Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1986 Vulnerable

Chapter 1986 Vulnerable


"Ah... my legs!"

When there was a clear sound of bone cracking and heart-piercing wailing sounds, the young man's right knee was pitifully fragile under Tan Yun's foot, and it exploded in the splash of blood, and a stump flew away from the young man's body.


Amidst the muffled chiseling sound, Tan Yun grabbed the back of the young man's neck with his right hand, swung him and smashed him to the ground.

The face-down young man was bruised and swollen from the fall. He became panicked, picked up his broken leg, and was about to leave when Tan Yun's unquestionable voice came from behind, "Stop!"

The young man trembled all over, his previous domineering appearance disappeared, and he stood on the spot with one leg.

"What's your name?" Tan Yun said lightly, "Why did you come to Wuji Taoist Temple?"

The young man looked back, endured the pain of a broken leg, and said, "My name is Mo Qiguang. I came here to tell you to go to the magic medicine star and collect some magic medicines for me."

Tan Yunjian frowned, "What? Could it be that I, as Qi Tong and Dan Tong of the Supreme Sacred Elder, am also responsible for collecting medicine for you?"

Hearing this, Mo Qiguang didn't say anything.

"I told you to tell me!" Tan Yun's eyes turned cold.

"No." After Mo Qiguang finished speaking, seeing Tan Yun's increasingly gloomy eyes, a chill rose from the soles of his feet to his heart, and he hastily added: "In the past, Qi Tong and Dan Tong, the Supreme Sage, would help us Herbs."

"Are they voluntary?" Tan Yun asked back.

"Yes..." Mo Qiguang looked away when he answered.

"It's your uncle!" Tan Yun's figure flashed, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of Mo Qiguang, drawing a graceful arc with his right hand from the low sky, and slapped him fiercely on the face.


Amidst the crisp sound, Mo Qiguang was so drawn that stares stared at him, and he fell hundreds of feet away in the air.

Tan Yun said in an unquestionable voice: "Let me tell you, others are others, and I am me!"

"Don't let me serve you, don't let me meet you again in the future, get out of here!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to get out of here." Mo Qiguang, who lost a leg, got up from the ground, flew into the sky as if escaping, and flew towards the northern sky at high speed, thinking viciously in his heart: "Boy, wait for me!" Come on, I must kill you!"


After Tan Yun turned his head and entered the hall, he sat cross-legged again, manipulating the scroll to float in the void.

Under the control of Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness, the scroll slowly opened, and the moment Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, his body shook and his expression moved.

Through his spiritual consciousness, he felt as if he was in a vast and beautiful independent time and space.

He looked around, and found a bunch of magical medicines that couldn't be named, all over the land, mountains, rivers, and forests!

Immediately afterwards, lines of writing appeared in the void above the grotesque medicinal plants.

These writings introduce all the information about each divine medicine.

Tan Yun had never seen or heard of such a miraculous scene.

Even though he knew that these magical medicines were all false images, he was still shocked because they were so realistic.

"Hahahaha, good, great!" Tan Yun looked excited and laughed wildly, "If I hadn't come to Tianmen Shrine, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for me to have the opportunity to learn about all the magic medicines in the Supreme Ancestor Realm."

"This is really precious to me!"

Restraining the excitement in his heart, Tan Yun manipulated his consciousness to slowly extend in all directions, and began to do his best to quickly memorize the information of each magic medicine.

At this moment, Tan Yun has entered a state of ecstasy...

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon the night faded and dawn came.

In one night, Tan Yun had memorized one-eighth of the magic medicine information.

The stars moved, and soon the day was over, and the dense night eroded the sky and the earth.


Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, heard footsteps coming from outside the hall. Judging from the sound of footsteps, Tan Yun guessed that eight people had come to Wuji Taoist Temple.

"Boy, get out!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Tan Yun's ears.

"Mo Qiguang!" Tan Yun suddenly opened his eyes, withdrew his consciousness, and a burst of anger spread all over his body.

Tan Yun, who had been engrossed in the state of ecstasy and memorized the magic medicine, was interrupted at this moment, and he was quite upset!

Tan Yun stood up, straightened his robe, and stepped out of the hall.

Tan Yun glanced away, but saw eight young inner disciples walking towards him.

Except for Mo Qiguang who is at the eighth level of the Ancestral King Realm, the other seven are all in the Great Perfection of the Ancestral King Realm.

Especially the leader, a young man in blue robe with a hidden sword in his smile, made the six disciples behind him who were from the inner sect who were at the Great Perfection of the Ancestral King Realm respectful.

But Tan Yun is not afraid at all!

Tan Yun is conceited, not to mention the mere inner disciples of the Ancestral King Realm, even the disciples of the seventh level of the Ancestral King Realm, if he goes all out, he may not necessarily lose.

Mo Qiguang's leg was amputated by Tan Yun last night, and now it's back to normal. Tan Yun knew without thinking that Mo Qiguang had recovered from his injury in the mustard seed time-space magic weapon.

Mo Qiguang pointed at Tan Yun angrily, and said to the young man in charge: "Senior brother Huangfu, I followed your order last night and came here and asked him to go to the magic medicine star to collect magic medicine. Broke my brother's leg!"

"Don't worry, I will vent your anger on you." Huangfu said calmly, looked at Tan Yun, and said in an orderly tone: "Let's go, let's go out and talk."

In addition, the reason why Huangfufeng came to the Wuji Taoist Temple unscrupulously was because he knew that the Taishang Shenglao left the Sishu Starfield yesterday and went to the Human Race Starfield to discuss important matters with the Palace Master.

"Hehe." Tan Yun looked at Huangfufeng, and said with a sneer, "Am I familiar with you? If you want me to go out, I will go out with you?"

"Okay, idiot, I'm too busy, sir."

After speaking, Tan Yun turned around and walked into the hall.

Huangfufeng, who was called an idiot by Tan Yun, was so angry that his lungs would explode, "Fuck! Shame on you, come here, break his legs for me!"

"Yes!" A young man with great consummation of the Patriarchal King Realm burst out the power of the Fire Patriarchal King from his burly body, and with a violently trembling void, he swung his fist towards Tan Yunling!

"You dare!" Tan Yun turned his head suddenly, with a gleam in his eyes, and scolded: "According to the palace rules, even if I am not as good as a handyman disciple, as long as I have not violated the palace rules, even if you are inner disciples Don't touch me!"

"Bah!" The young man who rushed towards Tan Yun said with a smirk, "After your legs are crippled, I will connect them to you again, without anyone noticing!"

"Even if you go and tell the law enforcement elders, it's useless. Let me tell you, our law enforcement elders of the inner martial arts are the father of our brother Huangfu!"

Before long, the young man appeared in front of Tan Yun and punched Tan Yun in the chest.


Tan Yun uttered the word "roll", and suddenly pushed out his right palm and hit the young man's right fist.


"Ah... my hand, my hand, it hurts, it hurts..."

When the young man screamed and terrified, his right fist exploded and his severed finger flew.

Tan Yun ignored it, leaned back, and kicked the young man's chest with his right foot!

"Crack, click—"

Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, the young man's chest collapsed and blood was sprayed from his mouth. His body was like a kite with a broken string.

Looking at this scene, except for Huangfufeng, everyone else was stunned!

They never expected that the people on their side would be so vulnerable to Tan Yun, who was only at the third level of the Ancestral King Realm!

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