Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1274: Last Genius

"So, for the next martial arts meeting, we will use another method. The masters of the sect will accept your challenge, and finally the ranking will be determined by your performance!"


"It turned out to be like this!"

"I understand, the suzerain really took great pains!"

"I see!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted upon hearing the words, their eyes flashed, and they were very excited.

If this is the case, the disadvantages of byes and melees can indeed be avoided, and it is more fair and reasonable, so there is no doubt about it.

After Chu Tianhua finished speaking, he turned around and sat down, and the next martial arts competition was still presided over by the sect elder on the ring.

"The suzerain has already made it very clear, so I don't need to say more, right?"

"Disciple understands!"

"This method is indeed very good. It not only avoids various disadvantages, but also can measure the strength of each person. It is indeed a wonderful strategy!"

"It's just that this disciple is still a little confused!" Huang Yu frowned slightly and said with cupped hands.

"Say!" The sect elder nodded.

"Who is the master of the sect that the suzerain is talking about? With our strength, ordinary inner sect masters can't stand the challenge in turn, and if different people accept the challenge separately, there will be differences in strength, so... "

Huang Yu frowned slightly and hesitated to speak, but the sect elders knew what he meant very well.

"Hehe, don't worry! That person's strength cannot be shaken by you." The elder shook his head and smiled, and said lightly.

"Who is it?" Huang Yu frowned slightly, his face full of doubts.

Several other people were also very curious. There are indeed some top masters in the inner sect, but what kind of people will the sect arrange to test their strength?

You know, this person has to accept the challenge of seven people in turn. If he doesn't have enough cultivation background, I'm afraid there will still be unfair situations.

The most practical implication is that the first challenger will definitely face the greatest pressure, and the last challenger will undoubtedly take advantage of it.

After all, no matter how strong the inner sect master is, he will be exhausted in the face of the challenges of six or seven top disciples, and it is impossible to maintain a completely consistent level all the time.

"Don't worry, this man has no pressure to meet your challenge, and his name should be familiar to you!"

"Who is it?" Everyone stared wide-eyed and their spirits lifted.

The elder of the sect smiled lightly: "Hehe, this person is the third place in the last martial arts meeting of the sect, Duanmu Yunqi!"


"Duanmu Yunqi?"

"It turned out to be him!"

Hearing the words of the elders of the sect, both Huang Yu, Xuan Peng and the others all changed their expressions, and they were shocked!

Several of them looked at each other in blank dismay, all showing a serious look, with deep fear in their eyes.

"Hiss! This person is the third place in the last martial arts meeting of the sect, and a genius master among the senior disciples of the inner sect!"

"It's up to you to say, as an inner disciple, who doesn't know his name?"

"That's right, although he was only the third place in the last martial arts meeting, everyone should know that it happened three years ago. After three years of hard training, I really don't know how strong he is?"

"I have personally witnessed the martial arts meeting three years ago, and it was even more intense than this time. With Duanmu Yunqi's talent, I am afraid that three years later, we will be able to sweep the seven of us together! "

"Is it that exaggerated?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, hesitating.

"Hmph! What do you know, an outer disciple?" Huang Yu frowned when he heard this, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

But thinking of Jiang Tian's performance, the arrogance on his face could not help but fade a bit, but there was still obvious disdain in his eyes.

"Three years ago, Duanmu Yunqi was the top expert in the inner sect. After three years of hard training, how can you imagine his strength?"

"Maybe!" Jiang Tian smiled calmly, with a calm expression, without any expression of fear.

This made Huang Yu and the others quite speechless.

Chu Yun frowned slightly, rolled her eyes at Jiang Tian, ​​and said with a frown: "It is said that three years ago, Duanmu Yunqi had a chance to break into the final battle, but because he met the number one genius at that time in advance, he ended up in the third place regrettably!"

Lou Qingyan looked at Jiang Tian lightly and remained silent.

Pang Ning didn't have any special reaction, but Xuan Peng looked at Jiang Tian shaking his head and smiling wryly, his eyes slightly complicated.

This outer disciple might really have that kind of confidence, after all, he was an astonishing performance that knocked away a series of inner geniuses.

However, in front of Duanmu Yunqi's formidable strength, how could he have such confidence?

Maybe it's just because he started relatively late, and he hasn't heard of that person's reputation?

"Junior Sister Chu is right! I also know about this incident, and I witnessed it with my own eyes! Duanmu Yunqi only lost a small move at that time, but in the competition for third place, he won with an absolute advantage!"

Xuan Peng took a deep breath, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, and the embarrassing scene at the beginning reappeared in his mind, subconsciously nodded to Jiang Tian.

"Hmph! Don't think that you can be arrogant if you have a bit of aptitude. Let me tell you, Duanmu Yunqi's strength is obviously higher than those of us. You will understand soon!"

Huang Yu was speechless, and looked at Jiang Tian angrily and ignored him.

"Duanmu Yunqi... Could it be that he and Duanmuchen belong to the same family?" Jiang Tian muttered to himself, thoughtful.

Although he didn't know much about the Duanmu family, this kind of duplication of surnames is relatively rare and rare. These two are both masters in the inner sect, and their aptitude is stronger than the other.

"Huh? No, if Duanmu Yunqi accepts our challenge, is it still worth comparing?" Huang Yu's mouth suddenly twitched, and his face became rather ugly.

Duanmu Yunqi, as long as a name is enough to make him daunting, wouldn't it be self-defeating to challenge him again?

Xuanpeng shook his head and sneered: "Brother Huang is thinking too much, the sect just let him test our strength, of course not let him compete with us with real swords and guns, what do you have to worry about?"

Huang Yu was startled when he heard the words, then shook his head and smiled wryly, mocking himself endlessly.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Xuan is right, I am indeed overthinking, let Duanmu Yunqi test our strength, there is indeed no problem!"

Huang Yu smiled and sighed, secretly admiring the high-level plan of the sect was indeed very sophisticated.

It is said that seven people challenged one after another, even if there are seven more, it is impossible to shake Duanmu Yunqi, let alone cause any fluctuations in his strength.

All doubts were eliminated, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, swallowing the elixir and preparing to start the follow-up challenge.

"Hey! Brother Jiang, time is precious, why don't you swallow the pill to restore your spiritual power?" Xuan Peng had just swallowed two precious pills, but when he turned his head, he saw Jiang Tian standing beside him with a calm face. Any action has no intention of swallowing the pill to restore spiritual power!

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