Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2003 Survive!

Chapter 2003 Survive!


With a loud noise, the ten thousand feet star expanded wildly, reaching a diameter of three hundred thousand feet!

Moreover, the breath emanating from the stars became more and more violent.

When there were bursts of loud noises in the stars, Liu Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the void of primordial mists, suddenly turned pale for some reason, with strands of blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth, apparently unable to fully control the ultimate form of the Tianmen Fengshen Sword Art—— Mad Star Sword Slash!

This is indeed the case, she is indeed out of control!

At that time, she had no choice but to do this, because the six sword-mang giant lotus she had just cast was already the most powerful attack she could control in the Tianmen Fengshen Sword Art.

However, she found that it was cracked by Tan Yun.

If she wanted to survive, if she wanted to kill Tan Yun, she knew that the only way to do it was to slash with the Mad Star Sword!

"Puff puff!"

When Liu Fenglian spouted three mouthfuls of blood, the star with a diameter of 200,000 feet was covered with shocking cracks in an instant, as if a terrifying existence rushed out of it!


In the next moment, the stars exploded, and a 180,000-foot-long Ancestral Wind Sword Light charged out like a berserk beast, stabbing at Tan Yun.

Where the sword light passed, the primordial void completely collapsed in a small area!

The aura emanating from the sword light made Tan Yun feel desperate. This is the first time Tan Yun has seen the void collapse since he entered the Supreme Ancestor Realm. Although the scope of the collapse was small, it did happen!

It can be seen from this that the power of Mad Star Sword Slash is so strong!


When the void was turbulent, the nine hundred thousand feet of the huge Primordial God Slaughter Sword Light rushed towards the Mad Star Sword Slashing Sword Light like moths flying into the flame!


The rolling sound waves scattered in all directions, and the first Hongmeng God Slaughter sword radiance was pierced and shattered easily by the Kuangxingchen Sword Slash!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Following the five rapid bangs, the Kuang Xingchen Sword slashed like a bamboo and completely destroyed the five Primordial God-Slaying Sword Lights, and its aura descended violently towards the remaining three Primordial God-Slaying Sword Lights.

"Boom, boom—"

The loud noise ravaged Tan Yun's eardrums, and in an instant, the last three Hongmeng Godslaying Sword Lights collapsed.

From the time when the Kuang Xingchen sword smashed the first Hongmeng Godslaying sword light to the point where the ninth Hongmeng Godslaying sword light disintegrated, it was completed in an instant.

Kuang Xingchen cut off the sword glow with his sword, and continued to stab at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun didn't attempt to dodge with the Primordial God Step, it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that the speed of Kuang Xingchen's sword slash was really too fast, and he couldn't dodge at all!

"Wow wow wow!" Liu Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the void of primordial mist, spat out a big mouthful of blood, she was on the verge of falling, and her increasingly pale face was filled with smiles.

At that time, the victory and defeat have been decided, and the overall situation has been decided!

"Haha...ahhahahaha!" Liu Feng sneered weakly and said, "Tan Yun, I admit that you are indeed very strong. You are so powerful that I am afraid, but it is a pity that you are still going to die."

"Did you see Junior Brother Zhao? Senior Sister is about to avenge you!"

Tan Yun's eyes showed a crazy fighting spirit, "Bitch, don't be too happy!"

"Crush me!"

Tan Yun let out a roar, and the power of the primordial king of Hongmeng in his body was crazily injected into his arms, and both fists blasted at the same time at the bursting stabbing mad star sword!


When Tan Yun's gigantic fists struck Jianmang's tip, he felt an incomparable force pouring into his fists.

Then, Tan Yun felt a sharp pain, and his huge fists burst into pieces, filled with blood!

At the same time, Kuang Xingchen's sword slashed the sword light and trembled from the void. Although its power dropped sharply, it still pierced Tan Yun's arms and pierced Tan Yun's chest.

"Crack, click—"

Amid the crisp and terrifying sound of bone cracking, blood spurted out of Tan Yun's chest, and several ribs were shattered.

Originally, Tan Yun wanted to shake the sword light hard, and then use the supernatural power of the source of light to instantly recover from his injuries, and then kill Liu Feng with ease.

But at this moment, Tan Yun had a premonition that he couldn't resist the sword light. If he didn't use the source of light to recover from his injuries and resist the sword light, he would die!

"I can't control so much anymore, recover from the injury first, life-saving is the most important thing!"

"The source of light!"

At the very moment, a source of light with a diameter tens of thousands of feet exuding a strong breath of life appeared above Tan Yun's head like a scorching sun.

"This is?" Liu Feng's smile instantly froze on her face. Under her unbelievable gaze, after seeing the source of light shattered, a liquid like milk scattered down and enveloped Tan Yun.

In an instant, Tan Yun's wounds all over his body recovered as before. What shocked Liu Feng even more was that Tan Yun's lost arms and hands were reborn and became intact.

"I remembered, you are the source of light of the immortal ancient gods' supernatural powers, and the time reversal and space cage just now are all the immortal ancient gods' supernatural powers."

Thinking of this, Liu Feng said anxiously to the six juniors who were watching the battle tremblingly: "Tan Yun is an immortal ancient god clan, he is very powerful!"

"Hurry up and kill him at all costs, otherwise, we will all die!"

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he even set himself on fire with the soul of the ancestor, with blood spurting out of his mouth, desperately injecting the power of the ancestor of the wind in his body into the mad star sword full of huge cracks!

Immediately, Kuang Xingchen's sword showed its sword light, and the light surged like a substantial giant sword, stabbing towards Tan Yun's chest!


Tan Yun let out a roar like a beast, and suddenly, he opened his huge hands, and firmly held the sides of the sword tip, trying to prevent the sword from piercing his chest.


Tan Yun made a sound of pain. The moment he held the sides of the sword tip with both hands, a wave of violent force poured into his hands. The skin of his hands exploded, and the flesh and blood fell off, turning into bloody bones.

But even so, the bones of Tan Yun's hands are still holding the sides of Jianmang's tip tightly!

Even so, Tan Yun couldn't stop the sword light from invading his chest!

"Crack, click—"

Tan Yun's ribs were broken, his internal organs were severely injured, and when the seven orifices were bleeding, the sharp and domineering sword light pierced deeply into Tan Yun's chest.

Tan Yun felt dizzy for a while, and just when he believed that he was bound to die, the sword glow of the Mad Star Sword finally collapsed into the air without power.

"Pfft!" Liu Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the void and was about to fall, looked at the six juniors flying towards Tan Yun's back, gasped weakly and said, "He...he is also seriously injured, kill him quickly He... otherwise, we will all die!"

When the six people heard the words, they suppressed their fear of Tan Yun, and all of them agreed, "Listen to Senior Sister Liu, we will fight him!"

"Yes, fight him, or we will all die!"


As a result, five disciples from the sixth level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, and Zhang Run, who was at the seventh level of the Ancestral Emperor Realm, also set themselves on fire with the souls of the Ancestral Emperor.

At this moment, Tan Yun, who was seriously injured, forgot his pain when life and death were at stake, and there was only one belief in Xing's heart!

That is to kill all the enemies and survive!

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