Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1004 The Valley Where Monster Beasts Gather


A moment later, five figures followed closely, and they were Wu Gui and the others who had been beaten away by Jiang Tian just now.

"How unreasonable! That kid ran away!"

"Hmph! Of course he doesn't dare to stay here and wait to die!"

"Damn it! Don't let me see him again, or he'll definitely be overwhelmed!"

Several people landed on the top of the hill, yelling and yelling, venting their anger fiercely, but unfortunately Jiang Tian has gone far, and they can't hear their yelling at all.

The two Profound Realm disciples floated down, frowning slightly, and a fierce look flashed in their eyes.

"Don't worry, there are quite a few classmates who went to the mountain to practice this time. Even if we can't meet him, maybe he will meet other classmates."

"The three major sects basically hold the sect martial arts meeting after half a year. I believe that kid will not leave too early. We have time to find him!"

"Send a message and let other fellow students also help us pay attention!"

The two quickly ordered to go down, and threw a few messenger talismans to Wu Gui, who immediately aroused and began to send messages to the same door.

"Wu Gui, you said that the kid only has the strength of the middle stage of the Chongyang Realm, can't you make a mistake?"

"I'm also surprised! It seems that he is indeed at the middle stage of Chongyang Realm, but his combat power is astonishingly high. Even if the three of us join forces, we can't beat him."

The corners of Wu Gui's mouth twitched, explaining with embarrassment.

The two disciples of the inner circle of Xuan looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

"When did the Cangyun Sect produce such a character?"

"I don't know! But I heard some news a while ago. It is said that the Cangyun Sect has a genius disciple who lit up the Xuanyang Monument before he got started. Wu Gui and the others might be that person, or else With their strength, they are unlikely to meet opponents below the Zhunxuan Realm, and they were defeated so embarrassingly!"

Another Profound Realm disciple subconsciously glanced at Wu Gui and the others, and said with a frown.

"What's so strange about lighting up the Xuanyang Monument? Don't the disciples of the Cangyun Sect always light up the Xuanyang Monument before they enter?"

"You don't know, that person didn't light up the Xuanyang Monument during the official apprenticeship test, but forcibly lit it up when the Xuanyang Monument fell into a deep sleep about a month after the apprenticeship ended!"

"What?" The expression of the Profound Realm disciple on the opposite side changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently, in shock.

Although the overall strength of the Cangyun Sect is not as good as that of the Tianluo Sect, the rumors about the Xuanyang Monument are completely familiar to them.

People from Tian Luo Zong and Jin Yuan Zong actually despise this existence that ranks at the bottom of the three major sects, and they have always had an inexplicable sense of superiority over others.

In previous years, there was an inner genius of Tianluozong who didn't believe in evil, and thought himself superior in aptitude and strength, deliberately went to the gate of Cangyunzong Mountain to provoke, and wanted to light up the Xuanyang Monument while he was asleep.

The results, without exception, all ended in failure.

Because of this incident, the relationship between Tianluozong and Cangyunzong was once very tense.

But later, Cangyunzong's reaction was not so great, and he was even happy to witness the talented disciples of Tianluozong and Jinyuanzong come to the mountain gate to try, because they knew that no one could do this.

And every time at this time, the disciples of Cangyunzong could regain some sense of accomplishment. Whenever they saw the inner geniuses of Tianluozong and Jinyuanzong returning home with a sigh and disappointment, they were not to mention how happy they were.

Since then, none of the disciples of the Tianluo and Jinyuan sects have tried it again, because they all know that it is impossible to light up the Xuanyang stele while they are asleep.

Even the top geniuses in their sect can't do it at all.

For many years since then, until now, this has almost become the consensus of the three sects.

The Xuanyang Monument, which was once very lively, has gradually become desolate, and only every time the apprentice acceptance test will become full of people again.

However, it was such a seemingly unbreakable iron law that was broken by a disciple who appeared suddenly, even from nowhere. How could the news spread without shocking them!

"How...how is it possible?"

The corners of the eyes of the Profound Realm disciples of Tian Luo Sect twitched, and their hearts were filled with horror.

"The news can't be wrong, this is what the inner sect disciple of Cangyun Sect told me!" The fellow sect on the opposite side looked solemn, as if it was absolutely reliable.

"It can't be that the people of Cangyun Sect deliberately played tricks and spread fake news?"

"Of course it's impossible! That Cangyun Sect inner disciple is a distant relative of mine, and they have always had a good relationship in private, and there is one more thing that you may not have thought of!"

"Don't be tricky, just say it!"

"Hmph, it is said that when that person lit up the Xuanyang Monument, he only had the cultivation level at the peak of the Moon Grasping Realm!"

"What... what? What did you say?"

"Shocked?" The red-robed disciple shook his head and smiled, "Hehe, I had the same reaction as you when I heard the news. What a secret."

"Hiss! If you put it this way, that person's aptitude may be higher than that of our inner sect's top geniuses?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe there is something wrong with the Xuanyang Monument, or it's just bad luck for that person. Who knows?"

"What's the name of the person you're talking about?"

"Hehe, this person's name is..."


Ho ho ho!

Southern mountains, deep mountain hinterland.

In a certain valley, the roar of beasts came and went one after another, and various demonic auras were clearly visible above the valley.

Blue, blue, yellow, green and other colors are mixed together to form a strange cloud of monster energy, covering the valley.

The roar of the beast scatter wildly, and the powerful force almost makes the passing martial artists with a radius of hundreds of feet avoid it, and those who hear the sound tend to avoid it, lest they fall into the siege of monsters.

Even a powerful practitioner of the Profound Realm wouldn't dare to step into such a dangerous place by himself.

Because once besieged by monsters and beasts, they will often fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness, controlled everywhere, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

But in this dangerous land that everyone avoids, there is a figure passing over calmly and calmly, and goes deep into it without hesitation.

Not only that, but his expression was extremely relaxed and freehand, like an ordinary experience, and he even looked quite relaxed and comfortable when he was on a mountain tour.

"It's great that so many monsters gather together!"

Of course, this person is none other than Jiang Tian!

For others, the place where monsters gather is a dangerous place of death and a restricted area that cannot be set foot in, but for him it is a living treasure!


Without blocking the aura around him, Jiang Tian swept straight into the valley where the monsters gathered.

"Hahahaha! None of you can escape!"

Jiang Tian laughed out loud, feeling extremely cheerful.

There are at least dozens of these monsters. As long as he uses his blood talent to hunt and kill them one by one, and then devours them all, his cultivation will definitely be significantly improved.

Moreover, this kind of place can't be avoided by other warriors, and he basically doesn't have to worry about someone making trouble, he can use it freely without any scruples.

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