Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1079 Vicious eyes

In fact, it is no wonder that most of these disciples are practicing in various peaks on weekdays, and they rarely gather in the square if there is no particularly important matter, but today these people are only a part of the disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect.

Moreover, almost all the outer disciples gathered in the square, and those inner disciples usually practiced in the territory of Zhufeng, or retreated in their own residences.

Inner sect disciples consider themselves to be noble, and are generally more reserved and proud. They seldom show up on such occasions, and are generally unwilling to mingle with these outer sect disciples.

After Jiang Tian took a look, he knew the situation in front of him clearly. He could hardly feel the aura of any Profound Realm disciples in the square. This situation is enough to explain the problem.

"It seems that we won't be able to see the strength of inner disciples until the sect's martial arts competition begins!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Although he really wanted to see the strength of the inner disciples before the martial arts competition began, but now it seems that it is obviously difficult to achieve his wish.

Jiang Tian scanned the square silently for a moment, but didn't set foot in it. He didn't want to waste time here, and planned to return to Tianxu Peak as soon as possible for another small retreat.

Before the start of the martial arts meeting, refine the recently harvested pills and treasures of heaven and earth as soon as possible.

Just when he was about to leave, a pleasant cry came suddenly.

Before the words fell, a graceful woman in a water-blue martial robe rushed to the front with a gust of fragrant wind, and looked at Jiang Tian with an unconcealable joy on her face.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​long time no see!"

Looking at the person coming, Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

The person who came was none other than Qi Yurou, one of his few acquaintances in the sect.

Not seeing her for a few months, her cultivation has obviously improved a lot, and she is no longer the same as when she first stepped into the Zhunxuan Realm.

"Senior Sister Qi, I haven't seen you for a few months. Your cultivation has really improved. Congratulations!"

Jiang Tian smiled and nodded.

Qi Yurou pursed her lips and smiled, looking deeply at Jiang Tian with a slightly shy face.

"Junior Brother Jiang is joking, I have been in the Zhunxuan Realm for almost half a year, and I have only recently touched the bottleneck of my cultivation. Compared with you, it is really nothing!"

"Hehe, Senior Sister Qi, you don't need to be overly modest, your cultivation speed is already quite fast, as long as you work harder, you will be able to step into the Profound Realm level!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Junior Brother Jiang said it easily, but advancing to the Profound Realm is not so easy. I stayed at the peak of the Chongyang Realm for a long time. Without your help, I don't know when I would be able to break through to the Quasi-Profound Realm. If I want to advance again, how easy is it? "

Qi Yurou frowned slightly, and sighed softly, seeming a little melancholy.

Looking at Jiang Tian quietly, the scene of forming a team and going out to retreat with the other party suddenly appeared in his mind, the blush on his face involuntarily became a little stronger, and a touch of shame quietly flashed between his brows.

"Senior Sister Qi is worrying too much. With your aptitude and savvy, as long as you work hard and keep up with your cultivation resources, it will be no problem to advance."

"With your good words, I hope so!" Qi Yurou smiled sweetly, shaking her head slowly to get rid of the depression in her heart.

"The only pity is that this sect's martial arts meeting has come a long way earlier, otherwise Senior Sister Qi would definitely be able to step into the Profound Realm and fight as an inner sect disciple."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Because of the Martial Dao Conference of the Canglan Country, this sect's martial arts meeting was forced to be held ahead of schedule, which undoubtedly disrupted the plans of many disciples.

If according to the normal time, many people could step into Xuanyue Realm and become inner sect disciples, then their strength would naturally be far from what it is now.

However, the Martial Dao Conference of the Canglan Country has been confirmed to be held next year, and the Cangyun Sect's sect's martial arts meeting can only be brought forward accordingly.

Moreover, not only the Cangyun Sect family was affected, but all the martial arts forces in Canglan Country, including giants like the three major sects, were all affected.

So in general, it is still fair to everyone.

"Actually, it's nothing. With my strength, I can't compare to those inner sect geniuses even at the Advanced Profound Realm, but Junior Brother Jiang has great hope to create miracles!"

Those inner sect geniuses who have been practicing for a long time are all of good aptitude and astonishing strength. Even if she advances to the level of the profound realm, she cannot be compared with the other party.

Qi Yurou smiled, her pretty eyes bloomed, and she looked at the other party expectantly.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Qi has won the prize! The geniuses in the inner sect are powerful, and I'm not so sure." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, noncommittal.

"Others don't know, but I know it very well. I believe in your strength!"

Qi Yurou blinked lightly, then realized that this action was inevitably a bit frivolous, and couldn't help but blush.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, dispelling the little embarrassment, scanning the square, and quickly retracted his gaze.

"The Zongmen Martial Arts Competition will start in less than ten days. Before that, I have to retreat once more. Senior Sister Qi had better work hard to improve my strength!"

"My God! Do you still want to retreat?"

Qi Yurou was speechless for a while when she heard the words, shaking her head and smiling wryly.

For the past few months, she has been practicing hard in closed doors, and she came out to take a breath when she saw that the meeting was approaching.

After all, no matter how hard she tries with her strength, it is impossible to show the limelight in Zongmen Huiwu.

But Jiang Tian's attitude made her a little surprised. After going out for several months of experience, she still wanted to retreat after returning. Is this a bit exaggerated?

With such good qualifications and working so hard, how can I let others feel embarrassed!

"Well, I want to refine some elixir and natural materials and earth treasures to increase the bloodline spiritual power a bit, so that I can have more confidence by then."

"Okay, then go quickly, I... I will also go back to retreat for a few more days, since you have said everything, I will never let you down!"

Qi Yurou nodded her head heavily, with a serious face on her face.

The two bid farewell to each other, and Jiang Tian immediately turned and set foot on Tianxu Peak.

Qi Yurou watched him leave, and couldn't help letting out a long breath of sulk.

"Junior brother Jiang is working too hard, no wonder his strength has grown so fast! Alas, he is right, genius is not only based on aptitude and talent, hard work is also indispensable!"

Qi Yurou shook her head and sighed secretly, with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

Although she was already close to the peak of Zhunxuan Realm, she still felt a lot of pressure in front of Jiang Tian, ​​as if she was facing a towering mountain, and she felt an inexplicable sense of awe.

She clearly noticed that Jiang Tian's strength was no longer what it used to be after several months of experience. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but have great expectations for this sect martial arts meeting!

"How far can Junior Brother Jiang go?"

Qi Yurou took a deep breath, her pretty eyes sparkling with splendor.

Immersed in deep emotions, I didn't even notice that a few vicious eyes in the crowd behind were looking at her eeriely.

These sinister and vicious eyes came from several male disciples from the outer sect, one of them was Xun Yu, besides that, there were also his cousin Xun Hao, Huang Junsong and other running dogs.

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