Chapter 1791: The Reign of Blood

In the picture, Tan Yun, who is seriously injured and bleeding from seven orifices, is being ridden by Spartaro, trying to break Tan Yun's neck.

When Tan Yun's neck was twisted to the limit, Bai Feng, the great general on the Shenzhou in the distance, looked at Tan Yun's tragic appearance, he shed tears anxiously, and roared: "Spartaro, Jing Yun is not The personal disciple favored by Tianzun, you can't kill him!"

"I'm going to be a goddamn disciple of Lord Tianzun, so what? After the commander kills him, and then kills you, who will know that Jing Yun was killed by the commander?" Spartaro cursed.

Immediately, Tan Yun dismissed the memory image and said: "Master, if King Bai Cheng hadn't arrived at this time, this disciple would have died already."

At this moment, Tianzun Lingxia was so angry that her delicate body trembled, she stretched out a finger, and pointed at the Titan God King angrily, "Spartaro is your apprentice! How dare he scold me Tianzun, Bo Cheng God King killed it well!"

"Spartaro and Tashigulo should be killed on the spot!"


Seeing Lingxia Tianzun was furious, the Titan God King knelt down in fear, kowtowed and said: "What Tianzun said is that the two traitors under his command should die."

"It's because the discipline is not strict, the subordinate is guilty!"

At this time, Tan Yun added fuel to the flames: "Of course you are guilty of the Titan God King. As a master, if you are in awe of my master in private, how dare your disciples scold my master like that?"

"Also, you two apprentices dare to kill me so boldly, who else could it be if you ordered it?"

Hearing this, the Titan God King stared at Tan Yun, "Jing Yun, you are spitting blood..."

"Enough is enough to shut up!" Lingxia Tianzun glared at the Titan God King, and said without doubt: "Give me this Tianzun to get out of Hongmeng Divine Palace, kneel for a year before leaving!"

"If it weren't for your merits in overthrowing the Supreme Being of the Primordial Origin back then, I really want to kill you, get lost!"

"Thank you, Lord Tianzun, for not killing me. I'm going to get out of here." The Titan God King retreated in a panic as if he had been pardoned.

"Master, calm down, it hurts you too much." Tan Yun said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter." Lingxia Tianzun finished speaking, looked at God King Bai Cheng, and said, "Before, there were ten god kings in my Primordial God Realm. Later, God King Yuwen was killed, and now there is a lack of a seat."

"From now on, this Heavenly Venerable canonize you as one of the Ten Great God Kings, and sit on an equal footing with the other nine Great God Kings. On a certain day, this Heavenly Lord will announce to the three great God Realms."

"At the same time, I will dispatch 60 million divine soldiers to Qingtian Army City, which will be under your control. As the top ten divine kings, it is impossible to have fewer subordinate divine soldiers."

Hearing this, the excitement of King Bai Chengshen was beyond words, and he immediately kowtowed and said: "Thank you, Lord Tianzun, for your cultivation!"

"Well, well, you step back, I have something to talk to Yun'er about." Lingxia Tianzun said.

"Your subordinate will resign." After being respectful, Bai Chengshenwang sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "Yun'er! Old man, I am blessed because of you, hahahaha!"

"Old man, I will wait for you outside."

After receiving the voice transmission from the God King Bai Cheng, he stepped out of the hall with a surge of emotion.

"I don't know what orders Master has?" Tan Yun was still respectful.

Lingxia Tianzun smiled slightly and said: "Yun'er, this girl has fallen in love with you at first sight since Shiyin's birthday ceremony."

"In the God Swallowing Abyss, you saved her life again. Also, do you know her feelings for you?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun said truthfully: "Master, this disciple knows."

"Hmm." Lingxia Tianzun looked at Tan Yun approvingly and said, "To tell you the truth, I value you very much as a teacher. Even though you have more wives, you are still the best candidate for a son-in-law in my mind."

"Tell me what's on your mind, are you willing to marry Shiyin?"

After hearing this, Tan Yun bowed and said, "Thank you, Master, for your favor. It's just that this disciple has never thought about it before. For a while, I can't express how I feel about Shiyin."

"Well, I understand that I am a teacher. I am a little impatient." Lingxia Tianzun said with a smile: "The future will be long, and I will give you more time to spend with Shiyin, so that you can cultivate your relationship."

"Thank you, master, for your understanding. It's my disciple's good luck that Shiyin can fall in love with me." Tan Yun said respectfully.

Tan Yun knew that he couldn't refuse on the spot and refute the face of Tianzun Lingxia, because he knew that Tianzun Lingxia was a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions, and she would choose to destroy what she couldn't get!

No matter how much she favors herself, it's the same!

Lingxia Tianzun smiled and said: "By the way, Yun'er, my teacher gave you the Wan Dao Gui Zong Jue. When you practice, do you encounter something you don't understand? If you have any, remember to come and ask the teacher."

"My apprentice is training smoothly for the time being. If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask you, Master." Tan Yun said.

"Well." Lingxia Tianzun said: "Okay, you can go to your own business, I have something to deal with as a teacher."

"Retire." Tan Yun bowed and exited the hall, then looked at Mu Zhen Tianzun, and said with a smile: "Thank you, big sister."

"You don't have to thank me. I didn't help you when I rushed out of the territory." Mu Zhen Tianzun smiled slightly, and a pair of dimples emerged from the cheeks that could be broken by blows, which was quite touching.

Afterwards, Tan Yun chatted with Tianzun Mu Zhen for a while, and then walked out of the Hongmeng Divine Palace together with the Divine King Bai Cheng, only to see the thousand-foot-tall Titan Divine King kneeling on the top of the Divine Hongmeng Mountain.

"Jing Yun, God King Bai Cheng, I count you as ruthless!" God King Titan said in a low voice.

God King Bai Cheng smiled, "Oh, yes, I have good news for you. I killed two of your disciples, but was canonized by Lord Tianzun as one of the top ten god kings, hehehehe."

The Kneeling Titan God King blushed with anger, and shouted in his heart: "Tashi Guluo, Spartaro, don't worry, I will avenge you as a teacher!"

But at this moment, Tan Yun said with a sneer on his face: "King Titan, you think I'm ruthless in this matter? Let's wait and see, and let you know how ruthless I am!"

At this moment, Tan Yun made up his mind. Next, before looking for his former subordinates, he must first take revenge on the God King Titan.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Divine King Bai Cheng left Hongmeng Divine Mountain and arrived at the Space-Time Palace in Hongmeng Divine City.

"You always go back to Qingtian Army City first." Tan Yun said: "I have some things to deal with, and I won't go back until some years later."

"Okay." King Bai Cheng urged: "I won't ask you what you are going to do, old man. You have to remember to be more careful at all times."

"Well, don't worry, Zishan is with me, and no one below the fifth-class god king can kill me." After Tan Yun said goodbye to God King Bai Cheng, he headed towards the teleportation array leading to Yuwen God City.

When passing through the teleportation array leading to Titan God City, God King Bai Cheng noticed that Tan Yun paused slightly, and immediately, Tan Yun stepped into the teleportation array leading to Yuwen God City.

Afterwards, Tan Yun activated the teleportation array, and in the next moment, disappeared in the space distortion.

Looking at the empty teleportation array, King Baicheng frowned, and thought to himself: "Yun'er paused before the teleportation array leading to Titan God City, but chose to enter the teleportation array leading to Yuwen God City."

"Yun'er is indeed a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If I guessed correctly, he will first arrive at the Yuwen God City, and then fly to the Titan God City to take revenge on the Titan God King."

"It seems that the Titan God City is about to set off a bloody storm!"

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