Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1253 Understatement

"Look! That's Senior Brother Huang, an inner genius!"

"The green-robed warrior on his left is Senior Brother Ke, an inner genius!"

"See, these are top talents. It is said that there are few opponents in the inner sect, and it is even hard to find a defeat!"

"There is also that senior brother Xuan in the gray robe. He looks young, but his strength is not inferior to them. It is said that he is appreciated by the elders of the inner sect!"

Seeing these inner geniuses, everyone exclaimed in amazement, and there was a lot of noise!

"Top genius in the inner sect?" Jiang Tian turned his head to look over there, his expression flickered, and a gleam of light burst into his eyes!

"The breath is so deep, these people's cultivation is indeed not weak!"

After watching for a while, Jiang Tian couldn't help but nodded slowly, muttering to himself.

Although these people haven't made a move yet, they already showed some kind of invisible domineering, obviously not at the same level as Di Feng.

They walked calmly under the gaze of everyone, like strolling in a garden, seemingly nothing special, but it was precisely because of their strong strength that they could have such a calm momentum!

Martial artists who have reached a certain level of strength will naturally have enough self-confidence, which is enough to keep them calm and calm in front of any environment.

But after a while, Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help frowning!

He suddenly found that among the top geniuses in the inner sect, several of them were staring at him coldly with contemptuous expressions.

When he looked over suspiciously and looked inquiringly, the other party smiled coldly and looked away in disdain!

Jiang Tian frowned and was speechless, touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and let out a sullen breath.

After a while, these people stepped onto the ring one after another, but they all made their moves in a calm and calm manner, and some even seemed a little careless.

But even so, their power is shocking!

The yellow-robed disciple swung his palm coldly, seemingly indifferently, and a surge of spiritual power suddenly surged in the void, and he knocked his opponent out of the ring without any explanation.

And his expression was flat from the beginning to the end, as if he was not fighting with a fellow disciple, but just a practice stone or a mechanism puppet!

The same is true for the green-robed disciple surnamed Ke, who walked up the ring with his hands behind his back, and when the other party finished greeting him, he just stepped forward with his right foot, and the tyrannical coercion knocked the other party away in one fell swoop!

The same is probably true of the others, because their strength is obviously higher than that of their opponents, and they won and passed the test with almost no effort.

As for the grey-robed student surnamed Xuan, he didn't rush to make a move after he came to the stage. Instead, he glanced in Jiang Tian's direction with a deep expression, and then calmly made a move after withdrawing his gaze.

However, his way of attacking is quite special. He just swayed his body and circled around his opponent in an instant. Then his feet were lifted off the ground by a strong spiritual force, and he staggered "self" with an exclamation. Fly out of the ring!

The actions of these people all caused the crowd to scream and cheer, and the atmosphere in the square reached its peak.

You must know that before this, every match between them was just a routine. After taking the stage, they met each other and knocked their opponents away with only coercion.

Being able to be a little more serious now has already opened everyone's eyes!

After watching these competitions, Jiang Tian also realized that these people's strength is really good, and they are not in the same breath as Di Feng.

This round of competition ended soon, and after half of them were eliminated, there were less than two hundred disciples left, and it was already afternoon.

However, the Zongmen's senior management did not intend to stop at all. As soon as the last competition was over, the Zongmen elders immediately ordered the deacon disciples to draw lots in the preparation area.

After the lottery was drawn, there was still no rest time, and all the passers-by disciples immediately began to compete on the stage according to the order of the lottery.

After previous eliminations and squeezes, those "parallel imports" disciples have long since been eliminated. By this time, the remaining people are all powerful genius disciples!

Jiang Tian's luck didn't seem to be very good. He got the No. 9 lottery, but it didn't seem too bad. His opponent was not a top inner sect master who had attracted much attention, but a disciple with relatively ordinary strength.

But this is also relatively speaking, compared with those before, this opponent is not bad at all!

Judging from the cultivation of this red-robed disciple, at least it would not be a problem to defeat someone like Di Feng.

"I'm inner disciple Fu Yan! Are you Jiang Tian?" The red-robed disciple Fu Yan raised her eyebrows and said proudly.

"It's me." Jiang Tian nodded, without any special reaction, the breath around his body was still extremely stable, and there was no trace of tension on his face.

This attitude made Fu Yan a little dissatisfied. He glanced at Jiang Tian and frowned slightly.

This outer sect junior in Chongyang Realm was so calm and calm, and he looked so salty, it was simply a kind of contempt for him.

"Jiang Tian, ​​although you performed well before, don't be too proud. You have no other possibility but to lose when you meet me!"

"Really?" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, his expression light.

"Although your cultivation is not weak, it's nothing to me. It's useless to talk about it. Let's see the truth."

Hearing this, Fu Yan's face suddenly darkened, and he was very annoyed.

"Hmph! If you weren't so arrogant and self-righteous, you might be able to stay in the ring for a while longer. Now, come down for me!"

Fu Yan sneered coldly, the aura in his body suddenly surged, the billowing spiritual power rippling out and swept towards Jiang Tian without any explanation, showing the powerful strength of the late stage of Xuanyue Realm!

But to Jiang Tian, ​​it was nothing at all.

The Zongmen Huiwu seems to be coming to an end, there is absolutely no need for him to hide and tease, he can play freely.

But it's a pity that this inner disciple named Fu Yan is not enough to force out his true strength!

"Senior Brother Fu, be careful!" Jiang Tian shouted coldly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked out leisurely with his feet moving.

Hearing his reminder, Fu Yan not only didn't feel benefited, but felt humiliated!

In the arena competition, only when the two sides are similar in strength or one side is clearly superior will they say such words and have this kind of attitude.

Of course, sometimes the party who is obviously at a disadvantage will also use this special way to express their respect and admiration.

But Jiang Tian obviously didn't have these kinds of meanings, and there was even a kind of arrogance in his words that he was confident and sure of winning!

Isn't it too arrogant for a junior from Chongyang's foreign sect to be so arrogant in front of a genius like him at the Profound Moon Realm?

"Boy! You are too crazy!"

Fu Yan shouted angrily, and the fighting spirit in his body suddenly surged, and the spiritual power like red flames frantically rolled towards the opposite side with a flick of his arms. And he himself took a step after that, with two strange crimson spiritual flames lingering on it between the flipping of his palms, and blasting towards Jiang Tiandang's chest with two amazing forces that crushed the void!

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