but was directly knocked into the air. After landing on the high platform, he stepped back three steps in succession to stabilize his body!

On the other hand, Tan Yun still stood with his hands behind his back, as steady as a rock!

This scene is no small matter!

Everyone watching the battle thought that after Han Ting used 90% of his strength, even if he didn't hit Tan Yun severely, he would be able to knock him into the air.

But what happened?

It was Tan Yun who knocked Han Ting into the air!

Upstairs, Master Bai Feng looked at Tan Yun and said excitedly, "How many surprises will this kid bring me?"

And the great god Xuanyan stared at Tan Yun, he never thought that his son would lose to Tan Yun in the competition of strength!


"I don't believe it, I can't shake you!"

As Han Ting roared, his arms trembled, and the sleeves of his robe burst open, revealing his fluffy lion arms, and his hands became lion paws!


This time, Han Ting no longer retained any strength. He rushed towards Tan Yun, shattered the void, and appeared in front of Tan Yun like lightning, smashed the space with his lion paw, and slapped Tan Yun's chest fiercely!

The corner of Tan Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, his right palm suddenly clenched into a fist, and he slammed into Han Tingshi's palm hard!


Amidst the deafening crash, a jaw-dropping scene happened, but Tan Yun was still as stable as a rock, while Han Ting was punched hundreds of thousands of feet like a cannonball, and fell towards the high platform!

Upstairs, the Great Master Xuanyan suddenly got up and shouted: "Ting'er, don't fall, or you will lose!"

"You fight him for strength! You can't fight him!"

"You have to use my clan's Black Flame Lion Fire, defeat him, and fight for glory for my Black Flame Wild Lion Clan!"

Hearing this, Han Ting, who fell towards the bottom of the high platform, responded, "Father, the child knows what to do!"

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Following three sky-shocking lion roars, Han Ting transformed into the sky, and immediately turned into a wild lion with a height of five hundred feet!

Its body was burning with the dark blue black flame lion flames as high as 10,000 zhang, and it suddenly protruded its left front hoof. With a "bang", the sharp lion claws grabbed the edge of the platform, and its mountain-like body suddenly jumped up. high tower!

The Xuanyan Mad Lion looked at Tan Yun who was hundreds of thousands of feet away, with a pair of giant pupils showing confidence, and said, "Jing Yun, I have to admit that your physical strength is stronger than mine, but you are bound to lose!" Already!"

"My Xuanyan Lionfire can burn your body regardless of any defenses. I advise you to admit defeat, otherwise, if I hurt you, don't blame me!"

Tan Yun smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter, it just so happens that my fire attribute is not weak, and I also want to experience the power of your Xuanyan Lion Fire."

"Okay, let's see the trick!" Xuanyan Mad Lion uttered words, the voice was loud, "Xuanyan Lion Fire, devouring the sky!"

"Hoo hoo—"


In an instant, from within the body of the Xuanyan Mad Lion, flames that were thousands of feet high and looked like the Xuanyan Mad Lion spewed out!

In the violent tremors of the void, it seemed that there were thousands of wild lions of black flames running aggressively from the high platform, devouring most of the high platform!

"Brother Jing Xian, be careful!" Bai Xu, who was watching the battle, shouted anxiously: "If you can't stand it, run for your life!"

"Brother Bai, don't worry, I don't pay attention to the mysterious flame and lion fire." Tan Yun's next move during the voice transmission stunned everyone present!

Then, the god soldiers showed disbelief and rubbed their eyes fiercely, thinking that they had misread it!

In the eyes of all the people, Tan Yun faced the engulfing mysterious lions transformed into black flame lion fire, he actually put his hands on his back, and let the black flame lion fire swallow him up!

"Ah! This, how is this possible!" On the high platform, the Xuanyan Wild Lion's giant eyes widened. It was shocked to find that Tan Yun, who was standing in his own Xuanyan Lion's fire, was smiling at himself!

And it was unscathed, it seemed that my Xuanyan Lionfire didn't have any heat at all!

Staring at Tan Yun with a happy expression, the Xuanyan Wild Lion was completely stunned. It raised its front hooves and scratched its head, unable to figure out what was going on?

Compared with strength, I lost a lot, but now the Xuanyan Lion Fire, which I have always been proud of, is ineffective against others!

At this moment, Xuanyan Kuangshi seemed to have the word "dumb" written in two capitals on his face, and he froze on the spot.

"Wahhahaha!" Bai Xu raised his voice, danced excitedly, looked sideways at Shen Subing's girls and said, "Sisters and sisters, have you seen it? The Xuanyan mad lion is stunned!"

"Brother Jing Xian is really awesome, he is its nemesis!"

Looking at the excited Bai Xu, Shen Subing's daughters pursed their lips and smiled. They naturally knew that Tan Yun possessed the primordial flame and was not afraid of any raging fire.

After a while, Tan Yun, who was in the flames, looked at the Xuanyan Lion who hadn't slowed down, and said with a smile: "Brother Han, put away your Xuanyan Lion Fire, my fire attribute is the true fire, It just happens to be stronger than your Black Flame Lion Fire, plus I have a strong physical body, so I am not afraid of you."

In order to save some face for the other party, Tan Yun said again: "I was able to defeat you this time. It's just a fluke. If your realm is higher than mine, I dare not stand here and let you burn!"

Hearing this, after the Xuanyan Mad Lion regained his composure, he felt a little more balanced, and smiled awkwardly, "It's because I was brazen before, and I accepted it."

While speaking, the Xuanyan Wild Lion put away the Xuanyan Lion Fire, and then turned into a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance.

Han Ting strode up to Tan Yun, reached out and grabbed Tan Yun's right arm, raised it high, and shouted:

"I, Han Ting, are convinced, and the winner is Jing Yun!"

Afterwards, Han Ting let go of Tan Yun, took a step back, clenched his right fist against his left chest, bowed deeply to Tan Yun, and then swept down the high platform.

Everyone knew that Han Ting's demeanor just now was that they, the Xuanyan Wild Lion Clan, would salute like this to the strong man they admired.

Undoubtedly, Tan Yun not only defeated Han Ting, but also won his respect.

The great general Bai Feng on the tower stood up and laughed loudly. In the past three thousand years, he has never been so happy as today, "Hahahaha, Jing Yun is doing well!"

After complimenting him, he put away his smile, thought of something, and said solemnly: "Remember, don't challenge the four-star warrior god tomorrow, otherwise, you will be close to death!"

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