Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1236 Who has the stronger spiritual power?

"He... he must have been severely injured, right?" An inner disciple scratched his head and said.

"Damn it! You are an inner sect disciple after all, so why can't you tell what's going on?"

"Hmph! If Jiang Tian is seriously injured, how can he continue to release his spiritual power!"

"Not to mention anything else, in terms of spiritual strength alone, he is not inferior to Gao Hanyang at all!"

Several deep-breathing inner disciples frowned, their faces extremely serious.

Originally, they were afraid of Gao Hanyang, thinking that they had no chance of winning when they met him, but now they were surprised by Jiang Tian's performance!

Does this outer sect genius, who is said to be miraculous by everyone, really have such strength?

Even if they didn't want to admit it, they couldn't say anything to refute it at this time, because the facts were in front of them, and Jiang Tian really blocked Gao Hanyang's terrible attack.

"Hmph! I think this is already his limit!"

"I think so too. It's quite shocking that a warrior at Chongyang Realm can do this. It should have exceeded his spiritual power reserves!"

"He must be holding on. If he continues like this, he will not only be blown away by Gao Hanyang, but will also be seriously injured!"

"Hehe, even if he retreats by chance, he will face the opponent's violent attack next, and a fiasco is inevitable!"

Many inner disciples thought they had seen through Jiang Tian's reality, shook their heads and sneered, their faces full of disdain.

Even if Jiang Tian's aptitude is at the same level as Gao Hanyang's, his total spiritual power will be far inferior because of the difference in realm.

You may not be able to tell the difference at first glance, but if the stalemate continues, you will soon be able to see the truth. Jiang Tian will definitely lose his strength and end in a fiasco!

However, after everyone waited for a while, the two on the stage were still in a stalemate. This scene completely shocked them and made them speechless!

Even the sect elders in the spectator seats were surprised!

"Hiss! This Jiang Tian is really capable, and he can confront Gao Hanyang head-on!"

"Not only that, but his spiritual power seems to be no less powerful than the opponent!"

"I don't think it's that simple! Gao Hanyang's shot looks violent, but it's actually a waste of spiritual power, but Jiang Tian controlled it just right. Not only did he block the opponent's impact, but also his spiritual power flowed in a proper way. The more you increase, the more you decrease. few!"

"What? Do you mean that Jiang Tian's level of control over spiritual power has already surpassed Gao Hanyang's?"

"Hiss!" As soon as this remark came out, the corners of everyone's eyes shrank, and they were shocked!

"What do you think of Elder Meng?" The two white-robed elders looked at each other, and subconsciously looked at Elder Meng, their expressions slightly narrowed.

The corners of Elder Meng's eyes twitched, and he felt incredible in his heart, and he even couldn't accept the situation in front of him.

"Hmph! Don't get too excited, they've just started to fight, I don't believe that Gao Hanyang, the number one outsider, will lose to a young man at Chongyang Realm!"

Elder Meng clenched his fist and reprimanded coldly, with an angry look on his face.

"Hehe, didn't Elder Meng say that Jiang Tian hid his strength? I want to ask, has he used his hidden strength now?"

"Elder Meng, what do you think?"

The two white-robed elders shook their heads and sneered, and said coldly.

"It's a bit too much for you two to say that! Facing Gao Hanyang and Jiang Tian, ​​how dare he hide his strength? I'm afraid he has even used all his strength to feed him!" But he kept cursing at these two unrelenting guys.

"Huh? Take a look!" an elder exclaimed in a low voice!


"The situation seems to have changed!"

Everyone looked at it, and saw that the blue and purple spiritual power on the ring had changed from the previous violent surge, and there were layers of fluctuations!


Accompanied by bursts of strange roars, the cyan spiritual power flickered on and off, and began to become turbulent.

However, the purple spiritual power released by Jiang Tian has always remained calm and calm, and even the coercion has not changed much!

"how so?"

"It shouldn't be!"

The elders in the spectator seats looked at each other, feeling very puzzled.

This situation can only show that Gao Hanyang's spiritual power is beginning to show signs of instability!

But according to common sense, Jiang Tian should be the first to run out of money, so why is Gao Hanyang the first to start to feel turbulent?

"This... This should be Gao Hanyang's other method!"

"Of course!" An elder from the inner sect nodded and smiled, and said proudly: "A powerful warrior can control his spiritual power freely, relying on subtle changes to attack his opponent, what Gao Hanyang used must be..."


Before the words were finished, there was a sudden roar from the opposite ring!

Everyone stared and saw that the spiritual power of the two sides confronted and regenerated and changed. The purple light in front of Jiang Tian's body shone, and the aura around him suddenly began to soar!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

"What's happening here?"

Shouts of exclamation resounded around, not only the disciples were shocked, but even the elders in the spectator seats frowned and their faces were a little stiff.

"How can this be?"

"Is Jiang Tian's spiritual power stronger than Gao Hanyang's?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Everyone exclaimed, and their faces became extremely shocked.

As for Gao Hanyang on the ring, his face turned red and white alternately at this moment, and his brows were tightly knit together.

Different from others watching from a distance, at this moment, he deeply felt the strength of Jiang Tian's spiritual power, far beyond his imagination!

"How could this be?" Gao Hanyang gritted his teeth and said to himself, his face was rather ugly.

Although he didn't use his peak strength, he really felt the pressure of kung fu at this moment. The continuous huge consumption had already made his spiritual power turbulent, and he was almost unable to support it.

But Jiang Tian on the opposite side was still calm and calm, even his facial expression didn't change much, which made him unbelievable!

Especially now, feeling the other party's rapidly rising blood aura, I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

If this goes on like this, let alone defeating the opponent, he might be blown out of the ring first!

"It's unreasonable!" Thoughts surged in his mind, Gao Hanyang's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and drank in a low voice.

As the main peak genius and quasi-xuan realm martial artist, it is really a shame for him to be suppressed by Jiang Tian, ​​who is at the late stage of Chongyang realm!

However, his title of number one outer sect didn't come for nothing. After a moment of contemplation, the light in his eyes soared, and he suddenly let out an angry shout!

Accompanied by this roar, the already turbulent spiritual power quickly stabilized, and began to climb rapidly, and instantly equaled Jiang Tian's spiritual power.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, smiled leisurely, and his eyes lit up.

Gao Hanyang Buhuo is the number one person in the outer sect. If it were any other martial artist, even if he was a master of the inner sect Xuanyue realm, it would be difficult to reverse the decline at this moment. "Hmph! Don't look at me like that, Gao Hanyang is not what you imagined!"

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