Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1968 Grand Funeral

Chapter 1968 Grand Funeral

On the top of Falling God Mountain, Xuanyuan Changfeng hugged Tuoba Yingying's body, crying heartbrokenly:

"Yingying, why are you like this? Aren't you going to be with me...why are you abandoning me!"


When Xuanyuan Changfeng cried until his heart broke, he remembered the letter Tan Yun had given him.

He opened the letter again, and after reading the contents of the letter, he blamed himself, felt sad, and extremely sad.

But see the above sincerely wrote:

"Changfeng, when you read the letter, I'm no longer here, don't be sad, don't be sad, and don't blame yourself."

"Sorry, I didn't have the courage to say goodbye to you before I left. I can only tell you the truth of my death in this way, because I know that if I say goodbye to you, you will definitely not agree with me."

"Changfeng, do you know? I like you, but I don't have the feeling of heartbeat, because I don't have a heart, I am not a complete woman, nor a real woman."

"If I want to be a real woman with a heart, I have to die, enter reincarnation, reincarnate as a human, and become a brand new life."

"Hee hee, Changfeng, don't be sad. Everything I do is to be with you. I also want to love you so much that my heart beats, and I love you so much that I love you like crazy."

"When I think that after I am reborn, I can have a heart and feel your love for me, I feel extremely happy."

"Changfeng, you promised me! You promised me that if my appearance changes and I don't remember you anymore, you will still love me as always. Don't go back on your word!"

"Also, I will be reincarnated on Heaven's Punishment Star, Huangfu Continent, my brother's hometown, Wangyue Town. I will consume all my spirit and soul to dominate my parents, and let them name me Yingying."

"I'll be waiting for you in Wangyue Town."

"Changfeng promise me, don't be sad, or I will be unhappy."

Signed by "Tuoba Yingying"

After reading the contents of the letter, the voice of Tuoba Yingying's conversation with him last time emerged in Xuanyuan Changfeng's mind:

"What are you idiots? Could it be possible for me to take the initiative to hug you?"

"Yingying, do you know? I really love you so much. Sometimes, I really want to show you my heart. In my heart, you are the most perfect woman in the world, and the one I want to protect all my life."

"Changfeng, I'm not perfect. I'm a woman without a heart. I admit that I like you, but I have no heart and can't fall in love with you. Do you mind?"

"I don't mind! As long as you let me take care of you, I will be satisfied!"

"Changfeng, let me ask you a question, I hope you can answer it truthfully, if one day, my appearance changes, I don't look like what I am now, and I don't remember you anymore, will you still love me like now?"

"Yingying, why do you say that?"

"I'm just talking casually, but I still hope you can answer truthfully."

"Yes, I will!"

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Changfeng burst into tears, "It turned out that Yingying had already decided to sacrifice herself in exchange for her heart and reincarnation!"

"Yingying, do you know? In my heart, I don't want you to do this... Woooo..."

At this moment, Xuanyuan Changfeng was heartbroken.

He knew that Tuoba Yingying gave up her Celestial Clan identity and everything for herself!

Xuanyuan Changfeng hugged Tuoba Yingying's body, with snot and tears flowing into his mouth, he cried faintly on the peak...

The next day, early morning.

Xuanyuan Changfeng condensed snow into an ice coffin, and gently placed Tuoba Yingying's body in the coffin.

Immediately, dragging the coffin with red and swollen eyes, it soared into the air and landed on Tan Yun's Shenzhou at top speed.

Tan Yun took a deep breath and said, "Changfeng, don't be sad, and don't blame yourself too much. This is Yingying's choice, and she doesn't want you to be sad."

"En." Xuanyuan Changfeng nodded heavily, and immediately handed the coffin to Tan Yun, "Brother-in-law, please bury Yingying well. I will go find Yingying now and stay by her side at all times."

"Okay." When Tan Yun took the ice coffin with both hands, Xuanyuan Changfeng soared into the sky and was about to leave when Tan Yun's voice came from the Shenzhou below, "Wait a minute."

Xuanyuan Changfeng stopped flying, turned his head and looked down at Tan Yun, "What's wrong, brother-in-law."

Tan Yun said solemnly: "Yingying gave up everything for you, if you dare to let her down, I will definitely not let you go."

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't." Xuanyuan Changfeng replied loudly, "In the past, she was always much stronger than me, and I didn't have the ability to protect her."

"In her next life, I will definitely protect her, take care of her, and prevent her from any harm."

After saying that, Xuanyuan Changfeng turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the sky...

After Xuanyuan Changfeng left, Tan Yun held Tuoba Yingying's body, drove the Shenzhou out of the Hongmeng Mountains, and returned to Hongmeng God City.

Then, a funeral was held for Tuoba Yingying. Since Tuoba Yingying was the leader of the three great god realms, her funeral was extraordinarily grand.

During the funeral, Tan Yun delivered a speech in memory of Tuoba Yingying in person, and told about Tuoba Yingying's great achievements from the time when she was the God Lord of the Celestial Clan until now.

Also told the gods Tuoba Yingying's cause of death.

When they heard that Tuoba Yingying gave up everything and sacrificed herself for love, the expressions of the gods were moved.

They know that in the whole world, there are very few people who can do Tuoba Yingying for the sake of love!

So far, the love story between Tuoba Yingying and Xuanyuan Changfeng has moved the gods...

Three days later, Tuoba Yingying's funeral ended.

The setting sun is like blood.

Tan Yun stopped outside the Grand Commander's Mansion, looking a little absent-minded.

"Husband, don't be too sad." The corners of Yu Yan's skirt flew up and landed behind Tan Yun.

"Yeah." Tan Yun nodded and turned around, looked at Yuyan, and said, "I figured it out, Yingying's choice is good, I shouldn't be sad, sooner or later, she will come back with Changfeng."

"Husband, you should have thought this way earlier." Yu Yan smiled, and immediately, looking at the guards guarding the Grand Commander's Mansion, she ordered: "Tell your stewards, stay here and wait for the Grand Commander's return."

"Your subordinate obeys!" The guards were respectful.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Yu Yan turned and left holding hands. The two walked in the city surrounded by flowers, feeling the peace in the world.

After all the gods found Tan Yun, they kowtowed and worshiped him.

In their hearts, if there is no Ancestral God of Hongmeng, they would be dead, and their gratitude to Tan Yun is self-evident.

In the dimly lit place, Yu Yan paused, her red lips parted slightly, and her beautiful eyes showed gratitude, "Husband, at that time the three hearts were shattered, if Xuan Qi hadn't saved you regardless of life and death, you and sister Rou'er would have died .”

"At that time, Xuan Qi was seriously injured, and I don't know how she is doing now, husband, you should go and see her."

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded and said: "Well, after I thank her, I will come back to retreat, sprint to the realm, and ascend to the Gaozu Realm as soon as possible."

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