Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1778 Great background!

Chapter 1778 Great background!

After making up their minds, Tan Yun and King Bai Cheng stepped into Qingtian Army City.

"Old Bo, do you have a large mustard seed time-space magic weapon?" Tan Yun asked, "Can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to practice?"

"Yes, but it's only the eleventh-order top-grade divine tower, plus many people share the first floor, so one day outside the tower is only one hundred and eighty years inside the tower." Said King Baicheng.

"One day outside, one hundred and eighty years inside the tower, it's already very good." Tan Yun said with a smile: "How many do you always have?"

"There are still three empty ones, what's the matter?" King Bai Cheng said, "Do you want to use it?"

"Well, can we give it all to the younger generation?" Tan Yun said.

"Okay, no problem." After Bai Chengshen Wang readily agreed, he asked curiously, "What are you using it for?"

Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "This junior has subdued more than 100,000 purple evil spirits in the God Swallowing Abyss. This junior will form them into a fierce army!"

"What? Purple evil spirits!" King Bai Cheng looked horrified, "Is that the purple evil spirits you talked about at the wedding? They have the supernatural power to imprison the divine power of other gods?"

"Yes." Tan Yun nodded.

"Hahahaha, that's great!" Said King Bai Cheng, "More than one hundred thousand, this is a powerful auxiliary army!"

"That's right." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, can you always send someone to Hongmeng God City to buy another thirty time-space towers, the higher the grade, the better, useful for juniors."

"Okay, that's okay, old man, I'll arrange someone to go there later." King Bai Cheng said, "It's just that I guess you can buy it, at most it's the eleventh-order top-quality space-time tower."

"Also, are all the 30 buildings you want available for people to practice on a large scale?"

"Yes." Tan Yun replied.

At this moment, Tan Yun is already making plans for the future. He is planning to go to other secret places after a long-term retreat to greatly improve his strength this time, looking for his former subordinates, the protoss.

God King Bai Cheng said frowningly: "Yun'er, I can afford thirty eleventh-order top-quality space-time towers, old man, but it will consume a huge amount of divine jade for such a large-scale person to cultivate in them. "

"Even if I buy it back, old man, I don't have that many divine jades anymore."

A smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, "You don't have to worry about this, this junior can get enough divine jade by himself."

"What way?" King Bai Cheng said with a casual smile, "Could it be that you go and grab it!"

Tan Yun smiled brightly and didn't respond, but King Bai Cheng didn't know that he guessed right!

Tan Yun really planned to go to grab it after retreating!

As for how to rob, who to rob? Tan Yun already had calculations in his mind.

Then, Tan Yun said: "Can you do me a favor for this junior?"

"You and the old man, why are you being polite, just say it." King Bai Cheng said.

Tan Yun said: "The younger generation feels that the eleventh-order top-grade time-space god tower is still a bit low-grade."

"I hope that you will always arrange someone to help the younger generation find the Time Meteor Iron and the Space Gold Quicksand. The more these two refining materials, the better."

"Besides, since the two materials are very scarce, you should be fast. Go and catch up with King Mufeng and ask him to send someone to look for it."

"After you find it, send it to Qingtian Army City for the younger generation."

Hearing this, King Bai Cheng asked curiously: "Yun'er, after you find enough refining materials, you plan to ask the Human Zun Artifact Refiner to refine the Zun Zun Mustard Seed Time-Space God Tower for you?"

Tan Yun chuckled and played a charade, "You will know from now on."

"Hehehehe, good." Bai Chengshen Wang laughed and said: "I'll tell Brother Mu Feng first to help you find the materials for refining weapons. I will give you the eleventh-order top-quality time-space tower."

After saying that, King Bai Cheng flew out of the city of Qingtian Army, caught up with King Mu Feng, and told Tan Yun what he needed.

King Mufeng agreed, and King Baicheng returned to Qingtian Army City.

King Mufeng drove the Shenzhou, and flew Xuanyuan Rou towards Mufeng Army City.

On the way, he was very curious to know which human-level craftsman Tan Yun would invite to make a move?

Just when Mu Feng was confused, Xuanyuanrou's subsequent words caused a storm in his heart!

Xuanyuanrou smiled and said, "Grandpa, does Jing Yun want to refine the mustard seed time-space artifact?"

"I guess he should be able to refine the top-grade Tianzun mustard seed time-space tower, and not only one."

"What! The top-grade Tianzun time-space tower!" Mu Feng Shenwang jumped up from the Shenzhou, "How is this possible? Could it be that he is a holy Tianzun craftsman?"

However, Xuanyuanrou's subsequent answer shocked him into a daze.

"Grandpa, don't make a fuss, Jing Yun can refine the top-grade Tianzun Time-Space God Tower, and my granddaughter can do it too." Xuanyuan Rou said with a smile: "However, his refining speed is faster than me, you should find more refining tools The materials, let him refine them, and give us a few of them."

"Grandpa, this is a secret, don't tell anyone! Otherwise, your granddaughter and your future grandson-in-law will be destroyed."

Hearing this, King Mu Feng suppressed his shock and nodded heavily, "Don't worry, grandpa will never tell anyone, including grandpa's family."

God King Mufeng thought of Xuanyuanrou persuading Xueying Tianzun to slander God King Yuwen on Tan Yun's behalf. Thinking about the matter now, he vaguely felt that this granddaughter and future grandson-in-law he recognized had a lot of background!

In addition, the reason why Xuanyuanrou said these things was also a decision made by Tan Yun, her, and Xueying Tianzun when they talked all night in the Supreme Army City.

Tan Yun asked Xuanyuan Rou to find an opportunity to test whether the King Mu Feng was reliable.

And at this moment, it is a great opportunity to test.

It doesn't matter if God King Mufeng leaks this matter, Xuanyuanrou only needs to make a joke, and the crisis can be resolved.

Of course, Xuanyuanrou believes that the King Mufeng will not speak out, because he can help himself and Tan Yun to deceive the Lingxia Tianzun together. It is enough to prove that the King Mufeng is reliable if he does not reveal that Tan Yun is the murderer degree!


At the same time, Qingtian Army City.

Tan Yun returned to the elite god realm and came to Jingfu.

When Tan Yun just walked into the mansion, the seven wives in the courtyard, Shen Subing, Tang Mengyu, Si Hongshiyao, Nangong Yuqin, Tang Xinying, Gongsun Ruoxi, and Tantai Xian'er, happily walked out of the twelfth-order best time and space standing in the courtyard. Flashing out of the divine tower, it appeared in front of Tan Yun.

After Tan Yun hugged the seven wives one by one, he let Zishan, Miao Qingluan, and Xiao Longshe leave the Tower of Lingxiao, and introduced them to the wives.

Zishan and Xiao Longshe are very respectful to Tan Yun's wives.

And Miao Qingluan is very friendly. At the same time, secretly said that Tan Yun is really charming, and his wives are all beauties in the world. For the first time, she felt that she was not the most beautiful woman in the world.

Afterwards, Tan Yun said with a smile: "Zishan, Qingluan, you and we can enter the twelfth-level top-grade space-time tower to practice. The outside world can take three hundred years in a day. This cultivation speed is not because you are swallowing the gods and ominous abyss." comparable."

After hearing this, Miao Qingluan and Zishan widened their beautiful eyes, their excitement, shock, and excitement were beyond words!

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