Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1777 The Prologue of Death Begins!

Chapter 1777 The Prologue of Death Begins!

After the ridicule, Xueying Tianzun sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun and Xuanyuanrou, saying in a reluctant tone, "Father, mother, my daughter is gone, you have to take care of yourself and don't worry about your daughter."

"If you have difficulties in the future, go to your daughter."

Xueying Tianzun also doesn't want to be separated from her parents, but she knows that now is not the time to never be separated from her parents.

Xuanyuanrou said via voice transmission: "Daughter, take care of yourself, me and your father, you don't have to worry about it."

"After your father takes revenge in the future, we will be together forever."

Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "Let's go, don't worry about me and your mother, I will take care of your mother."

"Well, take care." After the voice transmission, Xueying Tianzun looked at Lingxia Tianzun coldly, "Actually, you know that the chief culprit who killed Yu Wenshu was the famous Supreme God King beside you."

"It's just that I don't want this Tianzun to use the big derivation technique again. You are worried that it will not end after derivation, right?"

"Although your actions are shameless, after all, there are not many dogs who are as loyal to you as the Supreme God King, are they?"

Xueying Tianzun's words really hit Lingxia Tianzun's heart, she trembled with anger, secretly said: "If it is not for the face of Shiyuan Supreme Lord, I really want to kill her!"

"Hmph." Xueying Tianzun snorted coldly, looked at the Supreme God King, and said without a doubt: "Find someone to open the big formation of the city, I want to leave."

The Supreme God King restrained the anger in his heart, called the old butler Bai Teng, and sent Xueying Tianzun away.

After Xueying Tianzun left, Lingxia Tianzun sent a voice transmission to the Supreme God King with a livid face: "Later, you find a scapegoat to confess the crime of killing Yu Wenshu."

"Only in this way can this turmoil subside."

The Supreme God King said via voice transmission: "Lord Tianzun, but...the subordinate really didn't send anyone to kill Yu Wenshu!"

Lingxia Tianzun said via voice transmission: "Okay, even if I believe in you, even if you really didn't send someone to kill Yu Wenshu, but do you think the people present will believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether you sent people to kill it now, the nine clans of Yuwen Shenwang will be wiped out, and you have not suffered."

"Just do what I say."

The Supreme God King sighed, he could see that Lingxia Tianzun still believed that he was the mastermind behind the killing of Yu Wenshu.

And she didn't attack herself because she had made countless military exploits for her in the past.

"The matter has come to this point, I can only admit it, otherwise, if I continue talking, I will anger Lord Tianzun, and then it will be impossible to end." The Supreme God King secretly said: "Also, the mastermind behind the killing of Yu Wenshu, It must be in the hall."

"Since it's not Jing Yun, who could it be?"

"There are no eternal secrets in this world. This person must have a grudge against me. If he wants to blame me for killing Yu Wenshu, he just wants to bring me down."

"Since he didn't succeed this time, there will definitely be a second time, no matter what, I will wait and see what happens, and one day, sooner or later, I will find out the black hands behind the scenes!"

After making up his mind, the Supreme God King released his consciousness, and after a while, a young man walked into the hall of honored guests.

This young man was one of the many children adopted by the old housekeeper Bai Teng. He was apparently ordered by the Supreme God King to be a scapegoat.

The young man knelt in the hall, kowtowed and said, "Master God King, Lord Tianzun, I am the one who killed Yu Wenshu."

The Supreme God King roared like thunder, "Why did you come out of my God King's Mansion, a bastard who doesn't do things without thinking!"

"How could you kill Yu Wenshu!"

The young man kowtowed and said: "My lord, the villain has been secretly in love with the eldest lady for a long time. Three years ago, I was overwhelmed by Yu Wenshu's deception to the eldest lady, hiding that he is a waste, so I killed him."

"Now the villain dies without any regrets. The God King Yuwen killed the second lady and the second son-in-law, and the villain killed Yu Wenshu. The villain's death is not bad!"

At this time, Lingxia Tianzun looked tired and said: "Drag it out and chop it!"

"Your subordinate obeys the order." After receiving the order, the Supreme God King said loudly, "Come here, drag it out and chop it up!"

Soon, two gods will come in and take the youth out.

Lingxia Tianzun looked at the crowd and said: "I am tired, everyone go back wherever you came from, this is the end of this matter."

"Everyone, I hope that you will unite as one, and don't want this kind of thing to happen again in the future, otherwise, you will be punished severely!"

"This subordinate obeys, and this subordinate will leave!" After the god kings and patriarchs responded, they left the hall of honored guests one after another, leaving only God King Bai Cheng, God King Mu Feng, Tan Yun, Xuanyuan Rou, Supreme God King, Zhan Peng, Lingxia Tianzun, Shiyin, Shimin.

Lingxia Tianzun looked at the Supreme God King and said: "Yun'er is the proud disciple of this Tianzun. I know that there was some estrangement between you before. This Tianzun hopes that you can turn hostility into friendship and respect each other as guests from now on."

"Your subordinate obeys the order." When the Supreme God King took the order, he sneered in his heart. In his heart, Tan Yun had already been sentenced to death.

"Disciple remembers Master's teachings." Tan Yun respectfully.

"Hmm." Lingxia Tianzun looked at Tan Yun, with a doting look in his eyes, "Yun'er, my teacher gave you the formula of returning to the ancestors, you have to practice hard, and don't let the teacher down."

"It's Master." Tan Yun bowed.

Lingxia Tianzun nodded lightly, looked back at Shiyin and Shimin, "Go back to Hongmeng God City with mother."

"Okay." Li Shiyin and Shimin followed Lingxia Tianzun to leave. Before leaving, Li Shiyin looked at Tan Yun with reluctance in his eyes.

Tan Yun smiled and waved goodbye to her.


After half an hour.

God King Bai Cheng drove the Shenzhou, and flew God King Mu Feng, Tan Yun, and Xuanyuan Rou out of the Supreme Army City.

On the Shenzhou, King Baicheng arranged a sound-proof barrier, looked at Tan Yun and said, "This time is really dangerous. Fortunately, Rou'er convinced Xueying Tianzun, otherwise, you and I, the old man, would not be able to leave the Supreme Military City alive." gone."

"As for why Xueying Tianzun favors Rou'er so much, the old man and I don't want to ask about it."

"I just want you to know that in the future, when you attack the enemy, you must find a good time and don't be rash!"

"There is also something wrong, don't be afraid, just look for me and brother Mu Feng, we will support you."

Listening to the words of God King Bai Cheng, Tan Yun and Xuanyuan Rou felt warm in their hearts...

Half a year later, God King Bai Cheng and Tan Yun arrived at Qingtian Army City outside the territory.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to Tan Yun, Xuanyuan Rou disappeared into the sky following Mufeng God King, and flew towards Mufeng Army City...

After Tan Yun sent Xuanyuan Rou and the others away, a cold light appeared in his star pupils, "God King Yuwen, you also betrayed me in the past, but now your death is just the beginning of the prelude to the death of those who betrayed me! "

"The god kings who betrayed me in the Primordial God Realm, I will let you die one by one."

"Chaos God Realm, Shiyuan God Realm, came to my Primordial God Realm in the past, slaughtered all the gods under me, you all wait for me, your good days will not be too far away!"

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