Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1257: Nephew Jiang!

"Hmph! Since that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, his eyes flashed, and he raised his right arm and shot decisively!


As he lifted his arm, a violent roar resounded over the ring!

With a flash of purple light, a tyrannical aura instantly permeated the void, causing Ouyang Ming's offensive to lag for a moment!

"Huh?" Ouyang Ming, as a master in the late stage of Xuanyue Realm, naturally noticed this, the corners of his eyes twitched violently, and he was greatly surprised.

But after the momentary stagnation, the dozens of white fist shadows continued to blast out under the leadership of the first two giant fists, and they were about to be swallowed by Jiang Tian!

"Hmph! Mantis arm to block the car!"

Ouyang Ming sneered proudly, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes!

However, before the words were exhausted, more than a dozen dazzling purple halos suddenly flashed in front of them.

With the appearance of these purple halos, the rhythm of the void continued, giving birth to translucent fluctuations of spiritual power.

In an instant, these purple auras shrank and condensed into a giant purple finger, stabbing towards him!

"Hahahaha! I am a majestic late-stage genius in the Xuanyue realm, how could I..."


Ouyang Ming's eyes were full of contempt, but his wild laughter was overwhelmed by the terrifying roar in an instant!

As soon as the purple giant finger took shape, it exuded an astonishing pressure and shattered the first two giant fists in one fell swoop, and then pierced through the void, swinging away dozens of fist shadows behind!

"Hiss! Impossible!"

Ouyang Ming's face changed drastically, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Just as he was about to move, he found that an astonishing coercion had firmly covered him. Even if he forcibly retreated, he could not escape the attack of the purple giant finger.

His mind was full of horror, and his heart even gave birth to strong fear!

What kind of strength is it that can make him feel such a terrible feeling in every gesture?

Ouyang Ming gasped, the arrogance in his heart had long since disappeared, replaced by deep anxiety and intense panic.

With this finger poked on his body, his fate will definitely not be much better than that of Di Feng and Fu Yan, and may even be worse!

"Damn! Damn!"

Ouyang Ming gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his eyes were round.

At this moment, he was extremely annoyed that he hadn't caused the bleeding vision at the beginning. If that was the case, it seemed that it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this blow, and it might even injure Jiang Tian in reverse.

It's a pity that it's too late now, even if he wants to trigger the blood vision, it's too late!


A violent roar suddenly sounded, and the glaring purple light burst instantly, turning into a mass of madly surging purple spiritual power that instantly engulfed Ouyang Ming, and directly rolled him out of the ring!


A long scream sounded in the air, and Ouyang Ming vomited blood all the way and flew more than twenty feet away, and fell to the ground with a heavy plop.


There was silence around the arena!

Chu Yun, who originally thought that Ouyang Ming's shot was too heavy, now the corner of her eye twitched, she couldn't help being surprised!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you shot too hard!"

This time, the face of the sect elder who supervised the competition sank, and without any explanation, he darted out in front of Ouyang Ming, instructed him to inject a soft spiritual power into his chest, and quickly fed him two healing pills medicine.

But when he turned his head to look at the audience seats, he was startled again!

The suzerain Chu Tianhua still didn't respond, and the elders of the Presbyterian Church also had a flat expression.

Only a certain inner sect elder next to him looked a little unhappy, but he was clearly suppressing his anger forcibly.

The supervising elder withdrew his gaze, glanced at Jiang Tian with a slight frown, and sighed helplessly.

"Junior Nephew Jiang, since you are so sure, why did you hurt him so badly?"

It was only a blink of an eye before and after, but the tone of the supervisor elder became obviously different.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and said lightly: "The elder also saw it, and he didn't leave any room for his attack just now. If he hesitated a little, I'm afraid Jiang Tian will be the one who fell now!"

The supervisor elder naturally understood that this was the truth, opened his mouth, shook his head and sighed.

Jiang Tian's eyes moved, and he said with a smile that was not a smile: "And if I was severely injured and unconscious, would the elder come forward in such a hurry to send spiritual power to feed the elixir?"

"You...cough, of course you will!" The supervisor elder said with a serious face, vowing.

But Jiang Tian on the opposite side shook his head and smiled, not caring about his statement.

He could clearly see Ouyang Ming's back, otherwise the supervisor elder wouldn't be in such a hurry, and judging from the way he turned his head to wait and see, Ouyang Ming's backer was probably sitting in the spectator seat of the Zongmen's senior management.

But this is also human nature, and the behavior of the supervisor elder is not too much, so he doesn't care much.

"I have to remind Nephew Jiang, as long as you are sure enough, don't hurt people too badly, otherwise... Cough, otherwise, how can you make these inner disciples feel bad?"

The superintendent's face was frowning, the voice in the first sentence was still a little cold, but the voice changed in the end, and it directly switched to spiritual power sound transmission!

Jiang Tian held back his smile, and couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words.

This supervisor elder was really not stupid, on the surface he scolded him for the inner disciples, but in private he didn't forget to show his favor secretly.

Jiang Tian shook his head and exhaled. After understanding the other party's "good intentions", he naturally had to express something, otherwise the other party was so "condescending" as an elder, wouldn't all his hard work be in vain?

Jiang Tian straightened his face, cupped his hands and said: "The disciple will remember the elder's teachings, and next time there is a similar situation, he will definitely act appropriately!"

"Well, not bad!" The supervisor elder nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face, he waved his hand, and two deacon disciples stepped forward to take the unconscious Ouyang Ming down.

"Jiang Tiansheng, Ouyang Ming eliminated!"

The supervising elder glanced around and announced the result of the competition loudly.

It wasn't until this time that many inner disciples reacted, and the first to speak out were naturally those outer disciples.

"Junior brother Jiang is too powerful!"

"Unbelievable! He actually hit Ouyang Ming, the inner genius!"

"I discovered that Junior Brother Jiang's cultivation is simply unfathomable!"

"That's right! It seems that we still underestimated him too much. I don't know how far his real strength has reached?"

"Let's keep watching, the martial arts competition has reached the last few rounds, and the remaining disciples are all top masters, and the competition will become more and more intense!"

Everyone was so excited that they shouted and cheered for Jiang Tian.


Suddenly, an angry shout overshadowed their voices instantly, and at the same time, the tyrannical Xuanyue Realm coercion enveloped them, making their bodies tremble and tremble!

The one who spoke was a red-robed inner sect disciple. He had a good relationship with Ouyang Ming. Seeing that this person was injured and unconscious, he was naturally in a good mood.

At this moment, these outer disciples continued to make noise, and suddenly their anger rose, and they began to curse. "A young man from the outside sect won a few games by luck, what's so great about it?"

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