Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1123 Just this kind of stuff?


Jiang Tian smiled coldly, his eyes were full of disdain, and he raised his right hand to connect points in the air.


The void shook violently, and several purple halos suddenly appeared, condensing into two glaring finger shadows, piercing through the bodies of the two in an instant.


After the ear-piercing scream, the bodies of the two green-robed warriors collapsed, turning into a piece of flesh and blood and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.


After finishing the two with a gesture of his hand, Jiang Tian didn't stop, and flew back in front of Shang Yunfei and others in a flash.

"A few gangsters, death is not a pity!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, his expression was flat, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

"Young Master, what a means!"

"Hmph! They want to rob Mr. Jiang with their cultivation level, they are looking for death!"

"Smartness is mistaken by cleverness, maybe they are people like them?"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed, and couldn't help but laugh when they thought about the previous events.

These three warriors thought they were so smart, but in the end they cheated themselves and lost their lives in an instant, which is really sad and deplorable.

"Okay, get rid of them, we should go too!"

In just two days, they walked back and forth on the verge of life and death. If Jiang Tian hadn't shown up in time, they might have lost their lives already.

Everyone's eyes flickered, thinking about what happened in the past two days, their hearts were full of emotion.

A moment later, they galloped away in the flying boat, leaving Feng Linzhen far behind.



The two flying boats galloped through the air, making a rumbling roar along the way.

Everyone stood on the deck, facing the wind with emotion.

"It's a pity that we can't enter the Azure Cloud Sect, and we can't observe the grand occasion of the sect's martial arts meeting!"

"Yeah, it's really a pity that I couldn't see Mr. Jiang's demeanor in the Zongmen martial arts meeting!" Li Xiang shook his head and sighed, his eyes flickered, and his heart was full of regret.

"Although we can't see it, but with Mr. Jiang's strength, he will definitely shine!"

"Of course!"

Everyone nodded and laughed, feeling extremely cheerful.

Standing proudly on the bow of the boat, Shang Yunfei looked at the rapidly retreating Feng Lin Zhen Liaoying behind him, his heart was full of sighs.

"Finally I can go back. This time I will go back and practice hard!"

"Brother, don't forget about us, you may not have the slightest reservation about the experience of advancing to the Xuanyue realm!"

"Hahaha, this time I also want to try to attack Xuanyue Realm, but I don't know if I can succeed?"

"Hey, the brothers are already close to Xuanyue Realm, it seems that I am the only one who is holding back."

Seeing everyone shaking their heads and laughing with anticipation, Li Xiang sighed silently, not without depression in his heart.

"Don't worry, I, as the eldest brother, will definitely try my best to help you! Besides, let's give Mr. Jiang advice, right?"

Shang Yunfei waved his hands and smiled, casting adoring gazes at Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, waved his hand lightly, and urged the flying boat into a thick cloud in front of him.

"Huh?" Shang Yunfei raised his eyebrows, a little confused, but he had no choice but to follow.


The clouds and mist were mixed with thick moisture, and even the roar of the flying boat seemed a little muffled.

"Junior brother Jiang, let's not go on our way, why are we rushing into this cloud?"

Qi Yurou expressed the doubts in everyone's mind.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "It's too early to say leave now!"


"What do you mean, son?"

Everyone frowned, puzzled.

"Look at the back." Jiang Tian said lightly without turning his head.

When everyone looked back, their faces sank!


In the blink of an eye, a dull roar rushed into the clouds and mist, apparently following them.

"Someone is following!"

"Who exactly are they?"

"Could it be that those bandits have accomplices?"

Everyone frowned, and their faces became serious.

After the scene just now, if the other party dared to follow, it is obvious that the strength is not to be taken lightly, otherwise, if it is a warrior with mediocre strength, he might have been scared away by Jiang Tian's means.

"No! If they really had an accomplice, those two green-robed warriors wouldn't have fled in a hurry!"

After pondering for a while, everyone immediately found a suspicious point.

Obviously, the flying boat that was chasing after him did not look like they were in the same group as Qing Xian.

Who is the person on this flying boat?

Jiang Tian smiled coldly: "We have no enemies in Fenglin Town, and we have never dealt with a few people. Since the other party followed, one can imagine their identity and purpose."


"Could it be someone from Lingyue Trading Company?"

Everyone looked at each other and immediately understood what Jiang Tian meant.

They didn't stay in Fenglin Town for long, they just made a "business" at Lingyue Trading Company in the limited time, and during this process, Jiang Tian had a lot of quarrels with the store manager, if the other party had a grudge and followed him It's not difficult to understand if you come here to make trouble.

"I see!"

"How unreasonable! This Lingyue Trading Company is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"What are you afraid of? With Mr. Jiang here, they can still take advantage of it?"

"You can't underestimate the enemy either. After all, Lingyue Trading Company has a good background and all the shopkeepers are experts in the profound realm. Since they dare to catch up, how can they be idle?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions involuntarily becoming serious.

"Okay, let's wait for them below."

Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the two flying boats shot down through the air at the same time and landed on the top of a small mountain.

As soon as the inspiration faded, they retracted the flying boat and stood proudly on the top of the mountain, staring at the white flying boat following behind, flying closer and closer.


The dull roar was getting closer and closer, and in a blink of an eye, a white flying boat broke through the clouds and came rushing with a rumbling noise.

"Hmph! Knowing that the old man is chasing after you, you dare to stop. You are so confident!"

The white flying boat paused and hovered above the hill. On the bow of the boat, an old man with a black face looked down at the top of the mountain with a gloomy expression, his eyes were filled with incomparable chill!

Behind him are two companions in silver robes, their aura is comparable to his, they are also strong in the Xuan Realm, and they are the guest ministers of Lingyue Trading Company.

"Brother Mo, you called us here just to deal with these minions?"

"Hmph, you can kill that Profound Moon Realm warrior with one hand, right? Other Quasi-Profound Realm warriors don't even need to make a move, they can be crushed to death with just coercion...Huh? There's even a late Chongyang Realm? "

Looking at the group of warriors on the top of the mountain, the two silver robes shook their heads and sneered, their eyes full of disdain.

"Hehe, what a mob!"

"Just such a thing, we need the two of us to hold the line. Isn't Brother Mo making too much of a fuss?"

The two shook their heads and sneered, obviously complaining about shopkeeper Mo.

Although there were a lot of people on the top of the mountain, only that rough man was a Xuanyue-level martial artist, and his aura was not too strong, and the rest were some inconspicuous characters.

Just these few people, are they worthy of three profound masters?

What a joke!

When did shopkeeper Mo, who has always acted with restraint, be decisive and ruthless, become so cautious?

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