You know, this incident caused a sensation in the Zongmen, even the senior leaders of the Zongmen were said to have been alarmed, but when it came to Jiang Tian, ​​it became a "not worth mentioning" thing, which made people speechless.

On the surface, Jiang Tian seems very humble, but from another angle, he seems too arrogant!

If lighting up the Xuanyang Monument is "not worth mentioning", then what exactly is "worth mentioning"?

Jiang Tian seemed humble when he said this, but in fact, he was suspected of using the high-level sect to promote his identity!

"Hehe! Gao knows very well that lighting up the Xuanyang Monument is a miracle since the founding of the sect, but Junior Brother Jiang doesn't have to be so arrogant and arrogant, right?"

Gao Hanyang's expression was slightly cold, and his eyes became sharper.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly when he heard this!

He had already spoken in such a low-key manner, yet the other party still insisted on holding onto him, and even misunderstood that he was "swallowing the sky" and talking big, which made people speechless!

But he didn't bother to explain, it was useless to talk more at this time, the other party was already preconceived, the more he explained at this time, the more misunderstanding would be caused.

"Whatever you say, whatever you think, the matter of the Xuanyang Monument has long been over, and I have never talked about it. As for other people's thoughts, it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and said lightly.

"Junior Brother Jiang is really serious!" Gao Hanyang narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became sharper.

Jiang Tian was too lazy to respond, but just looked at each other lightly, and the eyes of both sides collided invisible, making the fighting spirit surge around the ring!

And in the spectator seats, many high-level sects looked at the arena with great interest, their eyes flickering, and their faces showed anticipation!

The elders in white robes were even more excited while watching.

"Look! They haven't made a move yet, but they are already fighting secretly!"

"That's right! The contest between these two has started from the moment they stepped into the ring, but so far, it seems that no one has lost the upper hand!"

"I'm curious, what kind of sparks can these two match against each other?"

"Hehe! Needless to say, Gao Hanyang's strength as the number one player in the outer sect, in contrast, I look forward to Jiang Tian's performance, and I don't know what kind of strength he can show?"

"The old man is also looking forward to it. After all, this is the highest-level contest among the entire outer disciples!"

Everyone looked at each other excitedly, their interest in this competition obviously surpassed that of many inner disciples.

"Hmph! Is there any suspense in this competition?"

A cold snort suddenly resounded, full of disdain in it, it came from that Elder Meng.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at him after hearing the words, their eyes flickered, and their expressions were different.

Elder Meng flicked his silver robe, and said with a sneer: "Everyone knows Gao Hanyang's strength, and even many inner geniuses are no match for him. Do you think Jiang Tian might be stronger than him?"

"This... seems to be more difficult!"

Although everyone was a little hesitant, they knew that sometimes the strength of a warrior could not be judged easily based on their realm and superficial observation, but after thinking about it carefully, they really felt that Gao Hanyang was stronger.

After all, he is a genius who has been famous for a long time in the outer sect, and he is well-deserved as the number one person in the outer sect. Although Jiang Tian has good aptitude and strong momentum, after all, he has only been a beginner for less than a year, and his practice time is still short.

It seems that he is indeed unlikely to threaten the other party.

"What is more difficult? Meng is talking here, Jiang Tian is not Gao Hanyang's opponent at all, just wait and see!"

Elder Meng flicked his silver robe and said sharply.

As the words spread, everyone pondered silently.

The suzerain Chu Tianhua, who was sitting in the middle surrounded by the crowd, had long-eyed eyes and was silent, unable to see any special reaction.

His eyes turned slowly on Gao Hanyang and Jiang Tian, ​​with a look of scrutiny, deep and sharp eyes, as if full of wisdom!

Several Elders of the Presbyterian Church in cloud-white martial robes twitched their eyebrows, their eyes flickered, and they looked at Jiang Tian seriously, and they only exchanged eyes with each other but didn't say much.

They had known Gao Hanyang for a long time and had a comprehensive understanding of him, but their impression of Jiang Tian was only about lighting up the Xuanyang Monument.

They were also shocked at the time, but they didn't take it seriously after hearing that he was just a junior at the Moon Grasping Realm.

But looking at it now, in less than a year, this kid has broken through to the late stage of Chongyang Realm, and I can't help being surprised again!

"Sect Master Chu, is this Jiang Tian the one who lit up the Xuanyang Monument?" A white-haired elder of the Presbyterian Church asked in a deep voice, and glanced at Jiang Tian thoughtfully.

Chu Tianhua chuckled: "There is no second Jiang Tian in the outer sect, who else can there be?"

"It took less than a year to advance from the Moon Lane Realm to the late Chongyang Realm. From this point of view, this kid is indeed very talented!"

"It seems that he was able to light up the Xuanyang Monument, and it wasn't all luck!"

The elders of the Presbyterian Church looked at each other in blank dismay, not without approval.

"Hmph! Elders, don't be fooled by him, who knows if he had hidden his cultivation at that time?" Elder Meng sneered when he heard this, his words were full of disdain.

"Huh?" The elders of the Presbyterian Church were slightly startled, and a trace of hesitation flashed in their eyes.

They did not witness the scene at that time with their own eyes, nor did they seriously examine Jiang Tian's details, and what Elder Meng said may not be impossible.

But soon someone shook his head and sneered, and refuted.

"Hmph! Elder Meng, do you mean that there is something wrong with the peak master's eyes?"

The one who spoke was none other than Lu Ya, the peak master of Feiyun Peak where Elder Meng was!

At this moment, his face was a little livid, and there was a bit of anger lingering between his brows.

When Jiang Tian lit up the Xuanyang Monument, he rushed there quickly and wanted to take him under his seat, but it was a pity that Ling Xiao ruined the good thing.

At that time, he had carefully investigated Jiang Tian's strength, and he was definitely at the peak of the Moon Lane Realm!

"Hmph! Sun was also there at the time, could it be that Sun also had something wrong with his eyes?"

"And Ming!"

"Fan is here!"

Several peak masters spoke out one after another, looking at Elder Meng coldly, the scene was a little awkward for a while.

In fact, whether Jiang Tian has hidden his cultivation is not a big problem, but the key point is that the suzerain Chu Tianhua has learned about it from them, especially Jiang Tian's age and cultivation. Everything related to this factor is not a child's play.

If they don't do it right, they will also be suspected of deceiving and lying, which will lead to Chu Tianhua's doubts!

"Hmph! Meng also met that kid that day. He didn't accuse the peak masters of making mistakes, but suspected that he had cultivated some special secret technique to cover up his true cultivation level in order to deceive the sect's trust and vigorous cultivation!"

Elder Meng blushed and was embarrassed by the crowd, but he didn't admit defeat, and forced him to find a reason to continue attacking Jiang Tian.

Several peak masters frowned and snorted coldly, but did not refute.

After all, Jiang Tian has long been a disciple of Tianxu Peak, as long as they avoid the suspicion of deceiving the suzerain, the rest of the matter is irrelevant, whatever Elder Meng said.

"Master!" Ling Xiao quietly pulled Tang Xiao's sleeve behind him, signaling him to speak up for Jiang Tian. Tang Xiao nodded slowly, looking at Elder Meng calmly, but before he could speak, a sneer sounded from beside him.

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