Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1237 Don't die yet?


Gao Hanyang was irritated by Jiang Tian's playful eyes, his face turned red, and his aura rose again.

Accompanied by a dull roar, the cyan aura surged again, and powerful spiritual power blasted out like a violent wave.

At this moment, Gao Hanyang's burst of spiritual power almost reached the level of the late stage of Xuanyue Realm, which should not be underestimated!

"The strength is really amazing!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised, but not out of control.

With a shake of both palms, the dazzling purple light spewed out again with strong spiritual power, and without any explanation, it collided with the blue spiritual light, making two loud bangs!

The astonishing fluctuations suddenly swayed away, and the two of them trembled at the same time, and were shocked by the recoil of the spiritual power and retreated step by step.

Thumb up!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and after two steps back, the body of the tyrannical dragon worked on its own to resolve the impact of spiritual power, and after the third step, he stabilized his figure.

However, Gao Hanyang retreated five or six steps in succession, and then forcibly stopped his retreat with a yell at the mouth. He looked up at Jiang Tian who was opposite him, and his face turned red from the corners of his eyes.

"How is it possible?" Gao Hanyang was secretly surprised, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Both parties received the same strength of spiritual recoil, so the reaction should be the same, but Jiang Tian seemed to only take two or three steps back, but he himself took five or six steps back to barely stand still.

What this means is of course self-evident!

"Impossible! His spiritual power cannot be stronger than mine!" Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, and a sharp gleam flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps, Jiang Tian used some kind of kung fu to forcibly resolve the recoil of spiritual power at the critical moment, otherwise it would never be as simple as withdrawing two or three steps.

"Yes, it must be so!"

Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, and quickly suppressed distracting thoughts. The fighting spirit in his body increased instead of diminishing. After a short pause, the spiritual power of his blood rose again, reaching an astonishing level!

The collision just now was just a contest of spiritual power between the two sides, and Gao Hanyang did not use any martial arts.

He thought that with this simple and crude method, he would be able to blow away his opponent, but he didn't expect that he would suffer a dull loss.

After trying to understand the reason, my heart will be balanced.

If he used exercises to resolve it just now, he is sure to stand firm within three steps or even a shorter distance, and his performance will never be inferior to Jiang Tian!

However, after this collision, he realized that he had underestimated the enemy. This opponent was even tougher than many insiders, so he really couldn't take it lightly!

"Junior brother Jiang really has some skills. It seems that ordinary spiritual power contests are not enough to tell the winner, let's see the difference in our skills!" Gao Hanyang shouted proudly with bright eyes.

"Anything you want." Jiang Tian smiled calmly, taking it easy.

"What a random!"

Gao Hanyang's face darkened, and he raised his right palm and slashed out from the air like a heavy knife.

This move was extremely fast, with almost no warning. When everyone reacted, an offensive as swift as a gust of wind had already taken shape, and a giant palm of spiritual power several feet in size had already formed in front of Jiang Tian, ​​and it slashed down without stopping .

hiss! hiss! hiss!

There was only a sound of gasping for air around the arena, and everyone gritted their teeth tightly, not daring to make too much noise, and everyone was tense!

In the spectator seats, the suzerain Chu Tianhua, who knew Gao Hanyang's strength well, couldn't help but nodded slowly, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

Beside him, another white-robed elder smiled proudly, his eyes overflowing with brilliance.

Others don't know, but this person knows best, Gao Hanyang's attack is definitely not as simple as it seems!


An ear-piercing roar resounded through the void, and the cyan palm knife slashed through the air, and it was about to hit Jiang Tian right now, so that Qi Yurou and the others' hearts suddenly rose to their throats!

Jiang Tian was very calm, just quietly watching the approach of the sword, without any signs of movement, and even gave people the illusion that it was too late to react.

But at this moment, his eyes are extremely clear, and the phantom of holding the knife has already been reflected in his mind, but at the same time there is still a little doubt.

"Brother Jiang!"

"not good!"

"what happened?"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was about to be seriously injured, Qi Yurou and several familiar companions finally couldn't help but exclaimed!

Gao Hanyang's attack was about to land on him, why didn't Jiang Tian respond?

"What am I talking about, how could Jiang Tian be Gao Hanyang's opponent? Hahahaha!" A loud laugh broke out in the spectator seats, but Elder Meng shook his head in excitement, his eyes gleaming with joy.

Gao Hanyang on the ring also showed an attitude that the overall situation has been decided, and a strange light flashed in his eyes!

In this instant, the five fingers of the palm knife that had already formed suddenly flipped and turned over in an instant, forming a flat surface and pressing down heavily!


"My God! This..."

There was another exclamation around the arena, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Gao Hanyang's swift attack to have such a change!

Qi Yurou's pretty face darkened, feeling very uneasy!

The other companions were even more horrified, showing despair!

Just relying on the sword just now was enough to severely injure Jiang Tian. Now that there are such changes, wouldn't the ending be even worse?

However, they still underestimated Gao Hanyang's strength. After spreading out the huge palm of spiritual power, they did not slap Jiang Tian directly, but retracted their five fingers, curled up with fluctuations of spiritual power and instantly clenched into a huge fist!


Daoes of spiritual power surged through the ferocious fingers, making ear-piercing whistling noises!


The terrible roar suddenly exploded, and just a five-finger grip caused a deafening roar to burst out in the void, which shows how powerful it is!

The giant fist that finally took shape had already hit Jiang Tian in front of him, and it was about to injure him severely with unstoppable force and knock him out of the ring.

But at this moment, an inexplicable smile appeared on Jiang Tian's calm face!

"Huh?" Gao Hanyang couldn't help being startled when he saw his reaction!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian yelled, shook his right palm, and cut straight towards the giant palm!


"Is he dying?"


Two angry shouts sounded from the spectator seats, and there were several gasps around the ring!

They all felt sorry for Jiang Tian's reckless behavior.

Such a reckless shot without knowing the severity, even if he was lucky enough to stay in the ring without being blown away, this arm would probably be crippled.


Everyone had no time to think about it, and even before the exclamation disappeared, a terrible roar suddenly exploded!

The violent fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly scattered above the ring, setting off gusts of wind and sweeping away.

Where Jiang Tian's palm cut, the purple light suddenly brightened, and the tyrannical spiritual power burst like thunder, and the cyan giant fist exploded abruptly.

Except for the elders in the spectator seats, few people could see all this clearly, and the others, even the disciples in front of the ring, didn't see it clearly. Even the elders in the spectator seats, not all of them could see the truth because of the blocking of their vision.

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