Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1258 Descendants of the Duanmu Clan

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The red-robed disciple coldly glanced at Qi Yurou and the others, his face extremely gloomy, and a cold light appeared between his brows.

He held a stick in his hand, needless to say, he was also among the passers-by.

Moreover, his aura of cultivation is obviously stronger than that of Ouyang Ming!

Facing the power of this person, Qi Yurou and the others felt uneasy!

An outer disciple looked at him with his head, the corners of his eyes twitched violently, and he exclaimed!

"Hiss! He is... Duanmuchen, a genius in the inner sect!"

"Duanmuchen?" Everyone frowned upon hearing this, feeling puzzled.

This name is not familiar to the disciples of the outer sect, they do not know the identity and back of this person.

The outer disciple took a deep breath, and his face became very ugly: "This person is Ouyang Ming's cousin, the heir of the Duanmu family!"


"Is it the Duanmu family in Cangjing?"

"That's right! It's the Duanmu family in Cangjing!"

"My God, it turned out to be him!"

"I heard that the blood of the Duanmu family is exceptional, and all warriors, male and female, are all geniuses. Now it's a little troublesome!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and everyone was very disturbed.

"Everyone, don't be nervous! Brother Jiang may not meet him, and besides, even if he does, he may not lose!" Qi Yurou took a deep breath to comfort everyone's panic.

"Yes! Since Jiang Tian can defeat Ouyang Ming, he may not be able to defeat Duanmuchen!"

"Indeed, both of them are stronger than Ouyang Ming, that is to say, they are evenly matched at worst. What is there to be afraid of?"

Under Qi Yurou's comfort, several outer disciples cheered each other up.

"Hahahaha! You are really...hahaha, what a bunch of idiots, extremely stupid!"

The inner disciples on the opposite side couldn't stop laughing when they heard the words, and their cold gazes quickly focused on Qi Yurou and the others, full of contempt and disdain.

"You probably don't know the background of the Duanmu family?"

"Tell you, although the Ouyang family and the Duanmu family are cousins, they cannot be compared in strength!"

"Hmph! Senior Brother Duanmu's cultivation is much stronger than you imagined. It will be very easy for him to defeat Ouyang Ming. Just wait and see what happens to Jiang Tian!"

"Hahahaha! A group of idiots sitting in a well and watching the sky, thinking how smart they are!"

The inner disciples laughed wildly and severely humiliated the outer disciples.

"What? Duanmuchen's strength is so terrifying!"

"I'm afraid it's really troublesome now!"

"In the competition just now, Junior Brother Jiang almost used all his strength to defeat Ouyang Ming. If he really meets Duanmuchen, the situation will be bad!"

"It's useless for us to worry about it. Everything depends on our strength. I hope Junior Brother Jiang will be lucky!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, their faces became serious. After learning about Duanmuchen's great strength, they couldn't help but feel a little worried about the next competition.

Although Jiang Tian defeated Ouyang Ming, if he met Duan Muchen, who was astonishing in strength, would he still be able to get a bargain?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

However, this question quickly became more suspenseful!



"Duanmuchen has appeared!"

Following the exclamation of the inner disciples, Duanmuchen strode towards the ring with a lottery in hand.

Half of the disciples have already finished the competition, and now the other half of the disciples are on the stage to fight.

Holding lot number 41, Duanmuchen jumped onto the ring, scanned his surroundings, and waited for his opponent to show up.

"Who will be his opponent?"

"No matter who it is, I'm afraid they won't be able to get a bargain!"

"That's right, with Duanmuchen's formidable strength, even masters like Senior Brother Huang and Senior Brother Ke wouldn't dare to take it lightly!"

Everyone was discussing and couldn't help guessing the identity of Duanmuchen's opponent.

There are not many disciples left, so it doesn't seem too difficult to guess.

"Give way!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded in the preparation area.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a light blue figure walking out of the crowd and walking towards the ring where Duanmuchen was.

"It's him? Pang Ning!"

"Will he be Duanmuchen's opponent?"

"I think...it's hard! After all, Duanmuchen is a well-known genius in the inner sect, and Pang Ning only made his mark because of this martial arts competition."

Seeing Pang Ning whose long messy hair covered most of his face, everyone frowned.

Obviously, in front of the powerful Duanmuchen, he probably has no chance of winning.

No, it is not appropriate to say that there is no chance of winning. If you are prepared, you should definitely lose!

"It turned out to be him!"

Seeing Pang Ning walking into the ring, Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he looked at the two of them intently, with a slightly weird expression.

Although he was not familiar with Pang Ning, and he hadn't even said a word, he was quite interested in this person.

This person's strength is by no means as low-key as his performance, and it must not be underestimated.

As for Duanmuchen, although he appeared to be wild and unruly on the surface, the light in his pupils contained an incomparably deep aura, and he was obviously a powerful existence, so he should not be underestimated either.

The encounter between these two people is bound to be a fierce collision!

"It's interesting!" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, his eyes flickering thoughtfully.

"Brother Duanmu will win!"

"Hahahaha! Who is he? Does an unknown junior dare to contend with Senior Brother Duanmu?"

"I have never seen this Pang Ning before, nor have I heard of it at all. How could he be the opponent of Senior Brother Duanmu?"

"Just wait and see, I guess he will lose within ten moves!"

"Hehe, I think three or five moves are overestimating him!"

Many inner disciples booed loudly, looked down on Pang Ning, and cheered for Duanmuchen.

They are almost one-sidedly optimistic about Duanmu Chen, while most of them dismiss the low-key Pang Ning.

However, some people reacted very cautiously and did not jump to conclusions, including Xuan Peng.

He had just defeated a powerful opponent, and he was calming down in the audience, but after seeing Duanmuchen and Pang Ning face off, his eyes flickered slightly, as if full of anticipation.

He even turned his head to look in another direction. When he saw Jiang Tian's thoughtful expression, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, showing a deep smile.

"Pang Ning, I'll count to three. As long as you take the initiative to admit defeat, I won't embarrass you, otherwise..." Duanmuchen aggressively looked at Pang Ning, whose long hair covered half of his face, and shouted with disdain.

"Otherwise what?" Pang Ning responded lightly without raising his head.

"Hmph! Otherwise, you will definitely end up in a disastrous defeat, and it will be too late to regret it!" Duanmuchen sneered, and the powerful spiritual power contained in his words scattered over the ring, shaking everyone's eardrums to buzz.

Pang Ning's head buried in the messy long hair slowly shook: "Needless to say, we will know the outcome."

"Okay! If you don't take advantage of the opportunity, don't blame me for being rude!" Duanmuchen shouted angrily, and stomped his right foot forward.

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