Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2029 Don't regret it!

Chapter 2029 Don't go back on your word!

On the other hand, Shangguan Yuxin, who was not far away from Tan Yun, looked at Tan Yun with surprise in her beautiful eyes!

She never thought that Tan Yun would refuse!

The same is true for Fang Zixi, she finds Tan Yun more and more interesting.

And Xin Bingxuan looked at Tan Yun on the star field floating platform, with a slight smile in her eyes. If she hadn't recognized Tan Yun's character before, then this time, she did!

In her heart, her affection for Tan Yun increased again.

On the sixth floor of the ancestral pagoda, Daokun stood up slowly from his seat with a smile on his face, looked down at Tan Yun, and said loudly: "Tan Yun, although the Supreme Master doesn't want you to do this, after all, if you are the first in the formation game If we win a round, our Four Arts Star Region will have an extra guarantee not to be divided by the Human Race Star Region and the Orc Race Star Region, but the Taishang Shenglao still thinks that you are doing the right thing."

Tan Yun smiled slightly, "Thank you for your understanding."

At this moment, Fang Zixi looked at Tan Yun and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Report to Palace Master, this junior is sure." Tan Yun replied without hesitation.

"Okay, as you wish." When Fang Zixi responded, he felt a little more fond of Tan Yun in his heart.

"Now my palace lord announces that the winner of the first round of the second formation game will be Shangguan Yuxin from the Terran Starfield, who will get 25 honor points."

As soon as the words fell, excited cheers were heard among the 1.2 billion Starfield disciples watching.

On the other hand, Shangguan Yuxin's all-powerful face does not show a smile of victory at all, because in her heart, she is invincible in victory, and if her flying speed is beyond Tan Yun's reach, otherwise, the winner must not be herself.

She slowly looked sideways at Tan Yun, she hadn't smiled just now, but at this moment she was smiling in tight clothes.

The allure of a smile is perfect for her.

"Tan Yun, let me go." Shangguan Yuxin smiled slightly, her teeth parted.

Tan Yun smiled slightly and asked, "Sister Shangguan, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes." Shangguan Yuxin answered very simply.

"How far have you attained in formation?" Tan Yun asked.

Shangguan Yuxin said: "A low-level Taoist master."

Hearing this, a wry smile flashed across Tan Yun's handsome face. He knew that he had no chance of winning the second game of formation.

Tan Yun is a saint-level Taoist formation master, and above that is a low-level Taoist king formation master. Therefore, Tan Yun has no chance to win.

"This second game of formation is doomed, but it doesn't matter, there will be a third game of weapon skills and talisman games!" Tan Yun said firmly, "After the game of four skills is over, the final winner It must be me."

"I must win, and all rewards will be mine then!"

At this time, Fang Zixi's pleasant voice interrupted Tan Yun's thoughts, "Now my palace lord announces that the second round of the formation game will officially begin to identify the foundation of the formation."

After finishing speaking, Fang Zixi flicked her jade arm lightly, and four swirling fluorescent light beams flew out of the cuffs, suspended in the sky above the star field floating platform, and scattered among Tan Yun, Shangguan Yuxin, Zhu Xuanxuan, and Nangongpeng respectively. overhead.

"Palace Master, this junior knows that he is no match for Senior Sister Shangguan, so he voluntarily withdraws." Tan Yun bowed.

"En." Fang Zixi nodded slightly, and after getting permission, Tan Yun swept off the star field floating platform.

"Palace master, the disciples also quit." Nangong Peng finished speaking, and swept down the star field talisman platform.

Only Shangguan Yuxin, the saint of the human star field, and Zhu Xuanxuan, the saint of the orc star field, remained on the stage.

Zhu Xuanxuan still wants to work hard. Although she is a holy-rank Taoist formation master, she has a 30% chance of refining a low-rank Taoist king-level formation, so she will never give up!

Zhu Xuanxuan looked at Shangguan Yuxin coldly, "Sister Shangguan, please enlighten me!"

"Please!" After Shangguan Yuxin finished speaking, she soared into the air, hovered in front of the base, and began to concentrate on observing.

"Whoosh!" Zhu Xuanxuan also soared into the sky, floating in front of the formation base, entered a state of ecstasy, and began to observe the formation base.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two girls were still observing the formation foundation in the void in front of them.

The difference is that Shangguan Yuxin seemed calm and unhurried, but Zhu Xuanxuan was already sweating profusely!

Another moment later, when Zhu Xuanxuan was about to complete the identification of the formation base, Shangguan Yuxin had already spoken, claiming that the identification was completed.

Then, under Zhu Xuanxuan's unwilling eyes, Shangguan Yuxin began to answer the content of identifying the formation base, and finally answered flawlessly, winning perfectly.

"Now my palace lord announces that Shangguan Yuxin will win the second round of the second formation game, and she will get another 25 honor points, for a total of 50 honor points."

Immediately, the shouts of the disciples of the human star field reverberated in the star field dojo:

"Senior Sister Shangguan is amazing!"

"Sister Shangguan, you are my idol..."

"Sister Shangguan..."


"Quiet." Following Fang Zixi's soft and boneless jade hand slightly raised, the Star Field Dojo fell silent.

"Now the lord of the palace announces." Fang Zixi's expression became serious, "The third round of the formation game will be played next."

"Yuxin, Xuanxuan, my palace lord has given you three hundred thousand years in the formation, and whoever arranges a formation with a higher rank will be the winner."

"If within 300,000 years, the ranks of the formations you arrange are the same, then the one with the shortest time wins, understand?"

Shangguan Yuxin respectfully said: "I understand."

"Report to Palace Master, disciple understands." Zhu Xuanxuan responded.

"En." Fang Zixi looked solemn, the ancestral ring flickered between his fingers, and immediately, 7,200 semi-finished formation foundations without formation patterns flew out, floating on the floating platform of the star field, Shangguan Yuxin , Zhu Xuanxuan 3,600 per person!


Shangguan Yuxin and Zhu Xuanxuan immediately sacrificed their divine swords and began to carve and draw on the foundation...


At this time, Daokun disappeared out of thin air on the sixth-story ancestral pagoda, and appeared in the star field dojo in the next moment, stroking his big belly, standing in front of Tan Yun, with deep anticipation in his cloudy eyes, and his voice was like a mosquito Said: "Tan Yun, it doesn't matter if you lose in the formation game, there are still weapon and talisman techniques behind."

"Tell me quickly, do you have confidence?"

Tan Yun thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"Okay, okay." Dao Kun rubbed his wrinkled hands excitedly, "Tan Yun, the survival of the Four Arts Starfield depends entirely on you."

"As long as you can keep the Four Arts Starfield, I will give you whatever reward you want, even if you don't have it, I will do my best to get it for you!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun's eyes lit up, he laughed and said, "This is what you always said, don't go back on your word."

"Of course I don't regret it." Dao Kun said.

"Well, just wait and see." Tan Yun said with a smile, "If you have nothing else to do, this junior is going to retreat."

"It's gone, you can retreat." Daokun smiled and flew into the air, and flew down again on the seat of the sixth-floor ancestral pagoda.

For Tan Yun, now he is in the space-time formation of the star field, and the outside world is within the formation for five thousand years a day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to practice!

Of course he won't miss it!

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