Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1722 Get carried away!

Chapter 1722 Get carried away!

The reason why Tan Yun's face changed drastically was because he knew that the Mad God's Three Thousand Six Hundred Swords is the ultimate supernatural power in the Mad God's Killing Sword Art!

Tan Yun did not expect that Ying Ting had realized the 3,600 Swords of the Mad God at a young age, which shows that Ying Ting's talent and comprehension are excellent.

As Tan Yun said, Ying Ting is indeed very talented, and he is highly valued by his grandfather Ying Kun.

"Whether you are Tan Yun or Jing Yun, you will die today!"

Ying Ting stared at Tan Yun, with a cold light in her eyes, her ethereal beauty, holding a divine sword, with a solemn expression, danced at a very fast speed with a mysterious trajectory from the primordial void!


In an instant, ten-thousand-foot-long sword glows emerged from the void. There were 3,600 towering sword glows, facing Tan Yun's million-foot-long giant dragon formed by the wind and thunder Wuji Breaking Spear. cut off!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and after the first sword light struck the dragon's head, the million-foot-long dragon lagged behind indistinctly from the void, and devoured Ying Ting again, but the ten thousand-foot sword light could not Under the impact of the giant dragon, it collapsed into the air.

"Bang bang bang—"

"Boom, boom—"

In the bursts of loud noises like weeping ghosts and gods, while breathing, the giant dragon transformed from a pole of wind and thunder Wuji Sky Breaking Spear smashed thousands of sword lights like a broken bamboo. At the same time, the dragon's dragon The capital also collapsed!

"You are nothing more than that!" Ying Ting's thousand-foot phantom held the sword high in his right hand, pointing the sword at the sky, and the majestic power of the ancient sage king and time sage king poured into the divine sword.

At this moment, Ying Ting was extremely confident. The giant dragon transformed from Tan Yun's sky-shattering spear couldn't stop his remaining two thousand sky-high sword lights!

Because the power of the three thousand six hundred swords of the Mad God increases gradually, that is to say, the first sword glow is the least powerful, and the last sword glow is the most powerful!

The reason why she is pointing her sword at the sky at this moment is to prevent Tan Yun from killing him with a full blow after he is still alive.

Just as Ying Ting expected, when there were only 360 of her 3,600 sky-shattering sword lights left, Tan Yun's million-foot-long giant dragon transformed from a sky-breaking spear had already turned into nothingness!

"Jing Yun, die!" Ying Ting held the divine sword in his hand, with a tone of control over the overall situation.

She controlled three hundred and sixty skyscraper sword lights, which swirled from the void to form a whirlpool of sword lights, strangling and killing Tan Yun, who was extremely tall, with terrifying momentum!

Tan Yun's face was livid, and he shouted in his heart: "Death shatters the magic whip!"

The Death Smashing Whip is the most powerful supernatural power in the Hongmeng Tu Divine Sword Formation, stronger than the Time-Space Destroyer Knife and the Wind and Thunder Breaking Heaven Spear!

It is a new supernatural power derived from the old supernatural power of the abyss of death.

As Tan Yun shouted in his heart, suddenly, a black spot of light the size of a grain of rice transformed into the primordial void in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the black spot of light suddenly turned into a death shattering whip that was ten feet long!


The strong wind raged, the void fell, and in the huge hole in the pitch-black space, the Death Smashing Whip fiercely lashed at the three hundred and sixty skyscraper sword lights that came!

"Bang, bang bang—"

Deafening bangs ravaged the entire void of the sword formation, but it was the Death Smashing Whip that blatantly blasted 260 skyscraper sword lights and collapsed!

The remaining one hundred skyscraper sword lights locked onto Tan Yun, and continued to slash towards Tan Yun!

"You can do whatever you can!" Ying Ting sneered, holding a sword in his right hand.

"Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art!"

As Tan Yun performed the sword art, his aura suddenly rose from the third-class saint to the fifth-class saint king.

At this moment, the divine power in Tan Yun's Lingchi can only withstand the most powerful magical power in his sword art.

He also wanted to use supernatural powers such as breaking the five elements and killing the seven veins, but once he used them, he was unable to use the most powerful supernatural powers: Primordial God Killing!

"Little bitch is so rare!"

"Hongmeng kills the gods—Nine kills the gods!"

At this moment, Tan Yun put all his eggs in one basket and used his strongest supernatural power.

In his mountain-like body, the power of the holy king of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, time, space, death, and light surged out like a tide.

Immediately, he held the Grandmist Killing God Sword in his hand, and flickered nine times from the void of the Grandmist, and each time he swung a huge and substantial sword light!

Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the nine sword lights shattered the void, and with a huge crack in the dark space, they rushed towards Ying Ting's remaining one hundred sword lights!



The loud noise made people's eardrums hurt, and Tan Yun's nine substantial sword lights smashed into pieces ninety-seven Ying Ting's sword lights, and then collapsed!

"Let's see if you die this time!" Ying Ting sneered, waved his left arm, and immediately, the most powerful remaining three sword lights came towards Tan Yun one after another.


Tan Yun held the Hongmeng Killing Sword to block, sparks shot out, and a huge impact came from the Hongmeng Killing Sword. Suddenly, Tan Yun felt his right hand lost consciousness, but the bones of the right hand holding the sword were instantly shattered!

Tan Yun's facial features were distorted in pain, and the Hongmeng Killing God Sword fell from his limp right hand!



At this time, the second ten thousand zhang sword light, with the collapsed void, cut on Tan Yun's chest!

"Crack, click—"

Amidst the clear sound of bone cracking, several huge ribs in Tan Yun's chest were broken. Immediately, his ears and nose were bleeding, and blood was spraying from his mouth.

If Tan Yun hadn't been protected by the eternal armor, otherwise, he would have been smashed to pieces!


The void trembled, and before Tan Yun stabilized his body from the primordial void, the last sword light slashed cruelly on his back!


Blood spurted out of Tan Yun's mouth non-stop, and the spine in the armor on his back was completely shattered. After being cut off tens of thousands of feet, his limp body was suspended in the void feebly.

If it wasn't for Tan Yun being in his Hongmeng Tu Shenjian formation, otherwise, he would have fallen and could not be suspended at all.

Tan Yun lay softly in the void, and his pair of giant pupils bubbling with blood gradually began to slacken!

He was seriously injured, his internal organs were severely injured like never before, and his heart was almost shattered!


Tan Yun was gasping for breath in disorder, his breathing was weak and short, and blood spurted out of his mouth in a bloody way, looking extremely tragic!

"Little master, let the old slave do it!" Xiao Longshe's choked-up old voice sounded in Tan Yun's mind.

Tan Yun swallowed a mouthful of blood with great difficulty, and said weakly through voice transmission: "Old Xiao...in the God Swallowing Abyss, I have many enemies, and they are all very powerful."

"You are my trump card, you must not make a move unless it is absolutely necessary."

"As for her, I have... I have my own way to deal with her..."

Just as Tan Yun and Xiao Longshe communicated through sound transmission, Ying Ting, whose divine power was almost exhausted in the Lingchi, disappeared. She was pale and holding a sword in her hand, flying high above Tan Yun, her pair of beautiful eyes condescendingly looking down. With Tan Yun.

Her pale and sweat-covered face was full of sarcasm, and she panted, "So what about the Supreme Being? She was defeated by this young lady!"

"Tan Yun, tell me, if I bring your head to Master Lingxia Tianzun, how should she thank me?"

"She would never have thought that the disciple she favored was actually her former master, right?"

"Hahahaha, ahhahahaha!"

Tan Yun looked at the smug Ying Ting, and said in a trembling voice while spewing blood from his mouth: "Fuck! Would you kill me if you were capable?"

"I'm afraid you can't do it yet!"

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