Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1981 Get angry!

Chapter 1981 Get furious!

Hearing this, the masked woman sighed slightly and said, "The number of disciples in the Human Starfield has reached 1.2 billion."

"The number of disciples in the Beast Race Starfield has reached 790 million, and the total number of disciples in our Four Arts Starfield is only ten million."

"The strength of our four star fields is weak, less than one percent of the two star fields."

After hearing this, Tan Yun raised his eyebrows, "Saint, the status of our Four Arts Star Domain should not be lower than the two major star domains, right? After all, Tianmen Shrine cannot be separated from the disciples of the human race or the beast race. Isn't it Dan, Qi?"

"Things are not as simple as you imagine." The masked woman said with a heavy heart: "A long, long time ago, our Sishu patriarch was the second deputy palace master of the Tianmen Temple. There is no distinction between the star field and the orc star field."

"It's a pity that the heavens are jealous of talents. The patriarch fell during the tribulation. Since then, our Four Arts Starfield has gradually become lonely."

"The patriarch has three direct disciples, and my master ranks third. Master's elder brother gave up the four arts star field and entered the human race star field. He became the supreme saint of the human race star field and taught the four arts in the human race star field."

"And Master's second senior brother also left the Four Arts Starfield, led a group of apprentices, and entered the Beast Race Starfield."

"Only my master stayed in the Four Arts Starfield."

"As the master enters the Terran Starfield, there are countless disciples in the Terran Starfield who know the Four Arts over the years, and the Terran Starfield no longer needs our Four Arts Starfield to provide pills and magic weapons."

"The same is true for the Orc Starfield, not only that..." The masked woman didn't know what to think, and her voice paused, and the beautiful voice contained endless anger, "Just a hundred thousand years ago, the Orc Starfield was at the helm. The person who is the deputy palace lord proposed to the palace lord that there is no need for the Four Arts Starfield to exist anymore."

"The deputy palace lord proposes to abolish the Four Arts Starfield, and let the 10 million disciples of the Four Arts Starfield be included in the Human Race Starfield, and the Four Arts Starfield should be given to the Beast Race Starfield."

"It's really deceiving!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun frowned and said, "What happened next?"

"Later, after my master argued hard, the palace lord gave me a deadline." The masked woman said, "Give my master a hundred thousand years, so that the disciples cultivated by the master can challenge the beast race star field and the human race." Disciples of refining tools, talismans, arrays, and alchemy in the star field."

"If our Four-Spell Starfield wins the first prize, we will keep the Four-Skill Starfield. Otherwise, there will never be a Four-Skill Starfield in Tianmen Shrine."

After hearing this, Tan Yun thought to himself: "This is an opportunity, as long as you give me the experience of the ancestor of the four arts in the past about the four arts of pills, formations, weapons, and talismans, I will surely improve my four arts attainments by leaps and bounds."

Thinking of this, Tan Yun asked: "Saint, since the Patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield was the former Deputy Palace Master, then the Patriarch may have left behind the cultivation experience and secret scriptures about the Four Arts."

"If it really stays, as long as the disciples of the Four Arts Starfield can penetrate it, it should be no problem to defeat the disciples of the Four Arts Starfield in the Human Race Starfield and the Beast Race Starfield!"

Hearing this, it was faintly visible that there was a wry smile on the face of the masked woman under the purple veil, "What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say."

"Saint, is it possible that the patriarch of the Four Arts has not left behind any experience and secrets about the Four Arts?" Tan Yun seemed not to show his expression, but his heart was full of anticipation.

He knew that his situation in the Supreme Ancestral Realm was very different from that in the lower universe.

In the lower universe, I have always been able to cope with all difficulties by relying on pure strength, without using other means to save my life.

But it's different in the Supreme Ancestor Realm, not to mention the gods of the Ancestral King Realm like myself, even the gods of the Ancestral King Realm are like dogs walking everywhere!

Tan Yun knows very well that skills are not overwhelming in the Supreme Ancestor Realm. When his strength is low, if the attainments of the four arts can reach the peak, he has countless ways to make countless strong people bow their heads in front of him and increase the means to save his life!

Therefore, from Tan Yun's point of view, even if he came to Tianmen Shrine now, he is not even a handyman disciple, let alone a sense of belonging.

In addition, he doesn't care about whether the Four Arts Starfield will be annexed. At present, it has nothing to do with him.

What he cares about is whether the patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield has left any experience and secrets about the Four Arts.

If so, how can I get it?

The masked woman sighed: "The patriarch indeed left behind the experience of the Four Arts and the secret code, but..."

Without waiting for the masked woman to speak, an anxious voice came from the distant sky, "Junior Sister Xin, something is wrong!"

In the next moment, a blue beam of light burst out from the eastern sea of ​​stars, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a young girl in a blue dress who was about twenty-nine years old in front of Tan Yun.

The girl has a slim figure, gentle and pleasant, but at this moment, her face is full of anxiety.

"Eighth Senior Sister, what's wrong?" the masked woman raised her eyebrows and said.

Miao Qingqing ignored Tan Yun directly, and she said anxiously: "Master is furious, he wants to kill senior brother!"

"Junior Sister Xin, Master loves you the most on weekdays, go and persuade Master!" Miao Qingqing's anxious tears rolled in her eyes.

"Okay!" The masked woman responded, sacrificed the Shenzhou, and carried Tan Yun and Miao Qingqing towards the eastern starry sky at high speed.

On the way, the masked woman asked: "Eighth Senior Sister, what happened? Master, why did you kill Senior Brother?"

Miao Qingqing began to explain with tears dripping down.

When Miao Qingqing was talking about the past and the consequences, Tan Yun was also listening...

In the vast starry sky of the Tianmen Divine Palace, there are three lands surrounded by stars floating. The three floating lands are the centers of the Four Arts Star Field, the Human Race Star Field, and the Beast Race Star Field.

Among them, the closest to the gate of Tianmen Shrine is the Four Arts Starfield.

The floating land in the center of the Sishu Starfield is the residence of the current Supreme Sage Dao Kun in the Sishu Starfield.

Elders and disciples in the other four star fields live on different stars.

In addition, the stars in Tianmen Shrine are countless times smaller than the stars in the universe.

At this moment, outside a majestic palace in the depths of the Sishu Floating Land in the center of the Sishu Starfield, there are kneeling disciples wearing uniforms, alchemy clothes, formation clothes, and talisman clothes, a total of 10 million people.

In front of the tens of thousands of disciples of the Four Arts Starfield, there were a total of 120 elders, elders, and holy elders. They all looked at a fat old man who looked like ninety years old outside the main hall, and they all showed fear.

The old man with a big belly and gray hair is none other than the current helm of the Four Arts Starfield, and also the Supreme Sage: Daokun.

A simple and honest middle-aged man kneeling in front of Daokun is Daokun's personal disciple: Xi Tonghai.

Daokun glared at the tens of thousands of kneeling disciples and roared like thunder, "Trash! They are all trash!"

"In a hundred years, it will be a duel with the disciples of the four arts of the human star field and the beast star field, but what about you?"

"You guys let me down so much!"

"I don't see any hope in you, only despair!"

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