Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1920 Terrified!

Chapter 1920 Terrified!

Immediately, hundreds of high-ranking generals on the city tower knelt on one knee facing Tan Yun, "My subordinates kowtow to Lord Ancestor God!"

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers in Longxiao Army City looked up at Tan Yun one after another, prostrated themselves on the ground and surrendered, shouting loudly in unison: "Kowtow to Lord Ancestor God!

"Okay! No courtesy!" Tan Yun smiled with satisfaction: "Bai Qi opened the city gate and followed the commander to the next military city!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Bai Qi respectfully accepted the order, and an old voice sounded, "Open the city gate, and the whole army will leave the city!"


With a loud noise, the city gate as high as one million feet slowly opened, and then Bai Qi led the army to leave Longxiao Army City and stood under Tuoba Yingying.

"This subordinate has met the commander!" Bai Qi looked up at Tuoba Yingying and bowed deeply.

"As the saying goes, one is a hero who knows the current affairs, understands the great world, and knows the general trend." Tuoba Yingying looked down at Bai Qi and said, "One day you will find that your decision today is correct."

After saying that, Tuoba Yingying said without a doubt: "The whole army is going!"

Afterwards, Tuoba Yingying led an army of nearly 18.1 billion Hongmeng, and it took 18 days to arrive outside the city of Liu Yunjun.

Bai Qi volunteered to Tuoba Yingying, became a lobbyist, and entered Liu Yunjun City alone.

After just six hours, Wang Anshi, the deputy commander of Liu Yunjun City, opened the city gate and led an army of 50 million people out of the city gate.

Afterwards, Tuoba Yingying led the Hongmeng army to the next city: Zhang Air Force City.

Nine days later, Tan Yun came to Liu Yunjun City, and found that the city gate was open, the city was empty, and there was no blood in the city, so he knew that the army of Liu Yunjun City had surrendered, and followed Tuoba Yingying to Zhangkong City.

With a smile like a spring breeze, Tan Yun flew into Liu Yunjun City, came to the depths of the city, sacrificed the space god spar, and began to fill the gap in the barrier.

After 12 days, Tan Yun filled the gap and flew towards Zhang Air Force City...

The stars move, six days later.

When Tan Yun was about to arrive at Zhangkong City, he heard a flood of cursing coming from Zhangkong City:

"For nothing, you traitors! Traitors will die!"

"And you Hongmeng army, we tell you, we will never surrender, you have the guts to break through the defensive formation!"

"Bah! You still want us to surrender? Even if your ancestor god Hongmeng kneels in front of us and calls us grandpa, we won't agree!"

"Hahahaha! You're wrong, Ancestor God Hongmeng is our grandson! Quack quack!"


In the void outside the city, Xue Ziyan was holding a divine sword, trembling with anger, and shouted: "You scum, after breaking through the formation, my aunt wants you to look good!"

The soldiers in the city smiled lewdly and said: "Tsk tsk, the little girl is so fierce! You scared us to death hahaha, come in and be with me!"

"Hahaha, little girl, you can't handle us when you come in alone, why don't all the beauties around you come together!"


At this moment, not only Xue Ziyan was trembling with anger, but also Zhen Ji, Zhi Qing, Hui Xin, Ru Xue, Baili Yan'er, and Mu Zhen's daughters beside her!

"I'm so angry!" When Xue Ziyan was so angry that her teeth were itching, a comforting voice came from the void behind her, "Ziyan, don't be angry, brother-in-law will vent your anger for you later!"

"Brother-in-law!" Xue Ziyan turned her head suddenly, looking at Tan Yun flying in the air, her beautiful eyes showed a strong look of joy.

"Kowtow to Lord Ancestral God!"

The Hongmeng army kowtowed to Tan Yun one after another.

"Excuse me." After Tan Yun asked everyone to stand up, he stepped up to Xue Ziyan's side, looking at the thousands of generals on the tower, his eyes became colder and colder.

"Ancestor God of Hongmeng, this deputy commander tells you..." Zhang Zhangjun, the deputy commander of Air Force City, looked dull suddenly before he finished speaking, but it was Tan Yun who cast the Primordial God Eyes.

"Open the city gate for me!" Tan Yun had no doubts.

"Yes!" The deputy commander responded, just when he sacrificed his token and was about to open the city gate, a marshal on the tower shouted hoarsely: "Everyone close your eyes quickly, don't be controlled by the Primordial God!"

During the shout, the marshal closed his eyes, and spat out a divine sword, piercing the back of the deputy commander's head with splashed blood, and burst out from between his eyebrows.


The deputy commander fell headlong and died on the spot.

"Hahaha, ahaha!" The marshal closed his eyes, released his spiritual consciousness to cover Tan Yun, and cursed, "Tan Yun, I'll fuck you!"

"Let me tell you, all the soldiers in Zhang Air Force City are loyal to Lord Chaos Patriarch, and we will not surrender!"

"Also, this defensive formation was personally arranged by our ancestor king more than 10,000 years ago. Even if you all attack it by force, it will not be able to break it in three hundred years!"

"If you want to attack my Zhang Air Force City, dream about it!"

Hearing this, Tan Yunjian frowned.

"Brother, it seems that Changsun Xuanqi's father did not die in the last universe!" Tuoba Yingying said via voice transmission: "Also, when we went to the Supreme Army City, we didn't find Changsun Pengkun, so It seems that Changsun Pengkun is not sitting in the Chaos God City, but is hiding in the Supreme Army City."

"En." Tan Yunxing's eyes flickered brightly, and he said via voice transmission: "The Great Demon Lord, Changsun Xuanqi, and the Gongzhihan League, there must be suspicion among them."

"In my opinion, Changsun Pengkun must be in the Supreme Army City. In Changsun Xuanqi's heart, once he breaks through the Primordial God Realm and kills me, her father will come out to frighten the demons on the side of the Great Demon Lord."

While Tan Yun and Tuoba Yingying were talking, the marshal on the tower cursed: "My surname is Tan, this marshal told you..."

Without waiting for this person's words, a young man behind Tan Yun holding a black magic hammer let out a roar!

Immediately afterwards, the young man turned into a sky-high dragon and bear king. Holding a pair of sledgehammers, he rushed towards the formation outside the city gate, and swung the sledgehammer into the formation.


Immediately, the entire moat shook violently, frightening the marshal on the tower to stagger.

"I'm telling you, when the moat formation is opened, I'll kill you with a hammer!"

After the marshal stabilized his body, he took a deep breath and said with a sneer: "Stupid bear, this marshal..."

"You are not allowed to call me Brother Long Xiong!" Xiao Bai, who was dressed in a white dress, transformed into a liger and tiger holy beast with a height of eight thousand feet, with fierce fangs and a pair of giant pupils showing a strong killing intent.


At this time, Tan Yun's arms danced rapidly from his chest, wisps of divine power continuously emerged from his arms, and a totem of divine power quickly condensed from the void.

The divine power totem is as huge as ten thousand feet, and in the wisps of divine power wriggling within it, nine bottles of a huge tripod with hundreds of feet are outlined.

Tan Yun looked at the protective formation and said with a sneer, "The Jiuding protective formation is just trying to stop me? Open it!"

Immediately, the majestic totem of divine power was suspended on the large formation outside the city gate, and immediately after that, nine giant tripods flew out of the totem of divine power as if they had come to life, and blasted towards the large formation!

Immediately, what happened next terrified all the generals on the tower!

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