Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2028 Surrender!

Chapter 2028 Give it up!

Afterwards, Fang Zixi flipped her jade hand, a token appeared in her left hand, and between the fingers of her right hand, a wisp of ancestral power shot into the token.

Then, a beam of light drilled out from the token, and shot vertically down into the center eye of the star field talisman platform.

Immediately, strands of slender formations appeared on the floating platform of the star field, and immediately, slowly cruising on the platform as if alive.


In the next moment, the void vibrated, and the patterns on the surface of the floating platform in the star field burst into dazzling light, forming a beam of light with a diameter of 30,000 feet that soared into the sky, swallowing Shangguan Yuxin, Zhu Xuanxuan, Nangong Peng, and Tan Yun.

The scene in front of Tan Yun and the others changed, and they found that they were in the vast starry sky, and each star was only a hundred feet in size.

In the vast starry sky, stars slowly swirl, forming hundreds of starry sky corridors, giving Tan Yun the feeling that any starry sky corridor can lead to the star field floating platform below with the shortest distance generally.

At the same time, the four of Tan Yun could no longer see each other.

"Hongmeng God's Eyes." Tan Yun lowered his head, a strange red light flashed across his star pupils, and then he returned to normal.

Immediately, Tan Yun quickly scanned countless starry sky corridors, and when he found the only starry sky corridor leading to the floating platform of the star field, he suddenly found someone peeping at him.

Tan Yun looked back suddenly, and when he saw Shangguan Yuxin not far away, he was taken aback, "She can see me, could it be that she also practiced some kind of pupil technique?"

"Since she can see me, it means that she has also found the corridor."

Thinking of this, Tan Yun's body surged with the power of the ancestor king, and swooped down with the Hongmeng God Step, flashing in the starry sky corridor at extreme speed, and flashing down towards the star field floating platform.

Tan Yun remembered that at that time, his distance from the void was only 30,000 feet away from the floating platform of the star field, but at this moment, Tan Yun discovered that time and space are extending extremely rapidly, and the distance has been stretched by a million times!

"He obviously found me too. Could it be that he also practiced some kind of pupil technique?" Shangguan Yuxin frowned slightly, and then, with the corners of her skirt flying and her black hair dancing, she swooped down towards Tan Yun.

Shangguan Yuxin is a holy disciple of the human star field, whose realm has reached the eighth level of the Dao God Realm, and her flying speed is a hundred times faster than Tan Yun.


Tan Yun only felt a gust of wind beside him, accompanied by the cardamom-like virgin body fragrance, and he stopped flying.

Because he knew that Shangguan Yuxin had surpassed him, and he was only at the fourth level of the Ancestral King Realm, and his speed was too slow to face the opponent.

After just three breaths, Tan Yun felt the starry sky around him disappear, obviously the phantom formation had been dispelled.

Tan Yun found that Shangguan Yuxin had already stopped on the star field high platform, while Zhu Xuanxuan and Nangongpeng were hundreds of meters above his head.

A wry smile appeared on Tan Yun's face, and he, Zhu Xuanxuan and Nangong Pengfei landed beside Shangguan Yuxin.

Fang Zixi flew down to the seventh floor of the ancestral pagoda, looking down at Shangguan Yuxin on the floating platform, her eyes showed strong approval.

At the same time, she found that for some reason, her apprentice did not have the slightest joy of winning.

At this moment, all the disciples of the Terran Starfield shouted excitedly:

"Sister Shangguan won!"

"Great, Senior Sister Shangguan really won!"

"Yes...hehe, I admire Senior Sister Shangguan so much, she is my role model and idol."


At this moment, Daokun noticed the wry smile on Tan Yun's face, but he didn't know why Tan Yun showed such a look.

Xin Bingxuan keenly captured the unwillingness and helplessness that flashed in Tan Yunxing's eyes. Just when Xin Bingxuan was puzzled, Shangguan Yuxin spoke.

What she said shocked everyone.

But seeing Shangguan Yuxin looking up at Fang Zixi, she took a deep breath and said, "Master, this round was actually lost by the apprentice, but by Tan Yun."

Hearing this, the disciples of the Human Race Starfield and the Beast Race Starfield all exclaimed:

"Why did Senior Sister Shangguan of our Terran Starfield say that? She was the first to leave the Starfield Magic Formation!"

"Yes, our senior sister Shangguan, how could we lose?"

"What's the situation? How could Shangguan Yuxin, the Saintess of the Terran Starfield, lose? She obviously won?"

"Yeah, yeah...it's weird."

At this moment, in the hearts of thousands of disciples in the Four Arts Starfield, they also felt baffled. They couldn't figure out why Shangguan Yuxin would say that she had lost!

Not only the disciples of the three major star domains couldn't figure it out, but even the senior officials of the three major star domains, and even the palace lord Fang Zixi couldn't figure it out.

Fang Zixi looked down at Shangguan Yuxin, frowned slightly, and asked in confusion, "Yuxin, why did you say that?"

Because the Star Field Illusory Array blocked the view of everyone watching, everyone including Fang Zixi could not see all the things that just happened in the Star Field Illusory Array.

Shangguan Yuxin looked up at Fang Zixi, and said truthfully: "Reporting to Master, it was true that Tan Yun was the first to find the passage to leave the Starfield Illusory Formation before my apprentice, but because his level is too low, his flying speed is far slower than my apprentice's. This is the first time I left the Star Field Illusory Formation."

Tan Yun looked at Shangguan Yuxin in surprise, knowing that the Four Skills Game is of great importance, he never thought that Shangguan Yuxin would speak out so frankly.

It can be seen from this that Shangguan Yuxin's character is good or bad.

On the other hand, when Fang Zixi heard Shangguan Yuxin's words, a flicker of shock flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she secretly said: "Yuxin was born with different pupils, and can see through everything false in the world. He was the first person to discover the Star Field Tunnel, but I didn't expect that Tan Yun would discover it before her."

"How did Tan Yun do it? Could it be that he also practiced some kind of pupil technique?"

Confused, Fang Zixi looked down at Shangguan Yuxin, and said, "Yuxin, according to the rules of the competition, you are the winner if you arrive at the Star Field Floating Platform first."

"Of course, it's okay if you think you've lost. After all, Tan Yun was the first to discover the Starfield Tunnel. I just want to ask you now, are you sure you want to do this?"

Shangguan Yuxin nodded emphatically and said: "Yes, Master, this disciple is sure to do this, otherwise, it would be disgraceful for disciple to win, and winning is not taken for granted."

Fang Zixi looked at Shangguan Yuxin approvingly, she was proud of her disciple's character.

"Okay, since you said so, then I will do as you say as a teacher." After Fang Zixi finished speaking, his red lips parted slightly, and the sound of the sounds of nature sounded, "Now the lord of the palace announces that the winner is Sishu Starfield Tan... "

Without waiting for Fang Zixi to speak, a respectful voice sounded, "Wait a minute, Palace Master."

"Huh?" Fang Zixi followed the sound and looked down, only to see Tan Yun take a step on the star field floating platform.

"What's wrong?" Fang Zixi asked.

"Report to Palace Master." Tan Yun bowed and clasped his fists, "This junior lost the first round of the formation game. According to the rules of the Grand Tournament, it was the Star Field Floating Platform where Senior Sister Shangguan arrived first. If this junior is the winner, he will be ashamed."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was amazed!

At this moment, almost everyone thought that Tan Yun was a fool!

Stupid enough to hand over the victory to others!

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