Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1829 Extremely Shocked!

Chapter 1829 Extremely Shocked!



Suddenly, the sky with a radius of millions of miles collapsed, causing Tan Yun to fall into a huge hole in the dark space!


In the next moment, a total of 10,000 spear lights containing the power of time and space gods, shuttled through the huge hole in the dark space at high speed, and blasted towards Tan Yun!

Zhao Wuyi's gun light, because it contains the power of the time and space god king, is so fast that Tan Yun can't dodge it!

"Mother, you have to be ready to save Jing Yun at any time!" Li Shiyin said anxiously.

"Well, mother knows..." Lingxia Tianzun paused, as if he had discovered something, his brows were tightly frowned, and there was a deep sense of disappointment in his eyes.

"Master, my junior brother has only cultivated some superficial aspects of Wan Dao Gun Zongjue!" At this time, Yang Yuxin said, with a hint of sarcasm mixed in her words.

At this moment, in the sight of Lingxia Tianzun and others, Tan Yun also displayed the ultimate supernatural power of Wan Dao Gun Zongjue: Wan Gun Slay Demon.

Although Tan Yun did succeed in casting it, and released ten thousand spear lights containing the power of the Wind and Thunder Saint Emperor, but!

However, when the Ten Thousand Spear Lights cast by Tan Yun shuttled through the huge hole in the pitch-black space, although it was gorgeous, the aura it emitted was weak compared to the breath released by Zhao Wuyi's Ten Thousand Spear Lights. There are too many!

It's like the aura of Tan Yun's gun light is a firefly, while the aura of Zhao Wu's left gun light is like a bright moon!

In anyone's eyes, just as Yang Yuxin said, from the aura of Tan Yun's spear, it can be concluded that Tan Yun has not realized the true meaning of killing demons with thousands of guns!

"Alas!" Luo Yu sighed and shook her head. She had expected Tan Yun to counterattack and defeat Zhao Wuyi, but she never thought that Tan Yun's ten thousand spears to kill demons would be so weak.

Just when everyone believed that Tan Yun would be defeated, and when Lingxia Tianzun was ready to rescue Tan Yun at any time, she was shocked by what happened afterwards!

Everyone was terrified!

But seeing Tan Yun standing in the air, with his hair dancing, he suddenly shouted: "Thousands of guns kill!"

"Boom, boom—"

Immediately, the aura within Tan Yun's ten thousand spears suddenly increased hundreds of times, and the majestic and vast aura surged out, causing the sky in a radius of tens of thousands of miles to completely fall!

A moment ago, if the aura emanating from Tan Yunwandao's gun light was a gentle firefly, then at this moment, it is the violent sun!

The rage was frightening, making Zhao Wuyi's ten thousand spears dim!

"What's going on here? You are obviously using ten thousand guns to kill demons like me, why is it different!"

Zhao Wuyi sensed the breath of Tan Yun's gun light, and exclaimed: "Mine is the gun light of the power of the God King of Time and Space, but yours is only the power of the Holy King of Wind and Thunder, but it has become stronger than my breath!"

Then, Zhao Wuyi suddenly laughed again, "Hahaha, I understand, you are showing off..."

Zhao Wuyi's laughter stopped abruptly, as if seeing a scene of extreme fear, he shouted hoarsely: "Ah! How could this happen! Master, save me!"


"Bang bang bang—"

However, when Tan Yunfeng's spear light of the power of the Holy Emperor collided with Zhao Wuyi's spear light of the power of the God King of Time and Space, they smashed Zhao Wuyi's ten thousand spear lights like a broken bamboo!

Zhao Wuyi's Ten Thousand Spears to Slay Demons, facing Tan Yun's Ten Thousand Spears to Slay Demons, was as fragile as ceramics!

Afterwards, even though Tan Yun's ten thousand gun lights suddenly dropped, he still violently devoured towards Zhao Wuyi.

There is no doubt that if it is swallowed, Zhao Wuyi will die without even a scum left!

Therefore, he panicked!


At this moment, the breath of death enveloped his heart, and he screamed subconsciously!

"Don't panic! I'll save you as a teacher!" When Lingxia Tianzun spoke, he disappeared in place, shuttled through the light of Tan Yun's ten thousand guns, and flew towards Zhao Wuyi at top speed!

While flying away, Lingxia Tianzun's hair danced, and a vast eternal power surged out of her body!

That eternal power is like a scorching sun, shattering from the huge hole in the pitch-black space, violently devouring Tan Yun's ten thousand gun lights!

"Bang bang bang—"

Tan Yun's ten thousand spear lights immediately shattered from the void, became invisible, and dissipated in the air.

The next moment, when the huge hole in space disappeared, the sea of ​​clouds was still a sea of ​​clouds, and the sky was still blue, as if the horrible scene just now had never happened.

The only difference is that Zhao Wuyi was suspended in the sea of ​​clouds in a daze, sweating profusely, and his robe was wet with sweat.

His face was pale, bloodless, trembling all over, looking at Tan Yun on the other side of the sea of ​​clouds, his eyes revealed the fear from the depths of his heart!

And the others looked at Tan Yun in shock!

Not only are they not stupid, on the contrary, which one of them is not an extremely shrewd person?

Even Li Shiyin and Li Shimin, who have not practiced Wan Dao Gun Zongjue, guessed that Tan Yun must have adapted the exercises!

That's right!

It must be because of the adaptation of the exercises that the supernatural power of killing demons with thousands of guns has been multiplied!

"Yun'er!" Lingxia Tianzun looked horrified, and flew to Tan Yun's side in the air, his voice trembling with excitement, "Quickly tell me that you have changed the exercises yourself, right?"

"Hmm." Tan Yun pretended to be dazed and said, "Master, this disciple likes to try and change his exercises since he was a child."

"So, when I was practicing Wan Dao Spear Zongjue, I tried to change it a bit. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun excitedly said: "Okay, that's great! He is indeed the most outstanding disciple of the teacher, with a high level of comprehension, he can actually change the exercises created by the teacher!"

"Yun'er, quickly show me the exercises you modified."

"Well, Master, please wait a moment." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he flipped his right hand, and a jade slip came out out of thin air.

Immediately, Tan Yun handed both hands to Lingxia Tianzun, "Master, please take a look."

Lingxia Tianzun hurriedly took the jade slip of the exercise, released his spiritual consciousness into it, and began to observe!

After a while, Lingxia Tianzun widened his beautiful eyes, revealing extreme shock in his eyes, and said to himself in a daze: "It's so subtle...it's unbelievable, so it can be changed like this."

"I originally thought that there were no loopholes in my self-created Wan Dao Gun Zongjue. It turned out that there were more than one loophole..."

At this point, Lingxia Tianzun Miaoman's body began to tremble violently!


Because she discovered that Tan Yun not only changed the Wan Dao Gun Zong Jue's exercises in Wan Dao Gui Zong Jue, but also changed the Wan Dao Sword Zong Jue and Wan Dao Dao Zong Jue!

Although there are few changes, but according to this practice, the power displayed will not only become more rigid, but also soft in the soft!

After a long time, Lingxia Tianzun put away his spiritual consciousness, and looked at Tan Yun with shock and relief in his eyes: "Yun'er, do you know? You are so incredible for my teacher!"

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