Chapter 1969 People go to the empty building

"Yuyan, you can go with me." Tan Yun said.

"No." Yuyan shook her head slightly, apologetically, "In the last universe, I not only misunderstood her, but also killed her without listening to her explanation."

"I'm sorry for her. I'm not ready to face her calmly. What's more, I don't think she wants to see me by your side when you go to find her."

"I think it's better for you to go to her alone."

"En." After Tan Yun nodded, the scene of Changsun Xuanqi kissing her in the Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley appeared in his mind when he condensed the last universe outside the Supreme Army City.

"Yuyan, I..." Tan Yun hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong with your husband?" Yu Yan asked.

Tan Yun said truthfully: "Frankly speaking, I don't know how to deal with the matter between me and Changsun Xuanqi."

"Husband, I understand how you feel." Bingxue's clever Yu Yan seemed to see through Tan Yun's thoughts, and said, "Husband, it's actually very simple."

"If you like Changsun Xuanqi, I will never stop it. Similarly, if Sister Subing is around, I will agree."

"After all, in the last universe, it was indeed your eldest grandson Xuanqi who failed. Because of you, she never accepted any man's heart, whether it was the last universe or the current universe, which is enough to prove how deep her love for you is. "

"Also, on the day when the Three Hearts were shattered, in order to save you, she didn't care about her own life, and even chose to disguise herself..."

Hearing this, a warm current surged deep in Tan Yun's heart, and he was moved but also puzzled: "Why does she change her appearance?"

Yu Yan said: "Husband, I guess, she did this not to be mysterious, but, in her heart, she just wants you to live well, and she doesn't want to disturb your life because of her."

"Husband, Xuan Qi is a good girl. I sincerely hope that you can fall in love with her and make up for her well in this life."

Tan Yun sighed and said: "Emotions cannot be forced, I don't like her now."

"Yes, you don't like her now." Yuyan said: "If you recover the memory of the last universe, I think you will be attracted to her, and even fall in love with her."

"And my husband, let me tell you an ancient legend."

Tan Yunjian frowned, "What legend?"

Yu Yan said truthfully: "It is said that in the world of Gaozu, there is a kind of divine object bred by heaven and earth, called Soul Remembrance Ancestral Liquid, this liquid can completely restore people's lost memories."

"In this way, you will remember what happened in the last universe, and you will also remember everything that you and I have experienced, as well as what you and Changsun Xuanqi have experienced."

"Until then, you will know what kind of position Changsun Xuanqi holds in your heart."

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded and said, "I've made a note."

"Yeah." Yu Yan said: "Okay, you go to Chaos God Sea and thank Xuan Qi face to face."

Afterwards, Tan Yun passed through the Divine Gate of the God Realm in the Temple of Time and Space, and arrived at the Chaos God City of the Chaos God Realm in three months. After stepping out of the Space-Time Temple, it turned into a purple beam of light and shot out of the Chaos God City and disappeared into the sky...

As time passed, two months later, Tan Yunfei flew into the sky above the Primal Chaos Sea of ​​Gods, facing the howling sea wind, riding the torrential waves, and flew towards the central sea area...

"Huh huh—"

More than a month later, there was a torrent of rain in the sky.

A purple beam of light shuttled through the rain curtain, flew over the island of God surrounded by the gods of heaven and earth in the center of the sea, and turned into Tan Yun in a purple robe.

Tan Yun released his spiritual consciousness to vent down, covering the entire island of God, but he did not find Supreme Baixi, nor did he find the trace of Changsun Xuanqi.

Tan Yun stepped down the void step by step and appeared outside an exquisite and unique pavilion, but he saw the three characters "Xuanqi Pavilion" engraved on the plaque hanging in the pavilion, which was obviously the pavilion where the grandson Xuanqi lived.

Beside Xuanqi Pavilion, there is a pavilion called "Baixi Pavilion".

"No, then I'll wait for her here."

Tan Yun thought secretly, and stood in the rain curtain waiting for eldest grandson Xuanqi.

One day later, Changsun Xuanqi did not come back...

Three days later, she still hasn't returned...

Tan Yun stood outside Xuanqi Pavilion for half a year, but there was still no sign of the grandson Xuanqi.

Tan Yun sighed, and decided to enter the pavilion, leaving a letter for Changsun Xuanqi before leaving.


Tan Yun gently pushed open the door, entered it, and found that there was a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the stone table.

He wrote: "Xuan Qi thank you."

Signed by "Tan Yun."

He didn't have too many words, because Tan Yun was a little upset when he thought of his grandson Xuanqi, and he didn't know what else to write.

Putting down the pen in his hand, when Tan Yun was about to turn around and leave, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Tan Yun looked back, but it was Supreme Baixi who walked in happily, "Hehe, Master, you are finally back, and the apprentice is still here!" I thought you were never coming back..."

When Supreme Master Baixi found out that the grandson Xuanqi was not in the pavilion but Tan Yun, her laughter stopped abruptly, and she said respectfully to Tan Yun, "This junior has met Lord Zushen."

"Exemption." Tan Yun frowned, "What do you mean by what you said just now? Your master is gone?"

"Yes, Lord Ancestor God." Baixi Supreme nodded his head, with tears in his beautiful eyes, and said: "Master Ancestor God, what happened to my master before, she returned to God Island dying, and refused to accept it. treat."

"It was the junior who forcibly knocked Master unconscious and saved her. Otherwise, she would have died."

"After the junior rescued the master, she was very angry at first, and wanted to expel the junior from the sect, but in the end, the master may have softened his heart, or he had figured something out. She told the junior that she would live well."

"Then, my master left Shendao and never came back."

Hearing this, Tan Yun's eyes showed apology. He knew that the eldest grandson Xuanqi was seriously injured because he saved himself.

Tan Yun sighed and asked, "Baixi, when your master left, did you say anything? And where did she go?"

The Supreme Master Baixi said truthfully: "My master said that a person cannot be defeated, she must cheer up and go to retreat to seek the supreme way."

"As for where to go, this junior doesn't know."

"Okay, I got it." From the words of Supreme Master Baixi, Tan Yun could guess that the eldest grandson Xuanqi would ascend to Gaozu Realm sooner or later.

"Master Ancestor God, please wait a moment, this junior will pour you tea." The Supreme Master Baixi said with a smile.

"Don't bother me, I have something to attend to, so I'll go back first." Tan Yun said: "If your master comes back, please remember to notify me."

"Okay, Lord Ancestral God." Said the Supreme Master Baixi.

"En." When Tan Yun nodded and was about to leave, the Supreme Master Baixi suddenly thought of something and said: "My lord, please wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Tan Yun turned around and asked.

"Lord Zushen, my master often stares at a screen in her boudoir in a daze." Baixi Zhizun said: "And she has arranged illusions on the wall, and this junior suspects that it has something to do with you."

"There is also that screen, which existed when this junior was a child. In the past, no matter where the master went, she would always take this screen with her, but this time she didn't have it."

"Master Ancestral God, please come with this junior."

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