Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1235 Strong Strength

"Hmph! Why is there no reason to commit crimes?" Yun Xianghan shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm, which attracted everyone's attention.

She looked at Elder Meng coldly: "Although there is that kind of secret technique, I am afraid that there are not many people who can hide it from my eyes. Besides, what good is it for him to hide his cultivation? What Elder Meng said is simply nonsense!"

"Peak Master Yun, you..." Elder Meng's eyes twitched, very annoyed.

Yun Xianghan smiled disdainfully: "Hehe, so what if he really had the Sunshine Realm at that time? Lighting up the Xuanyang Monument is already a miracle in history, and this alone is enough to prove his aptitude!"

What he said made Elder Meng's face livid and annoyed.

"Hmph! This matter has been in the past for a long time. Even if he concealed his cultivation level at the time, there is no way to verify it. It is meaningless to dwell on these things now. In short, he will definitely lose this competition! Everyone watch!"

Elder Meng flicked his sleeves, scolded coldly, looked at the ring and stopped talking.

Yun Xianghan smiled coldly, looked away, and looked towards the ring.

But Yu Chunrou next to her had a sneer on her face, her strange eyes swept across her body, showing deep disdain, she turned her head and winked at the other female elders of Xiuyunfeng, her smile was a bit unbearable.

All of this has not been hidden from Tang Xiao's observation. Although he has never spoken, he looks indifferent to the world, but his deep eyes see everyone's reactions in his eyes.

His eyes flicked across the crowd, and finally stopped for a while on Yun Xianghan's face before quietly moving away. When the other party noticed something, he was already staring at the ring calmly, as if an old god was there.

Yun Xianghan frowned slightly, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

And at this moment, after confronting each other for a while, the two on the ring finally started to make a move!

"Junior Brother Jiang, I heard that in the past two days, you have been very popular among those outer disciples, so let me test your strength!"

Gao Hanyang spoke proudly, his brows were full of brilliance, and his words seemed like an expert pointing out the younger generation, and he even vaguely drew a clear line with the outer disciples.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped out, and the breath in his body surged crazily, shaking the void to rumble!

"Is this... the will of the Martial Dao at the Quasi-Profound Realm?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes!

"No! Gao Hanyang's spiritual power has already reached the level of Xuanyue Realm, why is it still at the level of Quasi-Profound Realm?"

The aura emanating from the other party was quite weird. If he hadn't felt the level of the other party's cultivation in advance, he would have thought that he was facing a real Xuanyue Realm master.

However, after further investigation, he confirmed that the other party was still at the Quasi-Profound Realm level, but his spiritual power was thicker and stronger than many Profound Moon Realm disciples!

"I understand!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath, all doubts in his heart disappeared.

If Gao Hanyang really wanted to advance, he might have broken through to the Xuanyue Realm level, but he was obviously not in a hurry, and forcibly suppressed the realm so that he could stay at the Quasi-Profound Realm level.

There is only one purpose in doing this - to consolidate the foundation and compress the spiritual power, so that the strength will skyrocket when advancing to the profound realm!

Although this method is not complicated, it is very rare for warriors who actually do this.

Because ordinary warriors don't have that kind of aptitude, recklessly suppressing their cultivation will be backlashed by violent spiritual power and damage their foundations.

People who really dare to do this are either endowed with strong bloodlines or extremely strong physical bodies, but no matter what they are, there are some things that are difficult for ordinary people to match!

Gao Hanyang is probably one of them, maybe even... both!

"At this time, does Junior Brother Jiang still dare to lose his mind? If you don't make a move, others will laugh at me for not being able to win!"

Gao Hanyang obviously also noticed Jiang Tian's strange reaction, he sneered proudly, and the aura around him rose rapidly amidst the dull roar.


A dull roar resounded through the void, and Gao Hanyang rushed towards him with a terrifying aura, his tyrannical martial arts will swept wildly, and an almost abnormal force blasted towards Jiang Tian.

He didn't use fist and palm skills, but tried to use this forceful crushing method to directly blow Jiang Tian away!

"Hiss! Brother Gao's strength is too terrifying!"

"My God! No wonder the inner disciples are no match for him!"

"Don't tell me, in the previous rounds of competition, he never used such a method at all!"

There were exclamations all around the arena, and everyone shrank their eyes, staring at the situation on the arena with dumbfounded eyes, all of them feeling tense to the extreme!

"Victory is not martial?" Jiang Tian shook his head and laughed, not even the slightest fear in the face of such a tyrannical attack.

"Hahahaha! Brother Gao, don't you think it's too early to talk about the outcome?"


As soon as the words fell, violent loud noises followed!

Jiang Tian's body was full of purple light, and he stepped out in the astonished eyes of everyone, and greeted Gao Hanyang impressively!

"What... what is he doing?"

"This kid is too arrogant!"

"Even our inner disciples dare not stand up to him, who does he think he is?"

"Hehe, anyway, if you lose, you can still lose decently by doing this. Although you will pay some price, it's better than being defeated. I would do the same thing if I were replaced."

Several inner disciples scolded him coldly, and some even shook their heads and sneered, believing that Jiang Tian would collapse at the first touch and was about to be blown away in one fell swoop.

"Oh my god! Brother Jiang is too impulsive, how dare he confront Gao Hanyang so recklessly?"

"Before this, I always thought that Senior Brother Gao was relying on his natural blood, but I didn't expect his physical body to be so tyrannical!"

"It's over, Junior Brother Jiang may be at a disadvantage!"


Before the words were settled, a violent roar suddenly sounded!

The rumbling loud noise quickly scattered around the arena, causing tremors around the arena, and even a few nearby arenas were greatly disturbed, and the fight between several pairs of inner disciples had to be stopped.

Everyone looked in amazement, only to see two glaring auras, one blue and one purple, refusing to give in to each other, the terrifying spiritual power colliding crazily like a volcanic eruption, shaking the void violently!

Waves of spiritual power suddenly scattered, so that the spectators on both sides of the ring retreated like a tidal wave, leaving a long and narrow space in an instant. The violent waves hit the bottom of the opposite ring, turning into a gust of wind. It exploded with a bang!

"Huh? What's going on!"

"what's the situation?"

"Junior Brother Jiang unexpectedly..."

"He didn't get blown away!"

After a moment of silence, there was a burst of exclamation from around the ring, and everyone looked at the two on the ring in disbelief.

I saw that they were still releasing billowing spiritual power, neither of them took a step back, and they were still facing each other in the center of the ring.

The blue and purple aura burst forth like clouds and mist, and the coercion alone made countless disciples feel terrified!

"Hiss! How could this be?" "Gao Hanyang's strength, even our inner disciples can't resist, this Jiang Tian has lasted for so long?"

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