Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1961 Deep fear!

Chapter 1961 Deep fear!

While manipulating the divine power and controlling the cosmic power to flow into the hazy cosmic barrier, Tan Yun tremblingly looked at the women and said, "Don't worry about me."


After a month and a half.

Tan Yun was bleeding from all seven orifices, sweating like rain, and his mountain-like body was trembling more and more violently, as if he would die of exhaustion at any moment.

Yuyan, Nangong Yuqin, and Xuanyuanrou's girls had tears in their beautiful eyes. They knew that Tan Yun couldn't be distracted at this time, so they didn't cry out.


Time flies, another month and a half passed.


With a loud noise, Tan Yun, whose eyes were red and bleeding, couldn't hold on any longer, and his knees hit the peak heavily.

He is so tired!

I was so tired that I almost lost the ability to stand!

Tired and dizzy!


Tan Yun let out a deep roar, he stood up tenaciously and tremblingly, and continued to manipulate the berserk cosmic power into the hazy cosmic barrier.

With the injection, the hearts of Primal Chaos, Primordial Origin, and Origin floating in front of Tan Yun's body have all lost their brilliance and become dim.

Looking at the appearance of the three hearts in front of her, Yu Yan seemed to have thought of something terrible, her face turned pale instantly!

"Sister Yuyan, what's wrong?" Xuanyuanrou asked.

Before Yu Yan could speak, Tan Yun, who was trembling all over, hurriedly said: "Rou'er, Yuqin, the giant hole of destruction is about to be filled successfully."

"When the power of chaos, the power of origin, and the power of primordial in the heart of chaos, the heart of origin, and the heart of primordial spirit are exhausted, the three hearts will explode."

"The power of the explosion of the Three Hearts is extremely terrifying. Take everyone in the inner city and the outer city and escape from here!"

Hearing this, Tantai Xian'er burst into tears, "husband, what should you do?"

Tan Yun said: "You don't have to worry about me, I am physically strong, even if the three hearts explode, I will be fine."

"Husband, don't lie to us!" Tantai Xian'er questioned in a tone of voice.

"Of course! I didn't lie to you." Tan Yun was sure.

"Husband..." As soon as Yuyan opened her mouth, Tan Yun's voice sounded in her mind, "Yuyan, don't tell them the real power of breaking the three hearts!"

Yu Yan's voice paused, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, she cried and said, "Husband, you will die!"

"Woooo... The power of the explosion of the three hearts is too terrifying!"

Tan Yun's eyes were firm, and he said via voice transmission: "Yuyan, don't cry, time is running out, you guys go!"

"If something really happens to me, you must take good care of Yuqin and the others, and take good care of my parents."

"Also..." Tan Yun's eyes showed a deep look of longing, and he said through voice transmission: "If I am really gone, you have to promise me to fly to the Gaozu Realm to find Subing, and tell her, I miss you so much." she."

During the sound transmission, tears welled up in Tan Yun's bleeding eyes, and the tears and blood mixed together and rolled down his handsome cheeks.

Yu Yanxiang clenched her fists tightly, her heart was bleeding, "Husband, but I can't bear to part with you... woo woo... I want to stay, I am stronger than my sisters, I want to help you!"

"No!" Tan Yun said without doubt: "Even if you are promoted to the ancestor king, you will have a narrow escape if you stay, let alone you are only in the ancestor god realm."

"Yuyan is obedient, you must leave!"

Biting her red lips, Yuyan said via voice transmission: "I won't go, I'm going to die, I'll die with you."

"Nonsense!" Tan Yun shouted through sound transmission, "Let me go!"

Yuyan shook her head and ignored Tan Yun. She looked back at the women and said, "I am the strongest besides your husband. I will stay and help you..."

Without waiting for Yuyan to speak, Xuanyuanrou said: "Sister Yuyan, I am not weaker than you, so I will stay..."

"Let's all go!" Tan Yun said suddenly, spat out a mouthful of blood, and roared, "All go!!"

"If you stay, I will be tied down, I will be afraid, afraid that you will die, this will affect my performance!"

"At that time, we will all die!"

"If you leave, I won't have to worry about the future, so I can do my best to destroy the three hearts!"

"If you don't leave, we will all die!"

"Let's go!"

This was the first time Tan Yun yelled at his wife and fiancee.

They didn't blame Tan Yun, because from Tan Yun's roar, what they felt was deep love.

Seeing what Yuyan wanted to say, Tan Yun stared at Yuyan, and said via voice transmission: "Yuyan, my wife, I beg you, can you go?"

"I beg you, will you?"

Listening to Tan Yun's words, Yuyan's tears dripped down, she closed her beautiful eyes, finally nodded, looked back at the girls, and said, "Sisters, take our parents and relatives, and leave!"

When the girls heard the words, they looked at Tan Yun reluctantly. Immediately, they entered the Hongmeng Divine Mansion one after another, found Tan Yun's parents, grandfather and other relatives, and quickly flew out of the mansion to appear in front of Tan Yun.

"Yun'er, what's wrong?" Feng Jingru asked worriedly.

"Yes, Yun'er?" Tan Feng and Tan Changchun also asked in fear.

Tan Yun smiled and said in a weak voice, "Father, mother, grandpa, you don't have to worry. Yun'er just thinks that it's not safe for you to stay here. Let Yu Yan and the others take you to hide for a while."

"Yun'er, will you be in danger?" Feng Jingru asked.

"Of course not." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Mother, who is the child? The child is an eternal existence."

"Really? Don't lie to mother." Feng Jingru said.

"Of course it's true." Tan Yun said: "The boy has gone through countless winds and rains before he got to where he is today."

"I haven't brought back your daughter-in-law, Su Bing, how could I die?"

"My boy has not married Qianqian, Yushu, Qingcheng, and Rou'er in a prosperous way, how could he be willing to die?"

Hearing this, Feng Jingru believed Tan Yun's words.

Yuyan looked at Tan Yun, and said via voice transmission: "Husband, promise me, you must survive, I really can't lose you."

"I promise you!" When Tan Yun sent the voice transmission, he was ready to die.

He knew that the divine power in his body was about to be exhausted, and it would be difficult for him to survive the explosion of the three hearts with his physical body alone.

"Husband, I love you, I will always love you." Yuyan cried through voice transmission.

"Me too." When Tan Yun transmitted the voice, cracks appeared on the three hearts in front of him.

"Yuyan, take them away!" Tan Yun urged in shock.

"En." After Yuyan responded, she sacrificed a Shenzhou, let everyone board the Shenzhou, and drove the Shenzhou to the end of the sky.

On the Shenzhou, Yuyan's unquestionable voice resounded through the two cities inside and outside Hongmeng Divine City, "I am Yuyan, the wife of Hongmeng Ancestor God."

"Now all the citizens and generals obey the order and flee from Hongmeng God City, the farther the better!"

Hearing that, the residents of the inner city flocked to the outer city, and then fled towards the outer city with the soldiers...

Three hours later, the soldiers and citizens had already left the outer city of Hongmeng God City.

Tan Yun's parents, grandfather, father-in-law, and mother-in-law also stayed away from the outer city.

Only Yuyan, Xuanyuanrou and other Tan Yun's wives, fiancées, Zi Yan, and Zhen Ji's daughters did not leave outside the outer city.

With their strength, they stay here, not afraid of the power of the explosion of the three hearts!

The inner city and outer city of Hongmeng were so huge that the women couldn't see the scene on the top of Hongmeng Mountain, so they had to release their spiritual consciousness and stare at Tan Yun.

Each of them has deep fear on their faces!

I'm afraid that something bad will happen to Tan Yun!

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