Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1960 Squeeze Potential

Chapter 1960 Squeeze Potential

Time flies, a month has passed.

Tan Yun was still expending his divine power, manipulating the power of the universe, and injecting it into the hazy cosmic barrier.

With the continuous injection of cosmic power, the cosmic obscurity barrier can continue to expand in all directions, catching up with the speed of the cosmic destruction.

At this moment, an extremely shocking scene appeared in the vast sky!

But I saw the huge hole of destruction, devouring the sky at a very high speed, and inside the huge hole of destruction, a hazy cosmic enchantment light curtain was chasing crazily.

In a month's time, the Great Destruction Hole centered on the Primordial God City, and had swallowed one-third of the Primordial God Realm.

Below the devoured void, the gods looked up at the giant hole of destruction that seemed to open its devouring mouth to them, screaming in horror and despair:

"Ah! It's not good, the universe is really shattered!"

"It's over, it's over...it's over, we're all going to die..."

"I don't want to die yet..."

"I don't want to either..."

"Look, everyone, in the Great Hole of Destruction, there is a hazy light curtain that is rapidly extending and chasing the Great Hole of Destruction!"

"Yes, yes! I saw it too. Could this be the cosmic enchantment when the universe was in its infancy?"

"It must be Master Primordial God, who is manipulating the Heart of Primal Chaos, the Heart of Origin, and the Heart of Primordial Origin to fill the universe and prevent the universe from collapsing!"

"Father, mother, woo woo... With Grandpa Hongmeng Ancestor God here, won't we all die?"

"Yes, good boy, don't be afraid, your grandpa, the ancestor of Hongmeng, will definitely save the common people."

"Son, follow along and pray for your mother."


At this moment, in the Primordial God Realm, from the elderly to the children, they all looked up at the sky and knelt down, clasped their hands together, and prayed devoutly with their eyes closed.

Although they are gods, gods who are lofty and majestic in the eyes of mortals and immortals, but in the face of the Great Destruction of the universe, they seem particularly helpless and weak!


In the blink of an eye, another two months later, the giant hole of destruction has swallowed the entire Primordial God Realm, and then swallowed towards the Nine Great Immortal Realms of Hongmeng, Chaos God Realm, Shiyuan God Realm, and Extreme Speed...

Twenty days later.

Chaos God Realm.

On the top of the divine island in the center of the sea of ​​chaos, the eldest grandson Xuanqi in a red dress stood tall and graceful. She looked at the giant hole of destruction that was swallowing up the sky, her stunning face showing panic.

She wasn't worried that she would die, but that at the end of her life, she still cared about him in her heart.

The eldest grandson Xuanqi turned her head slowly, looking at Supreme Master Baixi, "Baixi, are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid." The Supreme Master Baixi said it very frankly and frankly.

"Master, what about you?" Supreme Master Baixi asked.

A wry smile appeared on Changsun Xuanqi's face that could be broken by blows and blows, and he shook his head, "I'm not afraid of being a teacher."

"As a teacher, I have no relatives, and I am already alone. Death is nothing terrible for a teacher."

Listening to Changsun Xuanqi's words, Supreme Baixi felt very sad. She knew that in Shizun's heart, it was not important to pursue the way of heaven and become a strong person in the Supreme Ancestral Realm. The important thing was that her heart was all on Master Hongmeng.

"Master..." Baixi Supreme's beautiful eyes gradually moistened, "In my disciple's heart, you are not only my disciple's master, but also my disciple's closest and dearest person."

"You are not alone, you still have disciples!"

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi nodded.

At this time, the Supreme Master Baixi suddenly thought of something, and said: "Master, I believe that Master Primordial God, since he has obtained the Heart of Primordial Origin, the Heart of Chaos, and the Heart of Shiyuan, he can prevent the Great Destruction of the Universe!"

"Teacher also believes that after the collapse of the universe, the person you love deeply will appear in front of you."

Hearing this, Changsun Xuanqi's beautiful eyes revealed deep disappointment, and her expression darkened, "Baixi, stop comforting Master..."

Changsun Xuanqi's voice stopped abruptly, but she saw that in the void behind the giant hole of destruction, a light curtain containing the power of the universe was rapidly derived, and in the void behind the giant hole of destruction, a layer of light was condensed. Hazy enchantment.

"Master, what is that?" Baixi Supreme looked confused.

Changsun Xuanqi said with a slight smile: "That's the cosmic barrier when the universe was in its infancy. It seems that Tan Yun is manipulating the three hearts to prevent the universe from collapsing."

Then, Changsun Xuanqi's face changed drastically.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Supreme Master Baixi said.

Changsun Xuanqi said: "It's nothing, Baixi, you should step back first, for the teacher, I want to be alone for a while."

"It's Master." Supreme Master Baixi respectfully accepted his orders and left.

"He is only in the Ancestral God Realm, and it is difficult to control the three great divine powers for a long time. If he can't, I have to go and see!"

After Changsun Xuanqi made up her mind, she turned into a beam of light and disappeared at the end of the sky...

a month later.


A red beam of light descended from the sky and turned into a girl in a red skirt, hovering over the gate of the Chaos God City, looking down at the guard, and said: "Open the gate."

The guard stared at the girl in the red skirt, his eyes widened, and there was a look of horror in his eyes, and he said in a trembling voice: "The ancestor king of chaos, my lord!"

The millions of troops on both sides of the city gate looked up at Changsun Xuanqi, and they were also shocked!

In their hearts, they always thought that Changsun Xuanqi was dead, but they never thought that Changsun Xuanqi would appear here.

"I want you to open the city gate!" Changsun Xuanqi worried about Tan Yun's safety, her voice was a little cold.


The guard knelt down, kowtowed and said: "Lord Patriarch, I'm sorry, I'm already a subordinate of Hongmeng Ancestor God, I can't open the city gate for you."

Changsun Xuanqi's face turned cold, "Open the city gate for me, I'm going to help Tan Yun!"

"Open it for me!!"

Looking at Changsun Xuanqi's appearance, the guard trembled with fright, and shouted hoarsely: "Senior Shen, come quickly!"

The guard's voice was loud, resounding through Chaos God City.

Not long after, a beautiful white shadow flew over and landed on the tower.

Looking at the woman in the white skirt, Changsun Xuanqi said anxiously: "Shen Subing, you open the city gate quickly, I want to pass through the gate of the God Realm and reach the Hongmeng God Realm to help Tan Yun prevent the Great Destruction of the Universe."

A woman in a white skirt who was exactly the same as Shen Subing said, "My name is Suzhen, and I am Subing's older sister."

Now the Chaos God City is guarded by Shen Suzhen.

After finishing speaking, Shen Suzhen looked at the guard and said, "Open the city gate!"

The reason why Shen Suzhen believed Changsun Xuanqi's words was because she had heard about what happened to Tan Yun and Changsun Xuanqi in the last universe.

She also knew that when Tan Yun was outside the city of the Supreme Army, Tan Yun wanted to return the Chaos God Realm to Changsun Xuanqi, but Changsun Xuanqi didn't want it, but left with Supreme Baixi.

Therefore, she believed the elder grandson Xuanqi's words of wanting to help Tan Yun.

Shen Suzhen looked down at the guard and ordered: "Open the city gate!"

"I obey." The guard stood up and opened the city gate with confusion.

"Thank you." Changsun Xuanqi looked at Shen Suzhen, left a word, then flew into the city, and went straight to the Space-Time Palace...

at the same time.

Hongmeng God Realm, Hongmeng God City.

On the top of Hongmeng Shenshan, Tan Yun, who was 30,000 feet high, was trembling all over, looking exhausted, and blood flowed out of his nasal cavity like a waterfall.


"Tan Yun!"


Yuyan, Nangong Yuqin, Feng Qingcheng, Ouyang Qianqian, and Xue Ziyan looked at Tan Yun with tears in their beautiful eyes.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine..."

Before Tan Yun finished speaking, a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he felt dizzy.


At this moment, Tan Yun was really tired.

As early as three days ago, he squeezed his own potential to control the power of the universe, and poured it into the hazy universe enchantment continuously!

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