Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1919 Do what you say!

Chapter 1919 Do what you say!

"What did you say? The Great Wall of Defense was broken by Ancestor God Hongmeng?" The deputy commander yelled, "It's impossible, didn't he just come here? How could it be broken so quickly!"

"This is absolutely impossible! I want to go out and see..."

Without waiting for the deputy commander to speak, an indifferent voice came from outside the hall, "Nothing is impossible in front of the ancestor god!"


The void in the hall vibrated, and a beam of purple light shot into the hall, turning into Tan Yun in purple robe in the hall.

Looking at Tan Yun who suddenly appeared, the deputy commander widened his eyes, "You..."


In a flash, Tan Yun appeared in front of the deputy commander, raised his right hand and slapped the deputy commander's face.

"Bang!" His head exploded with a bang, his soul and fetus were completely destroyed, and the headless corpse slammed into the wall fiercely, spraying blood.


"Puchi Puchi—"

Tan Yun sacrificed the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, and after flashing the sword in the hall at high speed, he stepped out of the hall holding the sword.

At this moment, in the meeting hall, hundreds of high-ranking generals had a circle of blood on their necks, and the blood was getting bigger and bigger. With the blood spurting out, the heads of the generals slipped off their necks.

Then, the Holy Emperor's soul, Holy Emperor's fetus, Tianzun's soul, and Tianzun's fetus flew out of the skull.

Outside the hall, Tan Yun, holding the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword, turned his back to the temple and said sharply: "Death!"

Immediately, a vast power of the ancestor god surged out from Tan Yun's body, swallowing the entire meeting hall.


The meeting hall couldn't bear the power of Tan Yun's ancestral god, it burst into pieces, and the souls and fetuses of all the generals in the hall were annihilated!


Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand, Tan Yun soared into the sky, hovering over the Baichang Military City, his spiritual consciousness vented down, covering the entire Military City.

Immediately, an undoubted voice resounded throughout the entire military city, "I am the ancestor god of Hongmeng, all soldiers of Baichang Military City listen!"

"This ancestor god doesn't want to cause more killings, so I will give you one more chance at the end. Those who submit will immediately kneel down and surrender, and those who surrender will not be killed."

"My Hongmeng army obeys the order, and anyone who does not surrender will be killed without mercy!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun quickly flew towards the God Realm barrier deep in Baichang Military City...

At this moment, Tuoba Yingying has led the Hongmeng army into Baichang Military City.

Among the more than 40 million soldiers in the military city, 32 million knelt on the ground and shouted in panic:

"We surrender..."

"We surrender..."


Only ten million soldiers refused to surrender. They cursed the soldiers who surrendered:

"You spineless bastards! Chaos God Realm is our home, facing the invading enemy, you surrendered!"

"You cowards, stand up and kill the enemy!"


Facing the cursing, more than 4 million of the 32 million kneeling soldiers stood up and roared regardless of life and death: "Fight them, kill them!"

There is no doubt that the soldiers of Baichang Army City who have not surrendered, facing the menacing Hongmeng army, are undoubtedly moths jumping into the flames to kill themselves.

This is human nature!

Some people will choose to be wise and surrender; some people are not afraid of life and death, and would rather die in battle than shrink back...

Just half an hour later, except for the more than 27 million soldiers who surrendered, all other soldiers of Baichang Army City were killed.

At this time, Tan Yunzhi's voice came from the depths of Baichang Military City, "My Ancestor God knows that many of you surrendered are pretending to surrender out of humiliation."

"As long as the Ancestor God casts his primordial pupils, he will easily pick you out and kill you!"

Hearing this, just when the soldiers who pretended to surrender were secretly in trouble, a voice that surprised them came again:

"However, the Ancestor God doesn't want to do this now. The Ancestor God understands your feelings of pretending to surrender, so I will give you a chance to truly surrender."

"Also, you have to be clear, this ancestor god will definitely unify the three great god realms within three thousand years at most!"

"After ruling, I will lead the gods of the three great god realms to attack the extraterritorial universe and completely kill the inhuman extraterritorial demons, and return my three great god realms to a bright future!"

"This has always been the belief of the ancestor god, and it is precisely because of this belief that I will join hands with Changsun Xuanqi and Gong Zhihan to attack the outer universe."

"However, Changsun Xuanqi and Gong Zhihan betrayed their promises and attacked me!"

"If they hadn't done this at that time, maybe the extraterritorial universe would have been destroyed by the three great armies of the God Realm!"

"If the extraterritorial universe had been destroyed at that time, there would not have been countless good men in our three major god realms who would have been brutally killed by the extraterritorial demons over the past ten thousand years!"

"This Ancestor God tells you that since the fall of this Ancestor God ten thousand generations ago, the culprit who caused your ancestors, relatives, and compatriots to be killed by the demons outside the territory is none other than Changsun Xuanqi and Gong Zhihan!"

"This ancestor god has said what he should say. You pretending to surrender, you can do it yourself!"

"Yingying led them and my Hongmeng army to the next military fortress immediately, persuading surrender is the top, and Wu Tong is the bottom!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Yingying said: "It's brother!"

After Tuoba Yingying finished speaking, she looked at the more than 27 million troops of Baichang Army City kneeling on the ground and said, "Take up the weapons in your hands and follow my commander!"

Not long after, Tuoba Yingying led the army and left Baichang Military City in mighty strength...

Half a month later, Tuoba Yingying led the army to the outside of Longxiao Army City, and began to persuade Xiaozhi to vote with emotion and reason...

At this moment, Tan Yun has filled the gap in the barrier of the Chaos God Realm at Baichang Military City, and is flying towards Longxiao Military City at high speed...

Three days later.

A purple beam of light flew from the end of the sky, turned into Tan Yun in a purple robe, and appeared beside Tuoba Yingying in the air.

"Kowtow to Lord Ancestral God!"

The army of more than 18 billion in the void behind Tuoba Yingying clenched her right fist and knelt with one knee facing Tan Yun in the air.

"Excuse me!" Tan Yun looked back at Yingying and asked everyone to stand up, "What's the matter?"

Tuoba Yingying looked at Li Keshang above the city gate ahead and said, "He's dealing with it."

Li Keshangshen is a wise and brave commander in the Hongmeng army, and it is most appropriate for Tuoba Yingying to entrust him to persuade him to surrender.

"Well, let me go and have a look." Tan Yun disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment, he appeared next to Li Keshangshen. Voice: "How's the progress?"

"Return to the ancestor God, there is a 90% chance that you can succeed in persuading surrender." When God Li Ke sent the voice, the old man headed on the tower faced Tan Yun and clasped his fists and said: "Ancestor God Hongmeng, God Li Ke said that as long as you sincerely submit, you will Will treat us as our own, is that true?"

Tan Yun suddenly looked solemn and said: "My ancestors will do what they say, what Commander Li Ke said is true!"

"Also, the ultimate goal of this ancestor god is to unify the three major god realms, lead you to kill the demons outside the territory, and return the universe in my domain to a bright future."

"At that time, regardless of whether it is the Chaos God Realm or the gods of the Shiyuan God Realm, they will all be the people of the Ancestor God, and the Ancestor God will naturally treat you well!"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man on the city tower, after a little thought, knelt down on one knee facing Tan Yun, "Your subordinate Bai Qi kowtows to Lord Patriarch God!"

"Your subordinates are the masters, and the 31 million soldiers of Longxiao Army City will surrender to you!"

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