Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1275 Secret Struggle

Could it be that after these few rounds, he didn't have any hidden wounds on his body?

Could it be that his physical body is really so strong?

Well, even if there are no major or minor injuries on the body, after several consecutive battles, the spiritual power will always be lost, so why don't you hurry up and recover?

However, Jiang Tian obviously didn't have this plan. He just shook his head and smiled when he heard the other party's reminder, and didn't take out any pills.

However, Xuanpeng's kindness still warmed his heart. This inner genius is not as arrogant as others, and he always maintains a cautious and kind attitude, which makes him very fond of him.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xuan, for reminding me! I'm fine, and I don't need to swallow the pill for the time being."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and said lightly.

"This..." Xuan Peng was speechless when he heard the words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Although he was a little muttering in his heart, Jiang Tian didn't look like he was talking big, because his expression was extremely calm, without any exaggerated expression at all, let alone showing anything deliberately.

"Well, I think Junior Brother Jiang is very talented and has outstanding aptitude, so he doesn't worry about the loss of spiritual power. However, Duanmu Yunqi's strength is quite amazing, and he is by no means invincible to us. It is better to be cautious in everything!"

Xuan Peng nodded heavily, reminded Jiang Tian to stop talking after a few words, and seized the last time to forcibly refine the elixir to restore the lost spiritual power.

"Hmph! We inner geniuses don't dare to be careless. You, an outer disciple, are really arrogant!" Huang Yu frowned coldly, remembering the scene where Jiang Tian defeated Ke Jiu, he was a little dissatisfied.

He and Ke Jiu have a pretty good relationship on weekdays, and the strength of the two is also very close, almost between brothers.

If it were him, he wouldn't dare to say he won lightly, even if he thought he wouldn't lose, he wouldn't have much advantage at all.

However, Jiang Tian, ​​a disciple of Chongyang Foreign School, easily defeated Ke Jiu and gained a lot of limelight because of this, which inevitably made him jealous, and besides the jealousy, he was extremely dissatisfied!

Especially when he saw that Jiang Tian didn't listen to Xuan Peng's advice, and was full of confidence and self-righteousness, he felt even more uncomfortable.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I advise you not to be too self-righteous. With your cultivation level, your spiritual power consumption will only be greater than ours. If you want to get a good ranking in Duanmu Yunqi's hands, you should try your best to make full preparations! "

"Hehe, I don't need Senior Brother Huang to worry about my affairs." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled indifferently, not buying Huang Yu's words with guns and sticks.

Huang Yu's face darkened, and he sneered, "Since you're so confident, if you fall to the bottom later, don't blame us inner sect brothers for taking advantage!"

"Don't worry, I, Jiang Tian, ​​am by no means the kind of person who makes trouble for no reason!" Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and said indifferently.

"Hmph! When you are so arrogant, you will regret it!" Huang Yu snorted coldly and ignored Jiang Tian.

What is there to say to such an arrogant and self-righteous guy?

Xuan Peng persuaded him with kind words and provoked him with cold words, but Jiang Tian was unmoved, he was so stupid!

Like this kind of ignorant stuff, he will only wake up when he hits the iron plate and gets his head broken!

Huang Yu withdrew his gaze angrily, ignored Jiang Tian, ​​and forcibly refined the elixir to restore the lost spiritual power.

However, his mood was unable to calm down for a long time, recalling Jiang Tian's arrogance and arrogance, he couldn't help being angry.

He faintly felt that after defeating Ke Jiu, this outer disciple seemed to have completely ignored them, inner geniuses!

Did this kid really think that if he defeated Ke Jiu, he could also defeat Huang Yu?

How arrogant it is!

Huang Yu let out a breath of sulking, his face turned ashen for a while, but there was no two-two match in the future, obviously he had no chance to fight Jiang Tian directly.

"It's unreasonable! It's just a bastard who doesn't know the depth, how can I care so much? If you want to convince him, there will be a chance at any time!"

After frowning and thinking for a while, Huang Yu suddenly came to his senses, shook his head and sighed, and forcibly shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Even if he can defeat Jiang Tian now, others will say that he is bullying the small with the big. Even if he wants to teach this arrogant kid a lesson, he will have to wait until he is promoted to the inner sect.

At that time, both of them will be Xuanyue realm warriors, so naturally there will be no criticism when they fight against each other.

Only such a flawless victory can make him vent his depression!

The sect elder who presided over the martial arts meeting smiled and turned to look at a corner of the viewing platform.

There, there were a few deep-breathing inner disciples sitting leisurely, their postures were extremely casual, and there was a bit of a calm smile on their faces, and a little bit of unruly color.

"Duanmu Yunqi, why don't you come over?" The Zongmen elder's deep voice scattered over the square.

Many disciples who watched the battle lifted their spirits when they heard the words, and turned their heads to look over there in unison. All of them had bright eyes and were very excited!

"Look! That's Senior Brother Duanmu Yunqi!"

"Sure enough, he has an extraordinary bearing!"

"This is the real top expert in the inner sect!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the square, looking at the red-robed disciple who was sitting leaning on the high corner of the viewing platform, everyone showed reverence on their faces!

This is true for inner disciples, let alone outer disciples.

In their eyes, Duanmu Yunqi was as lofty as an insurmountable mountain, and the strong demeanor alone made them daunting!

After hearing the call from the elders of the sect, Duanmu Yunqi just got up lazily, but did not immediately go to the ring.

There were two other inner sect masters sitting beside him, and their aura was even comparable to his!

"Junior Brother Duanmu, your mouth is so serious, you didn't tell us a single word about being selected by the elders!" The white-robed disciple on the left shook his head and sneered, and teased.

"That's right, senior brother Duanmu, are you afraid that if the news leaks, we will snatch the job?" The green-robed disciple on the right twitched his eyes and smiled.

Duanmu Yunqi shook his head and smiled: "Where is this! If you two are interested, I can hand over this job at any time, how about it?"

"Forget it, even if you are willing, the elder may not agree, you should hurry up to the stage." The white-robed disciple waved his hands and smiled, not taking it seriously.

"Although I can complete the task when I go up, the elders obviously chose you after some consideration. After all, there is still a slight difference in our strength. It would be unfair to those seven people to change candidates hastily."

The seemingly plain words of the green-robed disciple caused the corners of Duanmu Yunqi's eyes to shrink, and his face sank slightly.

For some reason, Duanmu Yunqi's slightly squinted eyes flashed an icy color, revealing a bit of fighting intent!

"Jiao Bing! Are you exaggerating your words?" Duanmu Yunqi said in a deep voice. "Why, is senior brother Duanmu still brooding over what happened three years ago? But no matter how unconvinced you are, it won't change the fact that I am the second and you are the third!"

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