Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2002 Extremely terrifying!

Chapter 2002 Extremely Scary!

The Five Elements Extinguishing God Fist slammed down, and blasted towards the giant lotus sword glow that enveloped Tan Yun, followed by the Five Elements Slaughtering God Palm!

"Death Broken Whip!"

In a moment of Tan Yun's thought, a black spot of light like a grain of rice emerged from his right hand, and suddenly exploded into a 60,000-foot-long, jet-black Death Whip!



Tan Yun, who was like a mountain, waved the death whip with his right hand very quickly. Immediately, whip shadows interweaved from his body surface into a curtain of whips, enveloping him and at the same time, with a cracked primordial void, towards the top of his head, The sword glow giant lotus on the left and right sides and in front of him violently pulled away!

Almost at the same time, the Death Smashing Whip hit the four sword-mounted giant lotuses, and at this moment, the Five Elements Destroyer Fist, which was blasted downward, also hit the sword-mounted giant lotus.

"Boom, boom—"

With a burst of loud noises, the Death's Broken Whip exploded the four giant lotus sword lights above, in front of, and on the left and right sides of Tan Yun, and the Death's Broken Whip also collapsed into the air.

The Five Elements Extinguishing God Fist in the void below Tan Yun shattered when it hit the giant sword-glow lotus. On the other hand, the giant sword-glow lotus was still intact, but the violent aura it emitted dropped suddenly.

"Bang!" With a deafening bang, the Five Elements Slaughter God's palm hit the sword-mansled giant lotus, and it collapsed and disappeared together with the sword-mansled giant lotus.


At this moment, although the four sword glow giant lotuses above, in front of, and on the left and right sides of Tan Yun exploded, they turned into hundreds of ten thousand zhang sword glows.


Liu Feng pinched the magic formula with his left hand, and waved the sword in his right hand. Immediately, hundreds of ten-thousand-foot sword lights merged into a skyscraper sword light with a length of six hundred thousand feet. With a violent and fierce aura, he headed towards Tan Yun. cut off!

Motian Jianmang locked onto Tan Yun tightly, giving Tan Yun the feeling that it was inevitable!

"So strong!" Tan Yun's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted loudly, "Space-Time Destroyer Knife—the knife smashes the heavens!"

Scarred and scarred, Tan Yun's huge pupils showed a crazy fighting spirit. Suddenly, a vast torrent of time in the primordial void fell from the sky like a giant waterfall!


At the same time, with the sound of the turbulent sea, a frenzied tide formed by the power of space rushed from the primordial void to the torrent of time.

The tide of space and the torrent of time quickly condensed into a time-space annihilating knife that is as long as one hundred thousand feet long.

The Time-Space Destroyer Knife permeated with the power of time, as if ignoring the constraints of time and space, descended from the sky, and slashed at the 600,000-foot sword light that was slashing towards Tan Yun!


When the Time-Space Extinguisher Knife hit Motian Jianmang, a deafening bang raged through the void of primordial Mengmeng. Under Tan Yun's horrified gaze, the Time-Space-Extermination Knife shattered like ceramics!

On the other hand, the Motian sword light was only covered with huge cracks, and it still slashed towards Tan Yun.

Judging from the terrifying aura emanating from Motian Jianmang, his body could not resist at all, and the consequences would be unimaginable once he was slashed!

"Tan Yun, you bastard is doomed, don't make unnecessary struggles!" Liu Feng was shocked when he spoke.

She never imagined that the young man in front of him, who was not even a handyman disciple, could not only control the power of the five elements, but also the power of wind and thunder, time, space, and death!

Even though she saw it with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe it was real!

"Dead?" Tan Yun sneered again and again, "If I don't kill you, how can I be willing to die?"

"Could it be that he still has a hole card?" Liu Feng thought to herself, and what happened immediately shocked her even more.

"Space cage!"

Tan Yun knew that he couldn't dodge at all, and he didn't have time to use the sword art. He could only use the magical power that can only be used once a year: space cage.


As Tan Yun volleyed backwards, the power of space in the primordial void around him suddenly became violent, like boiling water, and immediately, the speed of the Skyscraper sword light that was cutting towards Tan Yun dropped sharply.

"call out--"

When the cracked Ferris sword light was about to hit Tan Yun, it completely stopped in the space cage.

"You..." Liu Feng widened her eyes in disbelief, and blurted out, "What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"Bitch, what do you think?" Tan Yun stepped into the air and stood up, his huge fist suddenly hit the stationary sword light.

Motian Jianmang suddenly fell apart!

Hearing Tan Yun's humiliation, Liu Feng was completely angry, "I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"


"The ultimate form of the Tianmen Wind Sword God Art - Mad Star Sword Slash!"

Liu Fengmiaoman's body surged like a tsunami of the power of the ancestors of the wind, pouring into the divine sword in his hand.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Liu Feng's lips moved silently while reciting the mantra, and when her body flickered in a circular shape from the void, the power of the ancestor of the wind burst out again in her body, and a star with a diameter of ten thousand zhang was condensed from the primordial void surrounded by her. .


Liu Feng stopped moving, swung her right hand, and the divine sword in her hand was absorbed into the stars formed by the condensed power of the ancestor of the wind.

Immediately, Liu Feng sat cross-legged in the primordial void, drawing mysterious tracks with both hands from the void, and suddenly pushed towards the ten thousand zhang stars.


Immediately, a gust of wind blew up in the primordial void, and the ten thousand zhang stars blasted towards Tan Yun with the bursting void!

The speed is astounding!

At the same time, Tan Yun felt suffocated by the berserk aura emitted by the stars condensed by the power of the ancestor of the wind.

I also felt the fear before death!

"Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art!"

Tan Yun's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and his forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat. With the use of the sword art, Tan Yun's hair flew up, and his aura surged wildly.

At the same time, the misty flames burning on Tan Yun's huge head were Tan Yun who burned the soul of the ancestor of Hongmeng.

Tan Yun's facial features were distorted, and his ears and nose were bleeding. He knew that the moment of life and death had come, so he had to do his best and fight to the death!

"Whew." A bright red bloodthirsty flower came out of nowhere in front of Tan Yun, and the moment it flew into his mouth and stomach, the blood in Tan Yun's body completely boiled, and his strength increased by 10% again!

Even so, Tan Yun was not sure that he could kill Liu Feng!


Tan Yun, who was covered in blood, roared like a beast, his eyes were red, and he used the Primordial God Killing Sword Technique, the most powerful supernatural power!

"Hongmeng kills the gods, kills the gods nine times!"

Tan Yun flickered like a ghost in the void of primordial mists, and suddenly swung his nine swords across the air towards the stars formed by the rushing wind ancestor power!


Immediately, nine sword beams with a length of 100,000 zhang, containing the five elements, wind and thunder, time, space, death, and the power of the ancestral king of light, quickly shuttled through the primordial void, slashing towards the stars frantically!

"Kill!" Liu Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the void of the Primordial Mist, uttered an ear-piercing and sharp sound, and the moment her dancing palms were pushed out from the air, the vast power of the ancestors of the wind was like a dragon, Suddenly drilled into the stars!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying scene happened!

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