Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1122 Tell you not to be impulsive!

"Brother, that person's means should not be underestimated. It would be safer if he had an extra helper in the profound realm!" Li Xiang nodded solemnly.

"Well, since that's the case, I reluctantly promise you!"

Shang Yunfei seemed to have made a lot of determination, nodded heavily, and agreed.

"Okay, deal!" The green-robed warrior was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly followed the crowd towards Jiang Tian.

"My lord, Shang Yunfei, I don't know your honorable name?"

"My lord, Qingxian, happy cooperation!"

"It's easy to say!"


The crowd followed all the way, and soon came to the outside of the town.

Beside a remote and uninhabited woods, Jiang Tian suddenly stopped, turned around and looked coldly at the people following him.

"Everyone followed all the way, shouldn't it be time to do it?"

Jiang Tian looked at everyone leisurely, with a meaningful and strange smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Huh?" Qingxian's face darkened, and he couldn't help being speechless.

This young man who was followed all the way by them thought they were too slow! There is such a thing?

Shang Yunfei frowned and remained silent, all his companions looked strange.

Qingxian's face darkened: "My boy, I have already seen that you have some tricks, but no matter how strong you are, it is useless in front of us!"

"Yeah, it's really useless." Jiang Tian nodded and smiled with a leisurely look.

"Brother Shang, why are you still hesitating, let's act quickly!" Qing Xian said coldly with a gloomy face.

Shang Yunfei shook his head and sighed, with a deep expression on his face: "This person's strength is unfathomable, brother Qing should not be impulsive!"

"What... what is this?" Qingxian's face froze when he heard the words, feeling extremely speechless.

They followed all the way here, could it be to suppress the impulse?

What a joke!

Is this Shang Yunfei out of his mind?

"Brother Shang! Are you confused? What are we doing here? Have you not forgotten?" Qing Xian shouted angrily.

That's right, isn't stalking just to kill people and seize treasures? Could it be possible to follow them all the way to see the scenery?

However, to his surprise, Shang Yunfei was not in a hurry.

Not only was he like this, but even the other few who couldn't wait just now looked relaxed and strange, and completely lost the sense of urgency before killing people and stealing goods.

There is something wrong with this atmosphere!

Qingxian frowned, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Shang Yunfei shook his head and sighed, pointing to Jiang Tian opposite: "You see, he is so confident, he is obviously full of confidence, and he is not afraid of us. I advise you to be cautious and don't be impulsive!"

"It's unreasonable!" Qingxian was furious when he heard the words, and the breath surged around him.

"We have agreed to sell 37 points together, good! Since you don't want to make a move, I will do it myself, I hope you don't regret it!"

Qingxian shouted angrily, his eyes flashed a bit ferocious, and the aura around him suddenly rose, ready to strike.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, and said lightly: "Okay, let's do it."

"Boy, you deserve to be unlucky to meet me today!"

Qingxian yelled violently, and was about to walk out.


At this moment, a dull roar suddenly sounded, but it was Shang Yunfei who was standing beside him, his breath soared, and he was ready to make a move.

Qingxian's heart relaxed, and he couldn't stop laughing secretly.

Sure enough, when it comes to the issue of interests, Shang Yunfei has lost his composure.

However, just as he felt a little complacent, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

"Damn it! What do you want to do?" Qingxian's face changed drastically, and he turned his head to see that Shang Yunfei's body was surging with spiritual power. Instead of blasting at Jiang Tian, ​​a pair of iron palms came towards him wildly!

"What are you doing? I told you not to be impulsive, don't be impulsive, you fucking don't listen to right and wrong, go to hell with me!"

Shang Yunfei roared sharply, his eyes widened like a tiger, and the spiritual power of Iron Palm exploded on Qing Xian involuntarily.

The cultivation bases of the two were almost the same, and the distance was so close that Qingxian had no time to react, and was swept up by the violent spiritual power in a blink of an eye.

"Ah... poof!"

The screams resounded all around, and Qingxian's body flew out violently, blood sprayed all over the ground, and his breath quickly faded.

Shang Yunfei didn't hold back in this blow, he was severely injured with one move!

"You...are you fucking crazy?" Qingxian's eyes flashed with anger and resentment, he stared at Shang Yunfei viciously and cursed.

"Hahahaha! I'm not crazy, it's your head that's broken!"

Shang Yunfei laughed wildly, with a look of disdain, and several companions also shook their heads and laughed, with extremely weird expressions.

"Master Jiang, it's useless to keep this man, let Shang send him on the road!"

Jiang Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words: "It's just a bandit, you can deal with it as you like!"

"You... so you are in the same group!"

Qingxian's face was horrified, and deep regret welled up in his heart. If he hadn't thought himself smart and was driven by greed, he wouldn't be in the current situation.

"Hahahaha! I only know now, it's too late!"



Shang Yunfei laughed and shot, and when he waved his right palm, the surging spiritual power instantly swallowed Qingxian's life.

"Hiss! Damn it!"

"We were fooled!"

In the woods tens of feet away, the expressions of the two green-robed warriors changed drastically, and they looked horrified!

They wanted to kill Shang Yunfei and his group after killing Jiang Tian, ​​but the situation was just the opposite.

It never occurred to them that after all the calculations, they would include themselves in the calculations. Thinking about it, they almost wanted to cry without tears!


The two whispered, turned and left without hesitation.


The most powerful Qingxian is dead, so even if they make a move, it will be too late.

What else can you do if you don't leave at this time, do you want to stay here and wait to die?

The two of them turned around and ran away without any hesitation, and the spiritual power in their bodies was stimulated to the extreme in an instant.

"Not good!" Shang Yunfei's expression darkened, and he cursed angrily.

He only cared about dealing with Qingxian, but forgot that there were two guys following behind him, but the opponent was going too fast, even if he wanted to chase him, he couldn't catch up.

"Mr. Jiang... Huh?" In desperation, he was about to ask Jiang Tian for help, but when he turned his head, the figure standing opposite had disappeared!


At this moment, a sharp piercing sound suddenly sounded, shaking everyone's diaphragms with tingling pain.

A glaring purple light pierced through the air, catching up to the two green-robed warriors in a blink of an eye, and landed with a powerful aura, stopping in front of them.

"I'm afraid you two won't be able to leave today!"

As soon as the purple light faded, Jiang Tian turned his hands behind his back and looked at the two of them coldly, with a compelling chill in his eyes.

"It makes no sense!"


No matter what the two green robe warriors were at the Xuanyue realm, they knew that there was no way out, and the only way to survive was to fight to the death.

The aura of the two bodies soared instantly, each took out a heavy knife and slashed at Jiang Tian fiercely, without any hesitation between the shots, exuding a strong murderous intent!

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