Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1790 Furious!

Chapter 1790 Furious!

In the next moment, a tall, bulging, beautiful girl in a pink skirt descended from the sky and appeared in front of Tan Yun.

The pink skirt girl is none other than Mu Zhen Tianzun.

Afterwards, Tang Ping, a general of the Bai Family Army, descended from the sky and landed behind Tan Yun.

"I have seen Lord Tianzun." The Titan God King hurriedly withdrew his right foot from stepping on Tan Yun, looked down at Mu Zhen Tianzun and bowed deeply.

"Hmph!" Mu Zhen Tianzun snorted coldly: "I already know what happened, although the source of the Time-Space Meteor Iron was discovered by your Titan Army City."

"But then you gave up mining, why couldn't the Bai family army mine?"

"You titan warriors cut off the hands of 3,000 Bai family soldiers and killed them brutally. It's really unreasonable!"

Hearing this, the Titan God King frowned, bowed and said, "Master Tianzun, you only know one thing and don't know the other."

"The Bai family army frantically slaughtered 300,000 of my Titan soldiers, as well as three great generals, and even the deputy commander Tashi Guluo and commander Spartaro were killed by them!"

"Lingxia Tianzun has an order that no one has the right to execute anyone who is above the military rank, but they did it like this!"

"Lord Mu Zhen Tianzun, tell me how to deal with this matter?"

Hearing this, Mu Zhen Tianzun raised his crescent eyebrows, looked at King Bai Cheng with displeasure, and asked, "Did you really kill Zhaxi Guluo and Spartaro?"

Just as Tan Yun was about to speak, King Bocheng said, "That's right, my subordinates killed them. This matter has nothing to do with Feng'er and Yun'er."

After hearing this, Tan Yun felt a warm current in his heart.

"Lord Muzhen Tianzun, you heard it too, he admitted it himself!" Said the King of Titans: "This junior should go to Lord Lingxia Tianzun now and let her uphold justice!"

"God King Bai Cheng, please!"

When Muzhen Tianzun was about to speak, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to King Bai Chengshen: "I agree to go with him, and I will let him go around without eating!"

Hearing this, King Bai Cheng said, "Who is afraid of whom?"

Afterwards, God King Bai Cheng arranged for God Bai Feng to continue mining, and he, Tan Yun, and God King Titan boarded the Shenzhou of Muzhen Tianzun.

Tianzun Muzhen drove the Shenzhou and drove everyone away. Before leaving, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to the general Baifeng: "Uncle, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Also, you send someone back to Qingtian Army City, report to my wives that they are safe, and tell them that after I go to Hongmeng God City, I have some other things to deal with, and it may take a long time before I come back."


Time flies, one year later.

Hongmeng Divine City, Hongmeng Divine Palace.

In the majestic hall, the Titan God King bowed to Lingxia Tianzun and said, "Master Tianzun, this is what happened."

"The Bai family army killed 300,000 subordinates, killed three great generals, and Zhaxi Guluo and Spartaro were also killed!"

"Please, Lord Tianzun, uphold justice for your subordinates and severely punish King Bai Cheng!"

Hearing this, Tianzun Lingxia looked at God King Bai Cheng, and said in a cold tone, "Is what God King Titan said true?"

"It's true." King Bai Cheng said.

"Presumptuous!" Lingxia Tianzun was really angry.

At this moment, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to King Bai Chengshen: "My strength to leapfrog the challenge, and with the help of Zishan, I killed Tashiguluo and Spartaro, and no one else should know about it."

"Otherwise, my enemies will send more powerful men to kill me in the future, and by then, I will be in danger."

King Bai Chengshen said via voice transmission: "Yun'er, don't worry, the old man will bear the murder for you."

Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "You don't have to worry, I guarantee you are safe and sound."

When the two communicated, Lingxia Tianzun looked at Bai Chengshen Wang and said, "I will never let you go lightly!"

"Master, this disciple has something to say." At this moment, Tan Yun bowed and said.

"Yun'er, you don't need to beg for mercy on this matter." Lingxia Tianzun said.

"Master, this disciple will not intercede with King Bai Cheng, but I just want to tell you some facts." Tan Yun said.

"Well, then tell me about it." Lingxia Tianzun said.

"It's Master." Tan Yun said truthfully, "The 300,000 Titan soldiers were all killed by disciples."

"What, you killed it?" Lingxia Tianzun said displeased.

"Yes, Master." Tan Yun said with a serious expression: "Master, listen to what my disciple said."

"It's true that the Titan Army City first discovered the Time Meteor Iron, but they gave up mining halfway, and it was later discovered by my Bai family army. Why can't my Bai family army mine it?"

"There is no provision to prove that the source of the ore belongs to his Titan Army City?"

"But what about them? They actually cut off the hands of 3,000 Bai family soldiers who were mining, and then brutally killed them!"

"Tuer kills them to take revenge. Let the other god kings know that our Bai family army never initiates troubles, but we are not afraid of any army."

"That's why Tu'er killed 300,000 Titan soldiers. Of course, this is only one of the reasons."

"The second reason is that the three great generals in the Titan Army City wanted to kill their disciples, and God King Bai Cheng did it."

"Also, Zhaxi Guluo and Spartaro are the disciples of the Titan God King. The two of them resented that their disciples killed the son of the Titan God King at Shiyin and Shimin's birthday ceremony, so they wanted to kill him. Apprentice."

"When attacking the apprentice, the two of them also spoke disrespectfully to you, Master, and didn't take you seriously. They even wanted to kill the disciple and kill the 97,000 Bai family soldiers present."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun was furious, "Yun'er, are Tashi Guluo and Spartaro really insulting your teacher?"

"Yes, Master." Tan Yungong said, "If King Bai Cheng hadn't arrived in time, the apprentice and more than 90,000 Bai family soldiers would have all been killed!"

"Master, you think, the disciple is still your disciple, and Tashi Guluo and Spartaro dare to do it. Who gave them the courage is obviously the Titan King!"

"Or, it was ordered by the Titan God King!"

The Titan God King on the side hurriedly said: "Master Tianzun, Jing Yun is talking nonsense..."

"Nonsense?" Tan Yun interrupted: "Don't believe me, right? Well, I'll let you believe it!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun turned around and bowed to Lingxia Tianzun: "Master, there is no proof for what you say, please take a look."


With a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, a burst of divine power condensed a memory image from the void.

In the video, Zhaxi Guluo said to Spartaro in a deep voice: "Brother, kill! Kill Jing Yun, and then drive all the Bai family troops to extinction, and then create the illusion that they were killed by the demons from outside the territory, so that No one knows we killed it!"

"Good!" Spartaro responded.

Tashi Guluo looked down at Tan Yun, his eyes were red, "You bastard, you killed my master's child at Li Shiyin and Li Shimin's birthday ceremony, and today you killed my son. This deputy commander wants to make your life worse than death!"

When seeing this, the Titan God King widened his eyes, while Lingxia Tianzun's face darkened!

But the next memory image made Lingxia Tianzun furious!

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