Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1005 Demon Lure Grass

Ho ho!

The roar of the monster beast came from the front again, and Jiang Tian came to the front in a flash, and did not hesitate to use the talent of soul suppression to start hunting the beast.


The breath of blood swayed, instantly covering the three monsters in front of them.

These are three wolf-shaped fifth-level monsters with a body like a hill. The hair on the whole body is silver-white, and the whole body is like casting pure silver.

However, under the aura of Jiang Tian's blood, they fell into a slump in an instant, completely losing the majesty and arrogance of the fifth-level monsters.

One by one, they prostrated themselves on the ground with low growls, their hill-like bodies trembling, like sifting chaff.

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian appeared in front of the three wolf-shaped monsters as soon as he moved, and pointed out with his right hand without hesitation.

"Puff puff puff" three muffled sounds, piercing through the heads of the three monsters one after another, and immediately using the blood devouring talent, the blood of the three monsters gushes out at the same time amidst the rumbling muffled sounds, forming a striking blood-colored vortex , In the blink of an eye, under the powerful devouring talent, a ball of blood essence slightly larger than a walnut was condensed.

Jiang Tian used his blood talent and devoured it without hesitation. The blood of the monster beast flowed back along the blood of his right arm, and was divided into two parts in his body. One part merged into his Dantian blood, and the other part was absorbed by the purple blood. Absorbed by the mysterious world.


Accompanied by a low muffled sound, Jiang Tian's spiritual power surged all over his body, showing obvious signs of climbing.

The breath of cultivation base slowly increased, and stabilized after a while, obviously a little higher than before.

However, this level of improvement is still not worth mentioning compared to his huge bloodline spiritual power.

With the growth of his cultivation level, the total amount of spiritual power in his blood was becoming deeper and thicker, so that he was often surprised and puzzled.

It should be said that such a huge amount of bloodline spiritual power has long surpassed the level of the Quasi-Xuan Realm fighters, even compared to some ordinary Xuanyue Realm fighters, but his cultivation still stays at the Chongyang Realm The level in the middle stage of the environment is only a little bit higher than when it was just advanced a few days ago.

This kind of change is like climbing a hundred-foot-high peak, and now it's only a dozen or so steps!

"It seems that with the improvement of the realm of cultivation, the effect of the blood essence of ordinary fifth-level monsters is not so strong."

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and with a flick of his right hand, the three shriveled monster beast materials in front of him were collected into the Zixuan Realm, and then he turned his gaze to the faintly visible monster beasts in the dense forest ahead.

Some of the monsters are even taller than the giant tree, which is amazing to look at, but the body of such a big monster is eighty to ninety percent flesh and blood. The skinny bones and demon pills, which were shrunk dozens of times, were out of proportion.

Fortunately, there are many monsters here, these three are just his appetizers, and there are dozens more waiting for him later, so there is no need to worry about anything.

However, just as he was about to step forward and continue hunting monsters, a strange roar suddenly came from the depths of the dense forest ahead!


At the same time, a palpitating monster power surged out, mixed with cruel bloodthirsty and manic domineering atmosphere, which made Jiang Tian frown.

"What kind of monster is so powerful? Could it be a fifth-level peak monster, or even... a sixth-level monster?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank suddenly, and a trace of alertness rose in his heart.

If it was a peak level five monster, it would certainly not pose much threat to him, but if it was a real level six monster, the situation might change.

Level 6 monsters are equivalent to the level of Xuanyang Realm among human warriors, with astonishing mana and terrifying strength, which is far beyond what he can deal with now.

If he really encountered a monster of that level, he might turn around and leave without saying a word.

However, after the breath swayed away, Jiang Tian sensed it carefully, but found that the situation didn't seem that bad.

"Huh? No, this is definitely not the breath of a level-6 monster, but it doesn't seem like a peak-level monster, either. What kind of weird thing is it?"

A trace of suspicion flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and after a brief hesitation, he was about to go forward and investigate to find out what happened.

In fact, he is also very strange. The fifth-level monsters have their own territories, and generally seldom gather in large numbers. The current situation is quite unexpected.

Coupled with the breath that just swayed, it made him feel that things might be a little unusual!

Jiang Tian collected himself, and swept forward with solemn eyes.

He wasn't worried about the fifth-level monsters beside him, because these were not enough to threaten him at all, and the one who really had to be on guard was the owner of the aura just now.

Ho Ho... Aw!

Suddenly, the roaring in front became violent, and a manic and violent breath echoed repeatedly in the valley, with violent fluctuations.

"What's going on?" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This situation is definitely not caused by ordinary monsters, there must be something weird here!


Jiang Tian speeded up, rushed out with doubts, and came to the depths of the valley in a blink of an eye.

The scene in front of him shocked him greatly!

Dozens of monsters were seen gathered in a group as if on a pilgrimage, and in the middle of them, there was a giant rhinoceros about ten feet long roaring wildly!

"The copper-skinned giant rhinoceros! No, this seems to be some kind of mutated giant rhinoceros!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes contracted, and he was shocked.

There was a strange blood-red light in the eyes of this giant rhinoceros, and it kept waving its huge horn, piercing through the bodies of fifth-level monsters lying on the ground head by head, and frantically devouring their flesh and blood, even the monster pills Swallow them all whole.

At the same time, its aura is slowly increasing, and the monster power around it continues to change at a clearly identifiable speed, which is astonishing!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, scanned his surroundings in shock, and suddenly found that there were strange pure black herbs growing on the ground!

Each of these medicinal herbs is half a person tall, with thick stems and thick leaves. The whole body is pure black and exudes a certain intoxicating smell.

Jiang Tian just inhaled a little and his mind flickered. Fortunately, he has a special physique and extraordinary blood, so he quickly suppressed this influence on his own.

But for those fifth-level monsters, this kind of thing is a fatal temptation!

"This is... the demon-attracting grass!"

Thoughts were spinning in Jiang Tian's mind, and he suddenly thought of something he saw in an ancient book, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing here!"

Jiang Tian frowned, surprised.

This is a rare medicinal herb recorded in ancient books. It has very peculiar medicinal properties and has a strong psychedelic effect. When it matures, its whole body is pure black and emits a special aura. It has a strong temptation for monsters and often attracts them to fight wildly. , competing to devour.

But after swallowing this kind of herb, they are often poisoned by strange poisons, falling into a more crazy situation, crazy bloodthirsty, and even killing the same kind, until they die from exhaustion!

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