Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1985 Look how dare I dare!

Chapter 1985 Look how dare I dare!

Looking at the man-eating Daokun, Tan Yun's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He knew that he must never step out of this hall!

Once you leave, it means you will never come back!

Until now, Tan Yun is still thinking about the experiences and secrets about the Four Arts from the Patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield.

"I can't leave, otherwise, I will be driven out of Tianmen Shrine and wander around!"

"The divine essence of heaven and earth in Tianmen Shrine is so rich, if I stay here, the speed of cultivation will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!"

"After I improve my strength, I still have to go to Subing. Only by staying in Tianmen Shrine can I quickly practice and improve my strength. I can't leave!"

Thinking of this, Tan Yun took a deep breath, lowered his dignity, and knelt down in front of Daokun slowly.

Tan Yun doesn't feel ashamed. In the past, he was the supreme ruler in the lower universe, but now it is different. He is just an ant in the Supreme Ancestor Realm!

In the Supreme Ancestral Realm where the weak prey on the strong, if you want others to respect and fear you, you must have enough strength!

Enough ability!

Tan Yun knelt down and looked up at Dao Kun, "Old Supreme Master, this junior is different from your previous Qi Tong and Dan Tong, and this junior will never let you down."

"This junior must do well what you ordered. If something goes wrong, this junior doesn't need you to do it. This junior is willing to commit suicide and apologize!"

"I implore the Taishang Shenglao to give this junior a chance!"

Seeing Tan Yunqing's sincerity, Daokun raised his white eyebrows slightly, and said coldly: "Okay, this is what you said, if you don't do well, you will kill yourself, right?"

"Yes!" Tan Yun nodded heavily.

"That's good." Daokun waved his right arm, and a scroll came out of thin air, suspended in front of Tan Yun, and said coldly: "The scroll records the appearance and cultivation method of tens of billions of magical medicines in the Supreme Ancestor Realm , attributes, medicinal properties, uses, and the attributes and uses of tens of billions of refining materials."

"It took Qitong and Dantong in the past three months at the fastest to memorize the appearance, cultivation method, attributes, medicinal properties, and uses of tens of billions of magic medicines, as well as the attributes and uses of refining materials."

"Young man, I will give you a month, as long as you can remember, I will keep you."

"If you don't remember it after a month, do you understand the consequences?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded and said, "This junior understands!"

Immediately, Daokun was slightly taken aback by what Tan Yun said next.

"Reporting to the Supreme Master, this junior thinks one month is too long." Tan Yun said: "Seven days, give this junior seven days, and this junior will definitely do it."

"Seven days?" Daokun frowned, and glanced at Tan Yun, "Young people, whether it's a person or a job, self-confidence is good, but too much self-confidence is ignorance."

"This old man will give you one last chance to change your mind."

Tan Yun said without hesitation: "No need, this junior will take seven days!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Dao Kun shook his head at Tan Yun, and then stepped out of the hall and disappeared.

In Daokun's heart, Tan Yun is ignorant!

He never believed that Tan Yun could do it in seven days!

There are two reasons!

First, there are tens of billions of magical medicines recorded in the scroll. Not only must you remember the appearance of the magical medicines, cultivation techniques, attributes, and uses, but you must also keep in mind the attributes and uses of tens of billions of refining materials. How can such huge information be possible? Will remember it within seven days?

Second, and the most important reason!

Daokun clearly remembered that in the distant past, when he worshiped his patriarch as his teacher, the master told him, his senior brother and his second senior brother to keep these things in mind.

I was the fastest to memorize it, and it took ten days at that time!

I spent ten days and spent too much painstaking effort and energy. After remembering it, I had a splitting headache and fell into a coma for seven days and nights before waking up.

Daokun never believed that Tan Yun, who was only at the third level of the Ancestral King Realm, could remember it within seven days.

Don't say that Kun doesn't believe it, if this matter gets out, anyone who hears it will think that Tan Yun is extremely ignorant!

In the main hall of Wuji Taoist Temple, a smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, it was a confident smile!

The reason why Tan Yun said to complete it within seven days has three purposes.

First, if you want to get in touch with the secret code of the Patriarch of the Four Arts Starfield as soon as possible, you must get Daokun's favor as soon as possible. Only when you shock the other party, the other party will not ignore you.

Second, when Tan Yun was in the lower universe in the past, he knew that there were only more than one billion types of magic medicine in the lower universe. He only needed three hours to memorize the appearance, name, medicinal properties, and cultivation techniques of these magic medicines Therefore, he is convinced that with his own ability, he can do it in seven days, keeping in mind all the magic medicines and all the refining materials in the Supreme Ancestor Realm!

Third, Tan Yun didn't want to waste too much time, so he proposed seven days.

He is eager to improve his abilities as soon as possible. After finding Su Bing in the future, he will avenge the tens of billions of soldiers killed by the Bliss God Sect, and avenge his ancestors' immortal ancient gods!

Tan Yun sat cross-legged in the hall, and slowly opened the control scroll from the void, and when he was about to release his consciousness to enter it, there was a voice of yelling outside the hall, "Newcomer, come here!"

Tan Yun raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes, and followed the prestige, but saw a young disciple of the inner sect wearing a red robe at the eighth level of the Patriarch King Realm, staring at him.

Tan Yun got up unhurriedly and walked out of the hall.

"You bastard, what are you talking about, hurry up!" The young man looked at Tan Yun with contempt and insulted him.

"You bastard?" Tan Yun's expression darkened immediately, and he said every word: "Idiot!"

"Great Steps!"


In the turmoil of the void, Tan Yun's body was like a ghost, and it seemed to disappear out of thin air in the sight of the young man.

"It's so fast!" The young man's face changed drastically.


With a crisp sound, the young man felt a burning pain in his cheek, and then felt his world spinning for a while, and he was slapped by Tan Yun and fell into the courtyard.

The young man spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with his teeth, jumped up from the ground, looked at Tan Yun who was stepping forward, and roared: "You new bastard, you are not even a handyman disciple, how dare you hit me! "

"I'm an inner disciple, I'm going to abolish you today!"


In the turmoil of the void, a jar of danding flew out of the young man's mouth, turned into a giant of hundreds of feet, and suppressed it towards Tan Yun with a bang!

In the eyes of the young man, Tan Yun was suppressed by Dan Ding, but the next moment, he was completely terrified!


It was Tan Yun who came out of nowhere from behind him.

Apparently, Tan Yun, who was suppressed by the Danding just now, was only a phantom that remained in place because of his too fast speed after using the Primordial God Step.

"Creak creak!"

Tan Yun's expression was indifferent, his right hand turned into a claw, and grabbed the back of the young man's neck firmly, making a creepy sound from the neck bone, as if the young man's neck would be broken by Tan Yun at any time!

"Ah... let me go, you guy who is not even as good as a handyman!" The young man's facial features were distorted in pain, and he threatened: "I am an inner disciple of Tianmen Shrine, if you kill me, you will be executed! "

"Hehe." A sneer appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. It doesn't matter if you die. It's not worthwhile for Grandpa to implicate me."

"Boy, you don't dare to kill me!" The young man scolded, "I remember you!"

Tan Yun smiled, "I dare not kill you because you never intended to kill me. If I did, I would violate palace rules."

"However, today you have to keep one leg!"

Hearing this, the young man roared, "How dare you!"

"Look if I dare!" Tan Yun put away his smile, still pinching the back of the young man's neck with his right hand, bent his right leg, and kicked hard on the young man's knee sideways!

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