Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1982 Wuji Taoist Temple

Chapter 1982: The Taoist Temple of Promise

Facing the furious Dao Kun, the ten million kneeling disciples were all trembling.

"Especially you!" Dao Kun pointed angrily at Xi Tonghai who was kneeling in front of him, and said sharply, "I have high hopes for you as a teacher, and I have given you ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred years to let you go all the way in Dan and Qi." Breakthrough."

"During this period, I have taught you the two arts of alchemy and equipment for 80,000 years, but you..."

Without waiting for Dao Kun's words, Xi Tonghai kowtowed heavily, his head bleeding, his eyes filled with tears, and respectfully said: "Master, it's my disciple who is ignorant, and this disciple has failed Master's expectations."

"I know that in a hundred years, I will not be able to break through the attainments of the alchemy and weapon arts. I also know that if I can't break through, a hundred years later, when I meet the geniuses of the alchemy and weapon arts in the human star field and the orc star field, it will be inevitable." There is no doubt that you will lose, this disciple deserves to die!"

Daokun took a deep breath, his cloudy eyes were full of unwillingness.

He is very clear that the disciples in the four-art star field are far inferior to the disciples in the human star field and the beast star field in terms of talisman and formation skills.

He had originally counted on his most important disciple, Xi Tonghai, to make breakthroughs in alchemy and weapon arts, and to win the championship in alchemy and weapon arts in the four-art duel in the three star fields a hundred years later. In this way, I can still propose in front of the Palace Master to continue to keep the Four Arts Starfield.

But now it seems that everything is a luxury.

Thinking of this, Daokun, who was already grumpy, trembled with anger.

"Sage Elder Taishang, please calm down... Calm down!" Great Saint Elder: Wei Rui, bowed his body and comforted him.

"Calm down? How do you let me calm down!" Dao Kun angrily pointed at Wei Rui, the elders, the elders, and the holy elders, "And you are all trash, look at the disciples you have taught, if the ancestors have spirits in the sky , will definitely be annihilated by you!"

"You all know very well that if the Four Arts confronts each other in a hundred years, our Four Arts Star Field will lose. At that time, the Four Arts Star Field will be gone!"

"Or, in your hearts, you don't care about the survival of the Four-Spell Starfield at all. You have already thought about it. After the Palace Master abolishes the Four-Spell Starfield, you can go to the Human Race Starfield and the Beast Race Starfield?"

Faced with Dao Kun's scolding, many elders, grand elders, and holy elders knelt down one after another.

Great Sage Old Wei Rui looked at Dao Kun, tears streaming down his face, "Old Supreme Sage, my subordinates have no second thoughts about the Four Arts Starfield!"

"The subordinates also hope that our disciples of the Four Arts Star Field will be able to defeat the Human Race Star Field and the Beast Race Star Field in a hundred years, but things are backfired!"

Other holy elders, supreme elders, and elders also echoed.


Amidst the turmoil in the void, a Shenzhou sailed into the sky above the Four-Shu Floating Land. The masked woman and Miao Qingqing swept off the Shenzhou at high speed, and knelt down in front of Daokun.

"Master, don't kill the senior brother." The masked woman shook her head and pleaded with her eyes, "It's not the senior senior brother's fault, the senior senior brother has tried his best these years."

"It's the same with disciples. Whether it's the experience left by the patriarch or the secret code, it's really too difficult to penetrate."

"Besides..." the masked woman said: "Besides, with your master's attainments in alchemy and weapon arts, you can't fully understand it!"

"Master, this disciple has no intention of offending you, this disciple is just telling the truth."

Listening to the masked woman's words, all the senior officials and disciples were sweating for her.

You must know that although the masked woman told the truth, Dao Kun was indeed unable to comprehend thoroughly the experience and secret scriptures left by the patriarch, but he couldn't tell the truth in front of everyone!

From everyone's point of view, even if Daokun doted on the masked woman on weekdays, he would be furious at this moment.

However, the result was unexpected.

Daokun was not furious. He looked at the masked woman and remained silent for a long time. After a long silence, Daokun turned around slowly and walked tremblingly towards the Temple of Four Arts, leaving only an old and helpless voice to everyone:

"That's all... that's all... just let fate."

"It's all gone."

Hearing this, all the senior officials and disciples left one after another after taking orders, and returned to their respective star palaces.

At this moment, outside the Temple of Four Arts, only Xin Bingxuan, Miao Qingqing, and Xi Tonghai were left.

"Eldest brother, get up quickly." Miao Qingqing hastily helped Xi Tonghai up, "Thanks to Junior Sister Jiu this time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Xi Tonghai faced Xin Bingxuan and said gratefully, "Thank you, Ninth Junior Sister."

"You're welcome." Xin Bingxuan said softly: "Brother, don't blame Shizun, Shizun..."

"Junior Sister Jiu, you don't need to say it, I understand." Xi Tonghai blamed himself deeply, "Besides, it's all my fault. Master has devoted 80,000 years of hard work to me, teaching me alchemy and utensils every step of the way. technique, but I let him down."

Xin Bingxuan sighed slightly and said: "Eighth Senior Sister, Senior Senior Brother, I'm going to accompany Master and his old man, you go back first."

"Okay." After Miao Qingqing and Xi Tonghai responded, they glanced at the Temple of the Four Arts, and immediately soared into the air. When they were about to leave, Xin Bingxuan suddenly thought of something and said, "Brother, Tan Yun is I found someone to make Qi Tong and Dan Tong for Master, please send him to Wuji Taoist Temple first."

"Okay." After Xi Tonghai finished speaking, he looked at Tan Yun on the Shenzhou boat and said, "Come with me."

After saying that, when Xi Tonghai waved his hand, Tan Yun felt a gentle invisible force restraining him. Immediately, Tan Yun rose into the sky uncontrollably and flew towards Xi Tonghai.

Xi Tonghai took Tan Yun, and Miao Qingqing disappeared into the starry sky at a very high speed, and after a while, they flew down on a star called "The Promise Star".

The area of ​​this star is about 30,000 xianli in a radius. In the center of Wuji star, there is a Taoist temple of Wuji. This Taoist temple is the place where Tao Kun usually refines alchemy and weapons.

After entering the ancient Taoist temple, Xi Tonghai looked at Tan Yun, and said: "My master usually refines alchemy and weapons here, and from now on you will be my master's Qi boy and Dan boy."

"My master has a bad temper. In the past, Qitong and Dantong were scolded away. You have to be careful in doing things and perfect the tasks assigned by my master. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun said respectfully, "Your junior has made a note."

"En." Xi Tonghai nodded, and brought Tan Yun to a hundred-foot-tall palace in the backyard of the Taoist temple, and said, "Tan Yun, from now on, this is where you will live."

"You should rest first. Under normal circumstances, my master will come over tomorrow."

After speaking, Tan Yun respectfully watched Xi Tonghai and Miao Qingqing leave.

After the two left, Tan Yun stepped out of the palace where he lived, walked in the empty Wuji Taoist Temple, and began to get familiar with the environment...

At the same time, Sishu Floating Land and Sishu Temple.

"Master, calm down." Xin Bingxuan stepped forward step by step, gently pressed Daokun on the jade chair, and gave Daokun a light pat on the back.

"Oh." Daokun sighed, got up from the seat, looked at Xin Bingxuan, with deep melancholy in his cloudy eyes, "Bingxuan, there are some things, it's time for me to tell you as a teacher."

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