"Hiss! Such a strong strength, worthy of being an inner genius!"

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

There were exclamations from around the arena. After the previous rounds of competition, although they had great confidence in Jiang Tian and had great expectations, they still had no idea in front of these inner geniuses.

After all, Jiang Tian is considered a challenger, and his cultivation level is obviously at a disadvantage. If he is not careful, he will end up with serious injuries, and there is no room for any difference!

However, their exclamations hadn't dissipated before a confident laugh came from the arena, and at the same time, a violent roar suddenly sounded!

"My God!"

"This is Qing Gang Sword Fist!"

Amidst the exclamation, the corners of everyone's eyes jumped wildly, and their spirits were greatly lifted!

There was a flash of purple light in the sky above the arena, and a glaring palm print broke open and billowing red flames flashed out. The thick five fingers of the palm were turned over and clenched into fists, and they slammed towards the opponent without any explanation.


"Oh no……"

Fu Yan's face changed abruptly, but he only let out an exclamation before his body shook and his feet left the ground and flew out of the ring.

"Hiss! Brother Jiang actually defeated Fu Yan with the kung fu he just learned!"

"It's too strong! Brother Jiang's martial arts talent is really shocking!"

All around the arena exclaimed, everyone was shocked by Jiang Tian's method!

"Green Gang Sword Fist" is Gao Hanyang's skill. Jiang Tian only observed it temporarily in the first two rounds. He didn't expect to be able to use it now, and defeated an opponent whose cultivation level was obviously higher than Gao Hanyang's.

Although he had used this trick before when he fought Gao Hanyang, it was inevitable that he meant to imitate it at that time, but this time the meaning was quite different.

Because of this, there were no flaws or doubts in his defeat of Gao Hanyang.

Seeing this scene, even Gao Hanyang's supporters had to admit that Jiang Tian's strength really surpassed Gao Hanyang's by a lot!

"Damn! How can I lose to a junior from the outer sect?"

Fu Yan was still dissatisfied when he landed in embarrassment, and under the control of anger, he didn't care about any rules, and rushed towards Jiang Tian with a glaring flame.

At the same time, the void above twisted violently, and a huge crimson moon suddenly appeared, and the astonishing coercion instantly enveloped the surroundings of the ring, making everyone feel terrified!

"Hiss! What is he going to do?"

"How unreasonable! How dare he violate the rules?"

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

The faces of many onlookers changed drastically!

At this time, Jiang Tian had already turned his back and stopped paying attention to the scene under the ring. Fu Yan shot furiously from behind. Once the terrible attack landed on the spot, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable!

"Stop!" An angry shout sounded suddenly, but it was the sect elders on the opposite side of the ring sternly yelling, but it was too late for him to stop Jiang Tian even if he tried to stop it.

Seeing that Jiang Tian was about to be severely injured on the spot, not only the disciples around the arena were furious, but even the senior sect leaders in the spectator seats were shocked!

"It's unreasonable!" Ling Xiao shouted angrily and was about to jump out, but in an instant he was tightly covered by a soft and powerful coercion, unable to move.

"Master..." The corners of his eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously looked at Tang Xiao in front of him, but he saw that the other party was still sitting firmly, and there was no special reaction at all.

"What is Fu Yan doing here?"

"Can't he afford to lose?"

"It's really embarrassing for the inner disciples!"

There were several angry reprimands from the spectator seats, but the suzerain Chu Tianhua did not express anything, Yun Xianghan was also unmoved, and sat quietly as before, except for a slight flicker in his eyes, even his face did not change.

Only that Elder Meng's face was gloomy, he sneered secretly, his cold eyes wished to turn into two sharp knives to help Fu Yan make up two cuts.


The red Xuanyue above the ring was violently turbulent, and the two red giant fists were about to smash Jiang Tian into the face!


At this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly snorted coldly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

The right palm hanging by the side suddenly turned over, and without looking back, he used the sword spinning technique.


Amidst the ear-piercing screams, the dazzling purple light appeared behind him like lightning, and the two red giant fists exploded, but the purple light slashed in the air on Fu Yan's chest.


A dull roar followed, but it was already impossible to distinguish whether it was the sound of the red fists exploding or the whistling of the purple sword intent.

Everyone saw Fu Yan's body shaking violently, vomiting blood and flying upside down, and the shrill cry resounded through the audience!

The elder of the gate frowned, and quickly walked around Jiang Tian to the bottom of the ring, and when he came to Fu Yan, he couldn't help frowning.

The two deacon disciples also flashed forward, and after bending over to investigate, they all frowned.

"Junior brother Jiang, your attack...is it too heavy?" A slightly older deacon disciple subconsciously frowned and said.

"The shot was too heavy?" Jiang Tian's face darkened, he shook his head and sneered, "If I really shot too hard, he would be dead now!"

"It can't be Jiang Tian's fault! Everything... is Fu Yan's own fault!"

The elder of the sect next to him took a deep look in the direction of the middle of the spectator seats while speaking, then quickly looked away, looked at Jiang Tian with a complicated expression and waved his hands and said.

At this moment, the suzerain Chu Tianhua looked calm, as if nothing had happened, and there was no trace of anger at all.

And the elders of the Presbyterian Church seemed to be all right, talking and laughing at this moment!

The two deacon disciples were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, and subconsciously looked at each other!

Although some of them were caused by Fu Yan, he broke the rules of martial arts and violated the sect's laws and regulations, but after all, Jiang Tian severely injured him on the spot and abolished his cultivation, so he should bear some responsibility anyway, right?

However, the sect elder didn't say a word, which really surprised them!

They who had been among the high-level sects all day naturally understood the reason, so they said nothing more immediately.

As a deacon disciple, he only has the obligation to execute orders in such matters and has no qualifications or powers to question. After a moment of stupefaction, Fu Yan, who was seriously injured and unconscious, immediately stepped back to the side.

The elder of the sect who presided over the competition had already held the two healing pills in his hands, but at this moment he silently took them back with a trembling of his palms, glanced at Fu Yan coldly from the corner of his eyes, shook his head and hummed silently sigh.

After doing this in front of everyone, one can imagine the future fate of this person in the inner sect!

Not to mention Jiang Tian's strength is so strong, promotion to the inner sect is just around the corner, even if he can't be promoted to the inner sect for a while, Fu Yan's life will not be easy.

After all, no elder would like this kind of idiot who has no regard for the overall situation!

"Jiang Tiansheng, Fu Yan is out!" The sect elder flicked his sleeves and quickly returned to the ring, announcing the result of the competition to everyone.

Hearing the elder's confirmation, Qi Yurou and other outer disciples were finally relieved.

At that moment just now, they were also a little worried that Jiang Tian would face the punishment of the Zongmen's high-level officials, but it turned out that they were thinking too much.

Regarding this incident, no one in the spectator seats spoke up, as if it had never happened. Even Elder Meng just had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

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