Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1721 Mad God Killing Sword Art!

Chapter 1721: Mad God Killing Sword Art!

Fang Lingzhi exerted all her strength, her left hand pinched the dharma seal from her chest, whispered to herself, her right wrist twirled at a high speed, and whispered: "Legend of the Ancient Sword—Space God Wheel!"



As she danced her bright wrist, immediately, thousands of feet long sword lights of the power of the holy king of space transformed from around her, forming a giant wheel with the collapsed void!

The giant wheel was filled with a majestic breath of space. When Xuanyuanrou's five torrents of sky-like ice arrows were shrouded in the breath of the space god wheel, both their speed and power dropped by three points!


Fang Lingzhi held the divine sword in his hand, and led the space divine wheel around his body to advance instead of retreat, strangling a torrent of Tianxuan ice arrows in front of him invisible!

"Bang bang bang—"

At this time, the other four torrents of Tianxuan ice arrows bombarded the space god wheel from Fang Lingzhi, left, right, front, back, and left!

The torrent formed by the four Tianxuan ice arrows quickly annihilated on the extremely fast-circling space god wheel, and the space god wheel was also being gradually annihilated!

When the torrent of four Tianxuan ice arrows was about to collapse and only six Tianxuan ice arrows were left, the space god wheel that wrapped Fang Ganoderma lucidum had been annihilated into nothingness.

Fang Lingzhi was shocked, there was no trace of blood on her face!


Six Sky Profound Ice Arrows spread out from the majestic void in the sword array with lightning speed, and the first one shot directly between Fang Lingzhi's eyebrows!

The second pierces Fang Ganoderma lucidum throat!

The third branch is the heart!

The remaining three Sky Profound Ice Arrows fluttered from the void like ghosts seizing souls.


Following two crisp sounds, Fang Lingzhi blocked the Tianxuan ice arrows that shot towards his forehead and throat with his sword!

Every time I blocked it, I felt a sharp pain from my right wrist, but the tiger's mouth was cracked by the huge impact, and the blood was gurgling.


The third Sky Profound Ice Arrow, carrying a burst of bright red blood, brushed past Fang Lingzhi's heart, which was dodging.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi!"

At this time, the originally erratic Sky Profound Ice Arrow, with a whistling sound, pierced Fang Lingzhi's left shoulder for the first one, and the remaining two pierced her legs!

Fang Lingzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained the black veil of the mask red, and the eyes showed pain.

"Sister Fang, you are not her opponent, escape from the underground palace quickly! I will deal with her and Jing Yun!" At this time, Ying Ting's voice sounded from the burning underground palace, "I will try to help you break through the sword array, you escape go out!"


After Ying Ting dodged Tan Yun's slaying sword, the divine ring flashed, and a time-space breaking divine shuttle shot out, and shot towards the curtain of the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian formation.

"Sister Ying, hold on, I'll go find reinforcements!" After Fang Lingzhi responded, she spun in the air, turned into an afterimage, and fled towards the exit of the underground palace at top speed.

"Rou'er, it's not good! At this time, space and time are breaking through the formation, and it is very likely that a gap will be pierced through the formation. You must let her stay no matter what, and don't let her escape!" Tan Yun's urging voice came to mind, "If you encounter Shiyin and Shimin on the way to chase her, you must stop her from speaking until she reveals our identities!"

"Kill her if necessary!"

Xuanyuanrou nodded heavily, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, she won't have the opportunity to tell us the secret."

"Tan Yun, this woman surnamed Ying is difficult to deal with. Hold on, and when I capture the woman surnamed Fang alive, I will come back to help you!"

When Xuanyuanrou transmitted the sound, the corners of her skirt flew up and turned into a beam of light, shooting into the void of primordial mists, chasing after Fang Lingzhi...


When the primordial void trembled violently, the Space Breaking Divine Shuttle suddenly soared from the void to a height of a thousand feet, stabbing viciously on the sword formation.


Amidst the deafening bang, a crack appeared on the formation. Just as the crack was about to close, Xuanyuan Rou followed Fang Lingzhi and flashed through the crack. Immediately, the formation returned to its original state and Xuanyuan disappeared. The figures of Rou and Fang Lingzhi...


A strong wind blew in the void of primordial mist, and Ying Ting's body surged violently with the power of the ancient saint king and the power of the time saint king. The power of the two saint kings quickly condensed a phantom of a woman as tall as a thousand feet from her body.

A woman who overwhelms the country and the city is exactly what Ying Ting looks like.

At this moment, the masked Ying Ting stood in the air in the body of the phantom of thousands of feet. She lifted the veil, raised her jade hand, and the divine sword in her hand rose into the air, turned into a giant of seven hundred feet, and flew into the hands of her phantom.

Tan Yun looked at the huge phantom of thousands of feet, frowned, and his expression became serious, "Who are you to this old man, King Yingkun?"

The reason why Tan Yun believed that Ying Ting was the man of the God King Ying Kun was because he saw that Ying Ting was using the divine power of the God King Ying Kun: Mad God Transformation!

After performing the Mad God Transformation, both strength and speed have been greatly improved!

And any action that Ying Ting makes in the phantom, the phantom that is thousands of feet tall will also make the same move.

Similarly, if one hurts Qianzhang phantom, it will also hurt her real body!

"Shenwang Yingkun is my grandfather!" Ying Ting's voice contained no trace of emotion, "So what if you are the reincarnation of the Supreme Being of Hongmeng?"

"If you and this lady have the same strength, this lady is naturally no match for you, but it's a pity that this lady is a ninth-class saint king, and you are only a third-class saint!"

"Today, Miss Ben will kill you!"

Ying Ting's thousand-foot phantom, holding a divine sword and a ten thousand-foot sword light, slashed at Tan Yun's neck aggressively!

"Hahaha, ahhahaha!" Tan Yun laughed angrily, "Your grandfather killed so many of my subordinates back then!"

"I don't have the ability to deal with your grandfather today, but I don't believe it, and I can't kill you!"


Tan Yun, who was ten thousand feet tall and wearing the eternal armor, shook the entire sword formation with a loud roar, and he used the second supernatural power of the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian formation: Fenglei Wuji Sky Breaking Spear!

"Spear through the gods!"

Following Tan Yun's thought, in an instant, a strong wind blew up in the vast void of primordial emptiness, and beams of bright thunder power like dragons swam out of the void of primordial void, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine waves!


Amidst the howling wind, gusts of wind force transformed from the sky into ethereal phantoms of thousands of feet of giant spears!

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand-foot-long spear shadows circled around the ten thousand-meter-high Tan Yun at a very high speed, the momentum was astounding, and the scene was extremely spectacular!


The void was collapsing one after another, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon-like thunder powers pierced into each of the thousand-foot spear shadows!

Immediately, the originally ethereal spear shadows turned into substantial giant spears, each giant spear exuding violent wind and thunder power!


Following Tan Yun's deep shout, suddenly, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand-foot giant spears floating around him converged from the void into a giant dragon that was one hundred thousand feet thick and millions of feet long. Opened the giant mouth that devoured the sky, and after devouring the slashed sword light, he went towards Ying Ting's thousand-zhang phantom to kill him!

"So strong!" Ying Ting's heart shuddered, and her expression was unprecedentedly dignified. She knew that it was time to play her trump card, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

"The Mad God Slaughtering Sword Jue - Ultimate Supernatural Power: Three Thousand Six Hundred Swords of the Mad God!"

As soon as Ying Ting said this, Tan Yun's expression changed drastically!

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