Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1918 Fortified?

Chapter 1918 Fortified?

At this moment, not only Tan Yun was furious, but Tuoba Yingying and everyone on Tan Yun's side were also furious!

A commander looked at Tan Yun, blushed and said, "Lord Ancestral God, kill them!"

Immediately, other commanders and divine soldiers shouted:

"Master Zushen, he insulted our commander, killed him, and killed them all to fight the army city!"

"Lord Ancestral God, the one who humiliated our Great Commander deserves to die!"


Tuoba Yingying is the grand commander of the Hongmeng army, in charge of the army of the Hongmeng God Realm, seeing her commander being insulted, one can imagine the anger in the hearts of the Hongmeng army officers and soldiers!

"Okay! The Ancestor God will open the city and let them all die!" Tan Yun said in a deep voice, and his hands danced from his chest in mysterious trajectories. Immediately, a burst of divine power gushed out from his hands, Condensed into a totem of divine power in the void.

Strands of divine power in the totem meander and twist, forming nine stars.

"Give me the gods!"

With a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, the nine-star totem that broke the formation was quickly imprinted on the protective formation. Immediately, the nine stars in the nine-star totem entered the formation as if they were alive.


Immediately, a huge hole with a diameter of thousands of feet emerged in the formation like water ripples.

Looking at this scene, Marshal Qianlong on the city tower was so frightened that his legs gave way, and the legs of the thousands of generals behind him also trembled, and a sense of despair emerged from their hearts!

Marshal Qianlong suppressed the extreme panic in his heart, and shouted hoarsely: "All the soldiers of the Qianzhan Army City obey the order!"

"Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, we will never surrender, even if we fight until one soldier dies!"

"Even if you die, you must die on the battlefield..."

Without waiting for Marshal Qianlong's words, Tan Yun took the lead in flying into the protective formation in the void, appeared on the tower, and kicked Marshal Qianlong's right knee.


Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, Marshal Qianlong's right knee exploded, blood mist filled the air, and the broken leg flew away from his body!

"Ah..." Marshal Qianlong's screams stopped abruptly, but Tan Yun grabbed his neck and said coldly: "Yingying gave you a chance to live, but you still humiliated her!"

"Go to hell you!"


Tan Yun pinched Marshal Qianlong's neck with his right hand, his right arm shook, and a burst of divine power emanated from his body, covering Marshal Qianlong's body.


His body exploded in Tan Yun's hands, and the pieces of meat scattered on the tower.

At this moment, thousands of generals behind Tan Yun fled into the city in panic.

"Leave them all to me!"

With a stern voice, Tan Yun disappeared out of thin air from the top of the city tower, and in the next moment, it seemed that there were thousands of Tan Yuns in the void, and they appeared behind all the high-ranking generals at the same time.

"Bang bang bang—"

Immediately, before thousands of generals could utter screams, their bodies turned into thousands of blood mist from the void!

At this time, Tuoba Yingying turned her hand outside the city gate, and a divine sword appeared in her hand, holding the sword high, pointing the sword at the sky, and said solemnly: "The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

Immediately, Tuoba Yingying took the lead and flew in from the gap in the protective formation, and then, Zi Yan, Zhen Ji, Zhi Qing and others, as well as an army of 18 billion and 50 troops, soared into the sky and disappeared from the void. As a torrent of human figures, it poured into the large formation of the moat, and began to bloodbath the Ganzhan army city!

In just a moment, more than 30 million soldiers in Ganzhan Army City were all killed!

The blood stained the buildings of the Dry War Army City red, and a strong and pungent smell of blood filled the void.


The enemy's blood gathered into a galloping river and flowed out of the city gate.

Tan Yun stood in the air, looked back at Tuoba Yingying and said, "Lead the whole army to the next Baichang Military City. I will fill the gap in the God Realm here and then go."

"Also after arriving at Baichang Military City, tell those who are in charge of Baichang Military City to open the city gate and surrender and not kill them. If you don't surrender, don't waste your time attacking."

"You will not be able to break through the defense formation of Baichang Military City in a short time."

"En!" Tuoba Yingying responded, and flew out of the Qianzhan Army City with the army neatly. Then, the commanders from all walks of life sacrificed the Shenzhou, carrying their own soldiers, and followed Tuoba Yingying towards the Baichang Army City. and go...

Tan Yun flew extremely fast to the depths of Qianzhan Army City, suspended in the void, and in front of him was a gap in the barrier that was a hundred feet wide and six hundred feet long.

Tan Yun sacrificed the space spar and began to fill in the gap...

After half a month has passed, after Tan Yun completed filling the gap in the barrier, it turned into a beam of light, shooting out the dry war army city full of bones, and heading towards Baichang army city...

Three days later.

Baichang Military City, the Hall of Discussion.

Inside the hall, the deputy commander of Baichang Military City looked solemnly at the more than 600 high-level generals standing on both sides of the main hall, and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me, what should we do now?"

One of the burly marshals said: "Deputy commander, first of all we will never surrender!"

"Surrendering is a betrayal of the Primal Chaos Ancestor King. Now, the Primordial Chaos Ancestor King is probably about to break through the Primordial God Realm. Once he breaks through, he will surely find that the Grand Prix soldiers go to Loukong and they will know what happened to the Primordial Chaos God Realm."

"We have a large formation protecting the city. Although Tuoba Yingying, the commander of the Hongmeng army, has brought an army of 18 billion, even if they attack all of them, they will not be able to break through for hundreds of years!"

"In addition, Tuoba Yingying led the Hongmeng army to the city two days ago, and has not attacked the defensive formation until now. Obviously, she knows that it will not be able to break through in the short term."

"She seems to have given us an ultimatum, telling us to open the city gates and surrender. From the perspective of my subordinates, she is playing psychological tactics with us, and wants to use the Hongmeng army to crush our beliefs. Let us surrender!"

Another marshal nodded and said, "That's right, for at least a hundred years, our Baichang military city will be impregnable, why are we afraid of them?"

"Deputy Commander, according to my subordinates, we will stay in the military city with peace of mind until the return of Lord Patriarch!"

The other senior generals also nodded in agreement.

"En." After the deputy commander nodded, a smile that controlled the overall situation emerged on his wrinkled face.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.


Following a sound of panic, a god general flew into the meeting hall in a panic, kneeling on one knee in front of the deputy commander.

"What's wrong?" the deputy commander said.

The god general tremblingly said: "Reporting to the deputy commander, Hongmeng Zu, Zu... Zu God has also come."

"Ancestral God of Hongmeng?" The deputy commander frowned, "Could it be Tan Yun? Could it be that he was promoted to the ancestor god?"

"Yes, Deputy Commander." The god general said truthfully: "This subordinate must have been promoted from Supreme to Ancestor God when he heard the Hongmeng army calling for His Excellency the Ancestor God!"

"What's going on?" The deputy commander raised his eyebrows vertically, "Our allied army is attacking the Hongmeng God Realm, how did the Primordial God of Hongmeng lead the Hongmeng army to leave the Hongmeng God Realm?"

In his heart, he didn't think that after Tan Yun defeated the alliance army, he entered the Chaos God Realm.

Confused, the deputy commander sneered and said, "So what if Ancestor God Hongmeng comes? He can still break through the protective formation..."

Before the vice-commander finished speaking, a great god rushed into the hall with a pale face, crying, "Vice-commander is not good, the city guard was broken by the ancestor god Hongmeng!"

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