Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1828 Wan Dao Spear Art

Chapter 1828: Myriad Dao Gun Zongjue

At this time, Li Shimin agreed: "That is, don't go too far in being a human being. From the beginning to the end, you have been making trouble for brother Jing Xian!"

Listening to the children's words, Lingxia Tianzun's face darkened, and he looked at Zhao Wuyi with undisguised dissatisfaction, "Wu Yi, if you don't suppress the realm, you are clearly bullying Yun'er."

"Don't say that Yun'er disagrees, even as a teacher."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuyi hurriedly kowtowed and said: "Master, calm down, this disciple knows his mistake."

At this moment, Tan Yun suddenly spoke, and the words that followed made Lingxia Tianzun stunned.

"Master, this disciple agrees with the third senior brother's request." Tan Yun said, "To be honest, this disciple also wants to know where the limit of this disciple's leapfrog challenge lies."

"However, the disciple has a request, and I ask the master to agree."

Lingxia Tianzun said: "You say."

Tan Yun said: "Returning to Master, the third senior brother does not suppress the realm, and the disciple will definitely go all out in the face of him."

"You know that a sword has no eyes. When a disciple goes all out, he is worried that he will be hurt if he can't hold back his hand, but that's not good."

Lingxia Tianzun asked curiously: "Yun'er, could it be that you are confident and have the strength to compete with your three senior brothers?"

"Yes, Master." Tan Yun said: "I am worried that if I let go of my hands and feet, it will hurt the third senior brother and affect the relationship between the senior brothers."

Hearing Tan Yun's words, Zhao Wuyi's nose was almost crooked!

In his opinion, he has the power to fight against the fifth-class god king, and no matter how strong Tan Yun is in the challenge, is it possible that he can defeat the fifth-class god king with the second-class holy emperor?

Even if you beat him to death, you won't believe it!

"Well, I understand." After thinking for a while, Tianzun Lingxia looked at Zhao Wuyi and said, "Since your little brother has said so, then I agree with you to fight."

"Yun'er, Wu Yi, let me tell you the ugly words first, as long as you don't hurt the other party's life, the teacher will not interfere."

"Also, no matter who is injured, you can't hold grudges, let alone revenge in private, understand?"

Tan Yun and Zhao Wuyi said in unison: "I understand!"

"Well." Lingxia Tianzun said: "Then you can start."

At this moment, Yu Chihao's exhortation came to Zhao Wuyi's mind, "Third Junior Brother, remember to vent your anger for me and beat him up hard!"

Zhao Wuyi said quietly, "Second Senior Brother, don't worry, I know how to do it."

After the sound transmission, Zhao Wuyi looked at Tan Yun and hid the knife in his smile, "Junior brother, the place here is too small, we can't move freely."

"How about we fight in the sea of ​​clouds?"

Tan Yun smiled lightly, "Senior brother, I have exactly that intention, please!"

"Okay, refreshing enough!" After Zhao Wuyi responded, he soared into the sky, turned into a beam of light, and shot into the sea of ​​clouds above the Hongmeng Divine Palace.


Tan Yun turned into a purple afterimage, following closely behind.

Then, Lingxia Tianzun and others rose into the sky one after another, suspended in the vast sea of ​​clouds, watching Tan Yun and Zhao Wuyi from a distance.

Zhao Wuyi looked at Tan Yun and put on a dignified look, "Junior Brother, the Myriad Dao Guizong Jue was created by our master. There is no doubt that it is the number one skill in the Primordial God Realm."

"Wan Dao Gui Zong Jue is divided into Wan Dao Sword Zong Jue, Wan Dao Sword Zong Jue and Wan Dao Spear Zong Jue."

"As a senior, I should let you. Tell me, which of the three major exercises you want to use, and I will use whichever one you want to deal with you, senior."

Hearing this, Tan Yun ignored Zhao Wuyi, and said with a sneer through the sound transmission: "Senior brother, where did you come up with so much nonsense? Whichever one do you want to use, as for such ink stains?"

"Let me tell you, you are not good at refining weapons, and you are even worse at martial arts competitions."

After hearing this, Zhao Wuyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Jing Yun, you don't know what's good and what's wrong! Senior brother, I promise I'll beat you all over the place!"


Zhao Wuyi let out a stern voice that shook the sky, he turned his right hand, and a sharp spear of time and space came out out of thin air from his right hand.

"Myriad Ways of Spear!"

Zhao Wuyi's expression was solemn, the power of the time and space god king in his body gushed out like a rushing river, and poured madly into the sharp gun in his hand.


Immediately, a terrifying aura erupted from the sharp gun, causing the vast sea of ​​clouds to be covered with cobweb-like cracks in the dark space in an instant!

"Anyone who has a sharp spear of wind and thunder attribute or ancient attribute, please lend it to me." In the vast sea of ​​clouds, Tan Yun stood in the air, looking back at the crowd and said.

"Junior brother, I have it." Linghu Ting responded, swung his right arm, and shot an eleventh-order top-quality sharpshooter towards Tan Yun.

With Tan Yun's second-class Saint Emperor cultivation base, he can only exert the power of an eleventh-order top-grade artifact at most.

From Linghu Ting giving Tan Yun the sharp gun, it can be seen that Linghu Ting is thoughtful and meticulous in doing things.

He knew that giving Tan Yun a twelfth-rank sharpshooter would not be as powerful as giving Tan Yun an eleventh-rank top-grade sharpshooter.

"Thank you fifth brother." The moment Tan Yun reached out to catch the sharp gun, the wind and thunder attributes in his body gushed out crazily and injected into the sharp gun. Suddenly, the thunder roared in the sharp gun, deafening!

At this moment, everyone watching the battle could see that after Tan Yun saw Zhao Wuyi perform the Wan Dao Spear Ancestral Art, he would also perform it!

Everyone present knew that whether it was Wan Dao Spear Zong Jue, Wan Dao Sword Zong Jue, Wan Dao Sword Zong Jue, they were all suitable for cultivation by people with any attributes and aptitudes.

The only difference is that the power of different attributes is different!

While Tan Yun used the attribute of wind and thunder to use the Ten Thousand Dao Gun Zong Jue, Zhao Wuyi used the attributes of time and space.

"Boom, boom—"

From the sky, Zhao Wuyi danced the magic spear in his hand with mysterious and unpredictable movements. Immediately, the shadows of the guns, which were huge and imbued with the power of time and space gods, were like giant lotuses blooming from the vast expanse. Blooming in the sea of ​​clouds!


In the sea of ​​clouds on the other side, Tan Yun also wielded his divine spear with a mysterious movement. Immediately, one after another, ten thousand-foot spear shadows containing the power of the wind and thunder saint emperor bloomed from the void!

At this moment, including Tianzun Muzhen and Tianzun Lingxia, everyone is not optimistic about Tan Yun and believes that Tan Yun will lose!

There are two reasons.

First, the two attributes of time and space are supposed to suppress the attribute of wind and thunder.

Second, what's more, what Zhao Wuyi used was still the power of the time and space god king, and he still wanted to crush Tan Yun's power of the wind and thunder saint emperor!

Everyone knows that under normal circumstances, the power of the Holy Emperor cannot compete with the power of the God King!

Therefore, everyone thought that Tan Yun was going to lose!

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone was extremely shocked!

"Junior brother, I want you to know that for me, defeating you is easy!"

Zhao Wuyi sneered, and suddenly shouted: "The secret art of Wan Dao Spear——Ten Thousand Spears to Slay Demons!"

As soon as Zhao Wuyi made a move, it was the most powerful ultimate supernatural power of Wan Dao's Spear!

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