They were mixed in the crowd, staring at Qi Yurou gloomily, with murderous looks on their brows.

"Cousin, isn't that Jiang Tian, ​​why... isn't he dead?"

Looking at the figure on the mountain path of Tianxu Peak, the corners of Xun Hao's eyes twitched and his brows furrowed.

"Senior Brother Xun Yu, didn't you say you wanted to deal with him, why...he came back alive?"

Huang Junsong's eyelids twitched, his face turned yellow.

"It's unreasonable! This kid is really fateful. I clearly sent messages to both the Ba family and the Tao family. Didn't they take action?"

Xun Yu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, his face was extremely livid.

Thinking back to the situation of summoning the Ba and Tao families a few months ago, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for them to hold their breath after receiving the subpoena. Could it be that..."

Xun Yu ignored the questions from his cousin Xun Hao and his son-in-law Huang Junsong, and frowned while talking to himself, thoughts tumbling in his mind, silently analyzing various possibilities.

The Ba family suffered a loss from Jiang Tian once, and they must attach great importance to it after being summoned. It is absolutely impossible to send a few mediocre people to chase and kill Jiang Tian casually.

As for the Tao family, their strength is stronger than that of the Ba family, and it is naturally impossible to send only a few mediocre hands to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​an enemy.

Under the joint strangulation of the two forces, Jiang Tian should be doomed, why is he still alive?

Could it be that the people sent by the two of them had accidents?


Xun Yu immediately denied this idea.

Just kidding, the Ba family and the Tao family are also famous families around Cangjing. How can the people they send be ordinary people, and it is absolutely impossible to encounter accidents casually.

So what is the reason that Jiang Tian has lived well until now, and it seems that his cultivation level seems to be even higher?

"Cousin, it seems that the Ba family and the Tao family are unreliable at all!" Xun Hao gritted his teeth and sighed, extremely angry.

"Could it be that people from Tianxu Peak are secretly protecting him?"

Huang Junsong looked up at the Tianxu Peak looming in the clouds and mists, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

"Impossible!" Xun Yu immediately shook his head in denial.

"During this period, the masters of Tianxu Peak did not go out, and Ling Xiao never left Tianxu Peak. How could someone follow Jiang Tian to protect him?"

Although Jiang Tian's aptitude is extraordinary, he once lit up the Xuanyang Monument and caused the sect to shake, and caused a lot of high-level elders to pay attention and scramble for it, but that is a thing of the past after all.

A small outer disciple is not enough for the sect to pay that much attention.

Going out for several months of experience, with a special person to follow and protect?

What a joke!

Not to mention Jiang Tian, ​​even those top geniuses in the inner sect probably don't have this kind of treatment.

"Could it be that... this kid has dealt with the masters of the Ba family and the Tao family by himself?" Huang Junsong's eyes twitched, his face full of shock!

"Are you kidding me?" Xun Hao shook his head repeatedly.

"Hmph, do you think that he, a junior at the Chongyang Realm, can kill a strong man at the Xuanyue Realm?"

Xun Yu shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"This...of course it's impossible!" Huang Junsong frowned slightly, dispelling this idea.

Not to mention a warrior of Chongyang realm, even a master of quasi-xuan realm, it is impossible to kill a strong person of Xuanyue realm.

This is the crushing of realms, the collision of completely unequal forces, and the huge gap between heaven and earth.

It can be said that no matter how underestimated the enemy is, no matter how careless a strong person at the Xuanyue state is, he cannot be killed by a junior at the Chongyang state.

There is no suspense at all!

"It seems that something happened that we don't know about. This kid is really fucking lucky!" Xun Hao gritted his teeth and cursed, his mood extremely irritable.

Back when Jiang Tian first arrived at Cangyun Sect, he slapped him in the face in front of the mountain gate, making him a public embarrassment, and he still has a bitter heart about this tone, and he never forgets it.

However, his cousin Xun Yu repeatedly tried clever tricks to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​but he still failed to do so.

I have to say, that kid was lucky too!

"Cousin, what should we do now?"

"The Zongmen martial arts competition is about to begin. We don't have the energy to deal with him right now. Let's talk about it after the martial arts competition. Brother Xun, what do you think?"

Huang Junsong asked with a frown.

A cold light flashed in Xun Yu's eyes, looking at Qi Yurou's back, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Zongmen Martial Arts? Hmph, if you don't tell me, I still can't remember. I still want to make this kid stumble at the time of Zongmen Martial Arts!"


"Senior Brother Xun, what's the trick?"

Xun Hao and Huang Junsong were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they stared at Xun Yu closely with anticipation on their faces.

"Here, look over there!"

Xun Yu didn't say much, raised his head slightly, and smacked Qi Yurou's back.

Xun Hao and Huang Junsong turned their heads to look at it, and immediately understood, they looked at each other with sinister smiles.

"Hmph! I've been displeased with this stinky bitch for a long time!" Xun Hao gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, with anger on his face.

In fact, he used to have a good impression of Qi Yurou, and even showed her courtship overtly and secretly, but unfortunately the other party didn't respond at all, and even kept him at arm's length, intentionally indifferent.

After several times, his love turned to hatred, and he became very angry. He had already harbored some sinister thoughts.

"Hmph, I noticed something was wrong just now. Look at her over-excited look when she saw Jiang Tian, ​​as if she hadn't seen a man in a long time, she is simply a slut!" Huang Junsong sneered and cursed fiercely.

He actually thought about Qi Yurou a little bit, but he was not ranked among the disciples of Cangyun Sect. Even if he had some thoughts, he could only think about them out of thin air and didn't dare to take any actual actions.

"Stinky bitch! I think she has a good relationship with Jiang Tian. The last time I went out to form a team, only the two of them came back alive. They have been alone in the deep mountains and old forests for so long, maybe they have already..." Xun Yu's eyes shrank, and there was a flash in his eyes With an obscene look, his expression became extremely wretched.

"Hey hey hey... I think so too, otherwise why is she so excited when she sees Jiang Tian?"

Xun Hao and Huang Junsong chuckled lowly, their expressions extremely wretched.

"Hmph! This time, let's take the knife from her and teach Jiang Tian a painful lesson!"

"Cousin is wise!"

"Senior Brother Xun, we are all at your disposal!"

"There are too many people here, let's talk about it in another place!"


Everyone laughed strangely, and followed Xun Yu to leave the square quickly. Under the sinister and evil eyes, a sinister plan quickly sprouted.


After Jiang Tian returned to Tianxu Peak, he first went to the main hall to meet Tang Xiao.

Ling Xiao happened to be there too, feeling the aura of his cultivation, the two couldn't help being surprised!

"Good boy! In just a few months, he has advanced to the late stage of Chongyang Realm, and his cultivation base has improved so significantly. Junior Brother Jiang, I really have you!"

Tang Xiao was still looking at Jiang Tian quietly, but Ling Xiao spoke up first, giving the junior a thumbs up and admiring him.

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